Zone1 Easter Festival


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
There is a church just one block away from our place. Today, they put on an Easter festival for (mostly) young kids. The Mrs. and I wrapped up our youngest and took him over to check it out. It was really nice. They had different "stations" where church members told the kids about different parts of the story of Easter (without getting into the deeper aspects of theology, of course). There was an Easter-egg hunt, games, a bounce house, balloon animals, snacks, etc. It was a nice time, and the boy enjoyed himself. The Mrs. ran into a bunch of her friends from the neighborhood, so they had a good chat while the kids played.
There is a church just one block away from our place. Today, they put on an Easter festival for (mostly) young kids. The Mrs. and I wrapped up our youngest and took him over to check it out. It was really nice. They had different "stations" where church members told the kids about different parts of the story of Easter (without getting into the deeper aspects of theology, of course). There was an Easter-egg hunt, games, a bounce house, balloon animals, snacks, etc. It was a nice time, and the boy enjoyed himself. The Mrs. ran into a bunch of her friends from the neighborhood, so they had a good chat while the kids played.
happy Easter to you and your family! :)
Oh, I forgot to mention that almost everyone there (and there were A LOT of people there) was a first or second generation immigrant. Most of the younguns were born here in the US. I got a chance to chat in four languages. A really nice event for the neighborhood and the church community. Not our church, but lots of very nice people.
Oh, I forgot to mention that almost everyone there (and there were A LOT of people there) was a first or second generation immigrant. Most of the younguns were born here in the US. I got a chance to chat in four languages. A really nice event for the neighborhood and the church community. Not our church, but lots of very nice people.
thanks for sharing, Unkotare!
Liebe Brüder und Schwestern, jeder Krieg hat Auswirkungen, welche die ganze Menschheit betreffen: von den Todesfällen über das Flüchtlingsdrama bis hin zur Wirtschafts- und Ernährungskrise, deren Vorboten bereits erkennbar sind. Angesichts der anhaltenden Zeichen des Krieges wie auch der vielen schmerzhaften Niederlagen des Lebens ermutigt uns Christus, der Sieger über Sünde, Angst und Tod, nicht dem Bösen und der Gewalt nachzugeben. Lassen wir uns vom Frieden Christi überwältigen! Der Frieden ist möglich, der Frieden ist eine Pflicht, der Frieden ist die vorrangige Verantwortung aller!
Pope Francis
Dear brothers and sisters, every war has consequences that affect the whole of humanity: from the deaths to the refugee drama to the economic and food crisis, the harbingers of which are already recognisable. In the face of the persistent signs of war as well as the many painful defeats of life, Christ, the victor over sin, fear and death, encourages us not to give in to evil and violence. Let us allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by the peace of Christ! Peace is possible, peace is a duty, peace is the primary responsibility of all!

God may help us all specially the Russians and Ukrainians, the Israeli and Palestians and everyone with a wounded heart. Lord, give peace to all hearts. People of the world, take his peace into your heart.

  • Geseënde Paasfees
  • Gëzuar Pashkët
  • feseh Magied
  • Kuhreestos harryav ee merrelotz
  • Ondo izan Bazko garaian
  • Maogmang Pagkabuhay na Liwat ni Kristo
  • Pask Seder
  • estit Velikden
  • Bona Pasqua
  • Felis Pasgua
  • fuhkwuhtjit faailohk
  • fùhuójié kuàilè
  • Sretan Uskrs
  • Veselé Velikonoce
  • God påske
  • Vrolijk Pasen, Zalige paasdagen, Zalig Pasen
  • Happy Easter
  • Feliĉan pask(fest)on
  • Häid lihavõttepühi
  • Gleðilig páskir
  • Hyvää Pääsiäistä / Iloista pääsiäistä
  • Joyeuses Pâques
  • Buine Pasche
  • Boas Pascuas
  • giloc avt a?dgomas- frm
  • Kaló Páskha
  • E ôlelo mâlie
  • chag pascha same’ach
  • Kellemes Húsvéti Ünnepeket
  • Gleðilega páska
  • Selamat Paskah
  • Cáisc Shona Dhuit/Dhaoibh, Beannachtaí na Cásca
  • Buona Pasqua
  • 嬉しいイースター
  • haengpoghan puhwarcheori toesikir
  • Prospera Pascha sit
  • Prieci’gus Ziemsve’tkus
  • Linksmu velyku.
  • Schéin Ouschteren
  • Sreken Veligden
  • God påske
  • Wesol`ych S`wia`t
  • Boa Páscoa, Páscoa Feliz, Feliz Páscoa
  • Paste Fericit
  • Xristos voskrese
  • A’ Chàisg sona
  • Hristos vaskrse
  • Milostiplné prežitie Ve?kono?ných sviatkov
  • ¡Felices Pascuas!
  • Heri kwa sikukuu ya Pasaka
  • Glad Påsk
  • hayirli paskalya
  • Z Velykodnimy sviatamy
  • eid mubarak
  • Pasg Hapus
  • Eku odun ajinde
  • IPhasika elijabulayo / IPhasika elithokozayo

Christus surréxit! - Surréxit vere.
"He is not here; for he has risen, as he said"

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There is a church just one block away from our place. Today, they put on an Easter festival for (mostly) young kids. The Mrs. and I wrapped up our youngest and took him over to check it out. It was really nice. They had different "stations" where church members told the kids about different parts of the story of Easter (without getting into the deeper aspects of theology, of course). There was an Easter-egg hunt, games, a bounce house, balloon animals, snacks, etc. It was a nice time, and the boy enjoyed himself. The Mrs. ran into a bunch of her friends from the neighborhood, so they had a good chat while the kids played.
it was lacking any mention of transgenders and inclusion then it's bigoted

How dare you and your hate filled neighbors

Slave of Putin, do not overestimate yourselve and your evil masters. Also devils are only creation.

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Oh, I forgot to mention that almost everyone there (and there were A LOT of people there) was a first or second generation immigrant. Most of the younguns were born here in the US. I got a chance to chat in four languages. A really nice event for the neighborhood and the church community. Not our church, but lots of very nice people.

Dah! I can't remember which denomination it is here that has an entirely Asian service.

I think it's Methodist, but it could be Presbyterian.
There is a church just one block away from our place. Today, they put on an Easter festival for (mostly) young kids. The Mrs. and I wrapped up our youngest and took him over to check it out. It was really nice. They had different "stations" where church members told the kids about different parts of the story of Easter (without getting into the deeper aspects of theology, of course). There was an Easter-egg hunt, games, a bounce house, balloon animals, snacks, etc. It was a nice time, and the boy enjoyed himself. The Mrs. ran into a bunch of her friends from the neighborhood, so they had a good chat while the kids played.
Excellent. We had an egg roll and bounce house and stuff.

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