EDUCATION is falling...Males, Covid,Demographic Cliff

It's a combination of unaffordable tuition that never seems to abate as it goes up every year and the PC bullshit that is shoved down the throats of their children?

Do parents want to pay $100,000 for their daughter to go to Stanford, only to discover she later had a sex change without your knowing about it at the University, and then want to disown her parents?
This is the sort of crap that is happening.
But it is Biden that is pushing up the tuition costs. He is a stupid man

THis is obvious to anyone wiht a business background, CMA, etc

"A 2017 study from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York found that the average tuition increase associated with expansion of student loans is as much as 60 cents per dollar. That is, more federal aid to students enables colleges to raise tuition more."

Stupid, stupid Biden just did it again with housing. He is offering $10 000 for home buyers and the prices are going UP. If the seller knows you've got that extra dough he can raise it and you can pay it
College has become too expensive. Those that are smart and actually do research have realized that even though most colleges and universities claim to be non-profit, they are actually about making money. How else would they exist?

Many of the classes required for a degree have nothing to do with that degree and are a waste of time and money for the student. Those classes are forced upon the students so that the institutions can keep the students in the system longer. Think about it - why would someone earning a degree in computer science be required to take a class in music theory?

Take into account that Pell Grants covered about 3/4 of the costs of a degree; now it's a tiny fraction and many have to take out loans to cover the costs in addition to working to cover living expenses. By the time many graduate, they are in debt for life.

Someone can learn a trade by on-the-job training or going to a tech school for a couple of years (covered by Pell Grants) and earn more right out the door than someone with a 4 year degree.

College has become too expensive. Those that are smart and actually do research have realized that even though most colleges and universities claim to be non-profit, they are actually about making money. How else would they exist?

Many of the classes required for a degree have nothing to do with that degree and are a waste of time and money for the student. Those classes are forced upon the students so that the institutions can keep the students in the system longer. Think about it - why would someone earning a degree in computer science be required to take a class in music theory?

Take into account that Pell Grants covered about 3/4 of the costs of a degree; now it's a tiny fraction and many have to take out loans to cover the costs in addition to working to cover living expenses. By the time many graduate, they are in debt for life.

Someone can learn a trade by on-the-job training or going to a tech school for a couple of years (covered by Pell Grants) and earn more right out the door than someone with a 4 year degree.

Pell Grant is colleges colluding with Big Government so that outrageous tuition costs can be buffered just enough that you attempt the horrible deal.
It seems any time you find a way to make money, there are those watching to find ways to keep you from making it.

It's all about disempowering the average citizen.
Yep, this issue started long, long ago. Our system is f ed up and has been a long time. I went into engineering in the 80s. Was expensive. Hard as hell and worse all the teachers were foreign. Could not understand half of what they said with their broken English. Start to fix by reducing costs and professors that speak damned English.All that money and time spent on a system that I old not even get a damned English speaking teacher. I was in a blind rage half the time.
Many colleges will fail and die? Why is that a bad thing?
It is the same reason that watching someone die from cancer is a bad thing

The human body is a glorious creation, but when infected with an organism that will kill it, at some point is simply better for that body to pass than to watch is suffer more and more every day, but it would be preferable for the cancer to be gone.

Colleges are the same way. They were created by religious folk to bless the world, which they did, but now they have been invaded by a new organism and a new religion, which is causing all this suffering and Nazi-like antisemitism and hate. Although it may be better for us to just let nature take its course and let them all die, it is a sad thing knowing the world was once a better place for them being there.
So males are dramatically declining college as never before in our history.
Covid ( actually Biden, kissing the Teachers Union) knocked down attendance and it never recovered
And the Demographic Cliff starts in earnest next semester.

Many colleges will fail and die. So be it.
"the college-going population is expected to shrink across the next five to 10 years by as many as 15 percentage points."
The best thing Americans can do, I think, is to find ways to survive apart from the system, such as bartering and doing favors for each other, etc. Or find way to make cash under the table that is not taxable, that is, before they digitalize everything.

You sure seem to enjoy being melodramatic

Anyways, cash-under-the-table jobs aren’t hard to get if you know where to look. I worked under the table for years

But even tax free, you tend to make less per hour then you would at a “real” job with a college degree or professional license

Plus, no benefits, no guaranteed hours, no disability….
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It was required for me and the others that were in the program.
No, it wasn’t

As someone said, you probably had to take one humanity class and you chose music theory.

You could’ve picked something more practical like Spanish or something if you’d wanted to
It's a combination of unaffordable tuition that never seems to abate as it goes up every year and the PC bullshit that is shoved down the throats of their children?

Do parents want to pay $100,000 for their daughter to go to Stanford, only to discover she later had a sex change without your knowing about it at the University, and then want to disown her parents?
This is the sort of crap that is happening.
True. Modern College sucks.
So males are dramatically declining college as never before in our history.
Covid ( actually Biden, kissing the Teachers Union) knocked down attendance and it never recovered
And the Demographic Cliff starts in earnest next semester.

Many colleges will fail and die. So be it.
"the college-going population is expected to shrink across the next five to 10 years by as many as 15 percentage points."
Over the past decade, there has been a notable decline in male college enrollment. Factors contributing to this trend include the increasing appeal of trades and technical careers, which often offer quicker and more certain financial returns than a four-year degree.
There are a lot of trends that are moving in the same direction.
  • The Vietnam War pushed millions of Yoots into college who never would have considered it if it were not for the Draft,
  • The Baby Boom ushered in a demographic "blip" that colleges tried to exploit, expanding greatly,
  • Masses of new marginal students demanded that colleges water down courses and majors, so that people who were not really "college material" could come and graduate,
  • As a result, college degrees became less and less valuable,
  • The Federal government has continually thrown more and more money into "higher education," thus inducing colleges to raise tuitions,
  • The skilled trades have become MORE valuable over time because the work needs to be done, and people are willing to pay a lot of money for competent work,
  • College tuitions have skyrocketed at a rate far greater than the rate of inflation,
  • Boys generally do not like going to school; girls thrive in an academic setting.
Ultimately, the decline of college as a part of male development is a net good thing. Too many have simply used college as a way of avoiding or delaying the assumption of the responsibilities of adulthood. Whether there are a sufficient number of "good" jobs to go around has yet to be seen. Employers are complaining that "Nobody wants to work anymore," and would-be employees say that the jobs are all crappy and not worth taking.
How much would it cost to produce a K-12 National Recommended Reading List? The majority of books are mediocre to crap. So if school is mediocre teachers using mediocre books couldn't an excellent book list be better?

100 books for kindergarten
200 books for 1st Grade
300 books for 2nd Grade

That would come to 9100 books for K-12.

I could have read this in high school if I had known about it:

The Tyranny of Words (1938) by Stuart Chase

George Orwell mentioned Chase in an essay on politics. Chase published the book, A New Deal shortly before FDR's famous speech. He was a member of FDR's brain trust.

There is lots of old sci-fi free on the Internet now:

Little Fuzzy by H. Beam Piper
The Servant Problem by Robert F. Young
Black Man's Burden &
Border, Breed nor Birth by Mack Reynolds
Omnilingual by H Beam Piper
Deathworld by Harry Harrison
The Status Civilization by Robert Sheckley

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