Donald Trump needs to go to Maui and stand with the victims Joe Biden is ignoring


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
The Democrats claim to be the party that cares about people of color and indigenous people. In fact, what we have observed recently in Maui and Gaza is 180 degrees in the opposite direction of that. We had this phony "fire" out in Maui where cars parked on pavement had their tires completely melted off - melting point of tire rubber is 1100F.

Now the "MAGA media" has reported that the Lahaina residents are

a) being forced to pay their mortgages while not being allowed to rebuild
b) are not being allowed to rebuild because "climate change will make the oceans rise"
c) that the Biden Administration is hostile and uncooperative
d) that the state government is even worse

It is perfectly clear that the World Economic Forum types want the native indigenous people of color on Maui off(ed) the island. Then likely comes some "James Bond villain" plan to use Maui as a refuge of survivors from whatever Bill Gates' next plan to "control overpopulation" may involve.

This all presents a golden opportunity for Donald Trump, to fill the void, to be the President since our "President" is a senile invalid puppet.

Go out to Maui and stand with those people, Mr. Trump.

But be smart and careful, and keep it quiet and private with just the victims. Maui is where pavement can get to over 1100F with no good explanation other than Milley's Direct Energy Weapons lab is there...

If the state govt of Hawaii is claiming ocean rise prevents them from rebuilding, then maybe the Obamas should be forced out of their beachfront property on MV.

One claim from the "climate skeptic" side 20 years ago is that the "warmers," loaded with taxpayer $$$, went out to Hawaii and tried to bribe the natives to claim an "ocean rise." The natives said NO. They care about TRUTH. That is a good place to start....
Have you ever seen the fiasco involved in a presidential visit. No one involved in a disaster needs that.

Trump visited East Palestine. Biden did not.

This, what happened in Maui, is unacceptable...

Great opportunity to stand up and show the Biden klan that they do not have the right to simply murder and push these people off their island...
Biden can’t go and speak spontaneously anywhere

While it is understandable that the Biden Klan won't talk about Maui, there is no good excuse for any patriotic American with an IQ over 5 to sit back and let this happen.

Bill Gates and his pals want Maui. Chris Wray is enabling that. WE as AMERICANS should ALL FIGHT BACK.
Joe could give a RATS ASS about blacks or burn victims of Maui...:bigbed:

The GOP could bring in Chris Wray and ask him to explain what melted the tires...


The Zionist Fascist portion of the GOP wants Bill Gates to push the natives off Maui....
Tennessee is also part of the conspiracy.

And we could find many more examples.

Obviously, TheJoos were involved somehow.

and the trees in the background are not even burned...

Something melted that aluminum, but it wasn't a wood fire at a higher elevation.

To melt that aluminum, you would need 1200F UNDER THE CAR.... and the "forest fire" excuse is as lame as it is off by several hundred degrees...
The Democrats claim to be the party that cares about people of color and indigenous people. In fact, what we have observed recently in Maui and Gaza is 180 degrees in the opposite direction of that. We had this phony "fire" out in Maui where cars parked on pavement had their tires completely melted off - melting point of tire rubber is 1100F.

Now the "MAGA media" has reported that the Lahaina residents are

a) being forced to pay their mortgages while not being allowed to rebuild
b) are not being allowed to rebuild because "climate change will make the oceans rise"
c) that the Biden Administration is hostile and uncooperative
d) that the state government is even worse

It is perfectly clear that the World Economic Forum types want the native indigenous people of color on Maui off(ed) the island. Then likely comes some "James Bond villain" plan to use Maui as a refuge of survivors from whatever Bill Gates' next plan to "control overpopulation" may involve.

This all presents a golden opportunity for Donald Trump, to fill the void, to be the President since our "President" is a senile invalid puppet.

Go out to Maui and stand with those people, Mr. Trump.

But be smart and careful, and keep it quiet and private with just the victims. Maui is where pavement can get to over 1100F with no good explanation other than Milley's Direct Energy Weapons lab is there...

If the state govt of Hawaii is claiming ocean rise prevents them from rebuilding, then maybe the Obamas should be forced out of their beachfront property on MV.

One claim from the "climate skeptic" side 20 years ago is that the "warmers," loaded with taxpayer $$$, went out to Hawaii and tried to bribe the natives to claim an "ocean rise." The natives said NO. They care about TRUTH. That is a good place to start....
Trump got no time for that nonsense. He needs to raise money. Have you donated today?
More forest fires melting aluminum-alloy wheel rims:

Greece, 2018

California, 2018

It is perfectly obvious that the Zionist Fascist is ready with bogus photos and claims here. A car pile-up is different than one car on pavement. Insert some flammables into the bottom car and presto...

The photo of the melted plastic light cover includes intact tires... sorry.

To create a "liquid aluminum" photo op is really not that hard, especially with AI. Indeed, the tech to do that was around Hollywood when it made Terminator 2....

In reality, to get the type of temperatures needed to melt aluminum or tire rubber, you'd have to put significant quantity of fuel, in this case wood, under the car, in this case under the pavement, which isn't realistic... When a "wildfire" in a dense forest is fully lit, with complete trees burning to the ground, you get that type of temperature OVER THE FIRES, not under. We do not see that on Maui. We see basically intact trees with minor branch and leafs burned. But the trunks are intact and not burned. Sorry, not close...

But it is not at all surprising that the left wing Mossad here are trying to confuse Americans as to whether or not Maui was "just a wildfire."

Keep them coming...
It's an interesting strategy. Presidents can't go everywhere there's a natural disaster, though they usually go to the ones that make national news. If Trump goes to these places he can show that he cares and Biden doesn't. All Trump has to do is listen with a sympathetic ear.
It's an interesting strategy. Presidents can't go everywhere there's a natural disaster, though they usually go to the ones that make national news. If Trump goes to these places he can show that he cares and Biden doesn't. All Trump has to do is listen with a sympathetic ear.

He can also SLAM the ABUSE OF POWER over the phony "Global Warming" Co2 FRAUD.

And then he can apologize for appointing Chris Wray and promise to appoint a NON ZIONIST FASCIST to FBI Director this time...
He can also SLAM the ABUSE OF POWER over the phony "Global Warming" Co2 FRAUD.
That will play in Republican areas, but not Democrat ones. Democrats are in the thrall of the global warming lie.
And then he can apologize for appointing Chris Wray and promise to appoint a NON ZIONIST FASCIST to FBI Director this time...

Trump is himself a Zionist so don't hold your breath waiting for him to appoint non-Zionists anywhere in government. He's so deep into Zionism that he even had a Kabbalah tutor.
The Democrats claim to be the party that cares about people of color and indigenous people. In fact, what we have observed recently in Maui and Gaza is 180 degrees in the opposite direction of that. We had this phony "fire" out in Maui where cars parked on pavement had their tires completely melted off - melting point of tire rubber is 1100F.

Now the "MAGA media" has reported that the Lahaina residents are

a) being forced to pay their mortgages while not being allowed to rebuild
b) are not being allowed to rebuild because "climate change will make the oceans rise"
c) that the Biden Administration is hostile and uncooperative
d) that the state government is even worse

It is perfectly clear that the World Economic Forum types want the native indigenous people of color on Maui off(ed) the island. Then likely comes some "James Bond villain" plan to use Maui as a refuge of survivors from whatever Bill Gates' next plan to "control overpopulation" may involve.

This all presents a golden opportunity for Donald Trump, to fill the void, to be the President since our "President" is a senile invalid puppet.

Go out to Maui and stand with those people, Mr. Trump.

But be smart and careful, and keep it quiet and private with just the victims. Maui is where pavement can get to over 1100F with no good explanation other than Milley's Direct Energy Weapons lab is there...

If the state govt of Hawaii is claiming ocean rise prevents them from rebuilding, then maybe the Obamas should be forced out of their beachfront property on MV.

One claim from the "climate skeptic" side 20 years ago is that the "warmers," loaded with taxpayer $$$, went out to Hawaii and tried to bribe the natives to claim an "ocean rise." The natives said NO. They care about TRUTH. That is a good place to start....
Did they ever find the school busses or the missing kids?
Did they ever find the school busses or the missing kids?

Not sure what they've found. Alison Steinberg of OANN said the workers hired to "clean up" had to sign non disclosure agreements....

Most likely because the only explanation is DEW....
The Democrats claim to be the party that cares about people of color and indigenous people. In fact, what we have observed recently in Maui and Gaza is 180 degrees in the opposite direction of that. We had this phony "fire" out in Maui where cars parked on pavement had their tires completely melted off - melting point of tire rubber is 1100F.

Now the "MAGA media" has reported that the Lahaina residents are

a) being forced to pay their mortgages while not being allowed to rebuild
b) are not being allowed to rebuild because "climate change will make the oceans rise"
c) that the Biden Administration is hostile and uncooperative
d) that the state government is even worse

It is perfectly clear that the World Economic Forum types want the native indigenous people of color on Maui off(ed) the island. Then likely comes some "James Bond villain" plan to use Maui as a refuge of survivors from whatever Bill Gates' next plan to "control overpopulation" may involve.

This all presents a golden opportunity for Donald Trump, to fill the void, to be the President since our "President" is a senile invalid puppet.

Go out to Maui and stand with those people, Mr. Trump.

But be smart and careful, and keep it quiet and private with just the victims. Maui is where pavement can get to over 1100F with no good explanation other than Milley's Direct Energy Weapons lab is there...

If the state govt of Hawaii is claiming ocean rise prevents them from rebuilding, then maybe the Obamas should be forced out of their beachfront property on MV.

One claim from the "climate skeptic" side 20 years ago is that the "warmers," loaded with taxpayer $$$, went out to Hawaii and tried to bribe the natives to claim an "ocean rise." The natives said NO. They care about TRUTH. That is a good place to start....
You need to be in a straightjacket.

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