El Salvadoran President


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2021
Apparently this place is not the same as it once was.

Used to be the murder capital of the world. Used to be that gangs ruled this nation. Schemes and scams were it's economy.

Now...lowest crime rate in the free world. It's prisons are currently overflowing with gang members. The prisoners must behave to be afforded luxuries like a t-shirt and pants. Otherwise nope...they only get boxers to wear. They were brutal and uncompassionate when imprisoning gang members. You have a gang tattoo and you go to jail. No excuses and no mercy.

Their president just got re-Elected with 90% of the vote.

other nations in the region like the Tremendous Republic of Honduras are learning from Bukele.

As a result, many gangsters who are now unable to deal drugs or molest children with impunity in El Salvador are receiving asylum in Biden's America. Leading US lib politicians like Rep. A.O. Cortez of the Bronx are bitching and whining about the rights of MS13 and how they are being persecuted by the Bukele Administration.
other nations in the region like the Tremendous Republic of Honduras are learning from Bukele.

As a result, many gangsters who are now unable to deal drugs or molest children with impunity in El Salvador are receiving asylum in Biden's America. Leading US lib politicians like Rep. A.O. Cortez of the Bronx are bitching and whining about the rights of MS13 and how they are being persecuted by the Bukele Administration.
On some level (as much as I dislike her) I have to agree with AO Cortez. They used no compassion whatsoever. They imprisoned everyone with a gang tattoo that they didn't necessarily receive willingly. "Get a tattoo or die" was a reality for many people in the murder capital of the world. They went to jail with the rest.

So where there are many people unjustly imprisoned...they definitely got the thugs under control. Can't say otherwise. The results are astounding.

What is really scary....is how easily he did it.

What if his motives were less than honorable ones? Say he wanted to imprison all the Christians? Would he be able to? Or what if he only used the label of Christian but like the Nazis, had a very destructive religion characterized by very unchristian actions and principles? (Nazis were Lutherans)

Governments are not going to remove all the evil in the world....because if they do they are going to come for you and I very soon.
other nations in the region like the Tremendous Republic of Honduras are learning from Bukele.

As a result, many gangsters who are now unable to deal drugs or molest children with impunity in El Salvador are receiving asylum in Biden's America. Leading US lib politicians like Rep. A.O. Cortez of the Bronx are bitching and whining about the rights of MS13 and how they are being persecuted by the Bukele Administration.
Amna Nawaz of PBS 'interrogated' the vice-president of El Salvadore regarding treatment of the prisoners, actually accusing El Salvadore of human rights abuses. I almost threw something at the tv I was so mad.
The official currency in El Salvador is the US dollar. Same in Ecuador. Argentina to follow.
Amna Nawaz of PBS 'interrogated' the vice-president of El Salvadore regarding treatment of the prisoners, actually accusing El Salvadore of human rights abuses. I almost threw something at the tv I was so mad.
Accusations without proof is malice aforethought. Used to be a crime. Still is in a few places. We have so normalized it that it's regarded as simple losing anymore.

However, if we made it to where "accusing loser" gets the treatment they wanted to have done to the innocent....things would change drastically.
Accusations without proof is malice aforethought. Used to be a crime. Still is in a few places. We have so normalized it that it's regarded as simple losing anymore.

However, if we made it to where "accusing loser" gets the treatment they wanted to have done to the innocent....things would change drastically.
She didn't actually accuse, but cited the accusations of human rights organizations in such a tone that it was 'accusative'.
Apparently this place is not the same as it once was.

Used to be the murder capital of the world. Used to be that gangs ruled this nation. Schemes and scams were it's economy.

Now...lowest crime rate in the free world. It's prisons are currently overflowing with gang members. The prisoners must behave to be afforded luxuries like a t-shirt and pants. Otherwise nope...they only get boxers to wear. They were brutal and uncompassionate when imprisoning gang members. You have a gang tattoo and you go to jail. No excuses and no mercy.

Their president just got re-Elected with 90% of the vote.

Amazing when you actually deliver on your promises and improve peoples' lives as a result.
Amna Nawaz of PBS 'interrogated' the vice-president of El Salvadore regarding treatment of the prisoners, actually accusing El Salvadore of human rights abuses. I almost threw something at the tv I was so mad.

The left is full of people like that and ultimately it is the problem with the liberal leaning justice systems most of the western world has. We seem to be more concerned with the well being of the criminals than we are with their victims and as a result we have rampant crime. Even if we had a president, governor, mayor, who pushed for similar crackdowns on crime they would end up being hamstrung by our courts and that's the problem and liberals screaming about the "terrible abuses" of our prisoners.
She didn't actually accuse, but cited the accusations of human rights organizations in such a tone that it was 'accusative'.
But if we held the human rights organizations accountable?

They shouldn't be allowed to hide behind such a flimsy excuse of "we are a charity".

Let's see their evidence....

Where I'm sure that a few innocents were locked up with the guilty....still doesn't mean that blanket accusations of widespread evil was afoot.

And I'm sincere in that...let's see the evidence. Let's free the innocent but keep the rest behind bars.
But if we held the human rights organizations accountable?

They shouldn't be allowed to hide behind such a flimsy excuse of "we are a charity".

Let's see their evidence....

Where I'm sure that a few innocents were locked up with the guilty....still doesn't mean that blanket accusations of widespread evil was afoot.

And I'm sincere in that...let's see the evidence. Let's free the innocent but keep the rest behind bars.
The vice-president addressed that question saying that every arrestee is investigated which has led to many being released, and in an expedited manner.
It is of some note to say that the re-election, according to the El Salvadore constitution, was illegal.

The President only was able to run because he fired their Supreme Court judges.
(Which is kinda "out there")

But with a 90% vote....it kinda doesn't matter at this point. This IS what the people wanted...so I can't fault or blame his actions...he is giving his people what they really want. Even though he put 75,000 people in prison. And for a small country like El Salvadore....that's a LOT.
Here's an illustrative story.
Once upon a time, there was a country called El Salvador.

And it was a Cold War battleground, one of many.
On the one hand, the Soviets sponsored the local Marxist guerrillas.

On the other, the U.S. government helped the local government fight them.
Armed them, trained them, etc.
The government death squads were killing everyone indiscriminately, and the US turned a blind eye to it on the principle of "our sons of bitches".
Who would have thought it, but it caused a flood of refugees.
And guess where - to the US.
Half a million Salvadorans fled and settled mostly in Los Angeles.
Los Angeles in the 80's was then ruled by gangs (spawned, again, by the American war on drugs).
To avoid being easy prey, the young salvadorans started to create their own gang.
And that gang eventually became the very cool and famous MS-13.

For who would have thought it, but the gang was led by Salvadoran Special Forces, once trained by the United States.
But then the U.S. government woke up and took up the fight against gang violence.
Sent a bunch of Salvadoran gangsters home to El Salvador.
There they predictably went about doing what they're good at.
Eventually El Salvador became one big criminal enclave.
But a couple years ago, the local government decided to take the bull by the horns.

And began to fight banditry in the format of an all-arms operation.
A state of emergency was declared, allowing the military to search and detain without trial.
Almost 2% of the population was behind bars. And the survival rate in Salvadoran prisons is so-so..

But it worked, I must say.
Gangsters are now hiding in the woods.
The murder rate is down by half.
Businesses are breathing easy.

Now, however, another problem is the government itself.
The 30-day state of emergency has been in place for two years, and the format of the war on gangsterism has also caught those, who investigated government corruption..
All in all, El Salvador is hovering between a pirate free-for-all and an authoritarian barracks..
But what is interesting is this: in the course of all this history, the ordinary american common man was surely confirming his stereotypes about "criminal migrants", who "only know how to kill and rob ..
Completely unreflective of the fact that these thugs were spawned by his own government with his own money.
Where did those scary tattooed faces come from?
Fuck knows. I guess they're born this way..

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