Dialysis Thread

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
I just started on dialysis 2 weeks ago. I started wondering if there were other posters having this treatment who wanted to share stories about the treatment ?

Lets keep it non political and see if we can help each other.
Ive been on it a couple of weeks and found it incredibly boring. It seems pretty efficient but I just lie there doing nothing for a long period of time.
I have been on Dialysis 5 years. I am on the kidney list but frozen due to a recent surgery. Have to have doc release me but I have another surgery in June. (not dialysis related)

Are you on hemo at a clinic or did you start with home dialysis?

Any questions I would be happy to answer them for you. :)
I have been on Dialysis 5 years. I am on the kidney list but frozen due to a recent surgery. Have to have doc release me but I have another surgery in June. (not dialysis related)

Are you on hemo at a clinic or did you start with home dialysis?

Any questions I would be happy to answer them for you. :)
They offered me home dialsis but my eyesight is so bad I said no. I might look at it later when I get more condident.
5 years is a long time.. I cant think that far ahead. How do you get thru the 4 hours ? They make me lie still and I am scared to move. I just lie there wishing I was on my way home.
My late father was a dialysis patient. He experienced harsh side effects from the treatment in the beginning. He was constantly throwing up and he didn’t want to go to dialysis because he didn’t want to feel bad, but eventually the treatment became part of his schedule and him and his body got used to it. Dialysis extended his life a good ten years, but it wasn’t easy, although certainly worth it.

Tommy Tainant
Good luck to you and stick with it
Sorry to hear that Tommy. My Dad was on dialysis for 7 years. He had very serious health problems but it probably prolonged his life. Don't drive after treatment he passed out twice behind the wheel driving himself home until we stopped him from driving.
I gave my car to the son in law last year. Better than being tempted. I did have a dizzy spell last week so that is probably best.
The clinic runs taxis for everyone and ive noticed that they get hooked up first. If you have your own transport they treat you last so they can get rid of the taxis first.
I might try the taxis soon as its a pain for my family dragging me around.
My late father was a dialysis patient. He experienced harsh side effects from the treatment in the beginning. He was constantly throwing up and he didn’t want to go to dialysis because he didn’t want to feel bad, but eventually the treatment became part of his schedule and him and his body got used to it. Dialysis extended his life a good ten years, but it wasn’t easy, although certainly worth it.

Tommy Tainant
Good luck to you and stick with it
Thank you for that. Nobody explained how I would feel. Im 62 but I am the baby on the ward.
Your Dad sounds like a tough guy. Im not sure I am that tough but I can be an awkward sod/
They offered me home dialsis but my eyesight is so bad I said no. I might look at it later when I get more condident.
5 years is a long time.. I cant think that far ahead. How do you get thru the 4 hours ? They make me lie still and I am scared to move. I just lie there wishing I was on my way home.
5 Years feels like 50! Every time I drive up there, I tell myself I can't believe I am here. But there is life in there, when I can go and live another day. What I do to pass time is watch all the crazy news on all the crazy channels. Then next I watch the weather channel. Then I watch a few old movies and then Parking Wars. By then its time to go home. You can sleep or chat with your neighbor to bide some time. I am not supposed to move that arm so I can only shift the blankets and grab my phone.

BORING it is! But I try to distract myself even fantasizing about a beautiful cruise, things like that :)
I gave my car to the son in law last year. Better than being tempted. I did have a dizzy spell last week so that is probably best.
The clinic runs taxis for everyone and ive noticed that they get hooked up first. If you have your own transport they treat you last so they can get rid of the taxis first.
I might try the taxis soon as its a pain for my family dragging me around.
You should be able to get free medical transport as this is life sustaining and Medicaid covers it and other state programs. :)
5 Years feels like 50! Every time I drive up there, I tell myself I can't believe I am here. But there is life in there, when I can go and live another day. What I do to pass time is watch all the crazy news on all the crazy channels. Then next I watch the weather channel. Then I watch a few old movies and then Parking Wars. By then its time to go home. You can sleep or chat with your neighbor to bide some time. I am not supposed to move that arm so I can only shift the blankets and grab my phone.

BORING it is! But I try to distract myself even fantasizing about a beautiful cruise, things like that :)
Yeah, I upgraded my headphones and phone before I started. Downloaded all my facourite stuff and spotify have a limited selection of novels as well. Some days I cant be bothered with it but it helps if I can drop off for an hour or so.
I thought that American dia;ysis would be ahead of ours but it sounds quite similar.
I can tell you Tommy that "D" is pretty rough. I feel nauseated for about 10 hours afterwards and just take sips of water. I am extremely weak and just give up and lay down. I tried to fool my body and do things that my friends do but I have to pay attention and accept that removing all your blood out of your body is very draining. Do you have the upset stomach or the weakness? I am not sure everybody does but about 50% do have that after treatment.
I can tell you Tommy that "D" is pretty rough. I feel nauseated for about 10 hours afterwards and just take sips of water. I am extremely weak and just give up and lay down. I tried to fool my body and do things that my friends do but I have to pay attention and accept that removing all your blood out of your body is very draining. Do you have the upset stomach or the weakness? I am not sure everybody does but about 50% do have that after treatment.
I tend to feel queasy. Not sick although I was vomiting once. One night I got home and just collapsed on the couch. Couldnt get up the stairs. Was better in the morning.
We went to the pub for a meal. Its not far away and I walked there. About 60 or 70 yards. My wife had to go back for the car to fetch me home. It was like having all my energy drained away. Scary. I only had one pint as well.
Im going in for another bout in a few minutes. Dreading it really.
I tend to feel queasy. Not sick although I was vomiting once. One night I got home and just collapsed on the couch. Couldnt get up the stairs. Was better in the morning.
We went to the pub for a meal. Its not far away and I walked there. About 60 or 70 yards. My wife had to go back for the car to fetch me home. It was like having all my energy drained away. Scary. I only had one pint as well.
Im going in for another bout in a few minutes. Dreading it really.
Hang in there, I recall it was tough at first on my Dad but after a few treatments it got better.
I just started on dialysis 2 weeks ago. I started wondering if there were other posters having this treatment who wanted to share stories about the treatment ?

Lets keep it non political and see if we can help each other.
Ive been on it a couple of weeks and found it incredibly boring. It seems pretty efficient but I just lie there doing nothing for a long period of time.

If you love music, airpods and Apple Music. The quality of Apple v. Spotify is really something. I love Spotify for other things but when I really want to listen, it's Apple Music
If you love music, airpods and Apple Music. The quality of Apple v. Spotify is really something. I love Spotify for other things but when I really want to listen, it's Apple Music
Thanks Sue. I had apple music a few years ago. I knocked it on the head. You needed wifi to play music. A lot of places I used to visit didnt have that. I think I have tried them all since then.
My sil gave me his pods last years they were worth 300quid. But when they moved to Liverpool the little bugger pinched them back. Mrs T bought me a new pair but she wont say how much she spent. Just as well I suspect.

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