Debunking Biden’s deficit claims, one by one


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Debunking Biden’s deficit claims, one by one

15 Jab 2024 ~~ By Matthew Dickerson

The tale President Joe Biden tells is that his “Bidenomics” had a positive impact on the economy by reducing the budget deficit and getting inflation under control.
The problem is that it’s just not true.
On the one hand, we have the claims made by the White House and the Treasury, but on the other hand, we have the cold hard facts.
Unfortunately for the White House, the final budget data for fiscal year 2023 tells the story of out-of-control spending, even outpacing rising revenues, and the devastating effects that can have on an economy through inflation.
As we examine any president’s impact on economic policy, a key tool is the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) forecast. It shows what was projected under the laws that existed immediately before Biden’s inauguration in January 2021. When we compare that to the actual fiscal situation, we can assess the impact a president has had.
  • Federal spending last year was nearly $1 trillion higher than projections made before the Biden presidency. Remember that the next time you hear President Biden claim that he has reduced the deficit.
  • Leading the way in driving spending higher were $659 billion in interest payments, which exceeded the original forecast by an astonishing 137 percent.
  • Interest costs surpassed expectations significantly due to both interest rates and the amount of debt being financed surging past what was anticipated back in 2021.
The nation’s fiscal trajectory is unsustainable, and Bidenomics has made things worse by growing spending and driving the deficit higher than it would have been.
American families are suffering from high inflation and lower real wages, direct consequences of irresponsible government spending.
House Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-La.) refusal to accept further spending hikes is a commonsense first step to restoring fiscal responsibility. To get the economy and the budget on track, lawmakers must remain steadfast in their efforts to reverse the curse of overspending and the national debt.

Hmm..., Democrat "New Speak". The deficit has been reduced because Joe Biden did not get as much to spend from Congress that he wanted.
The National Debt increased $2 trillion in the 28 weeks between 15 June and 29 Dec of 2023 and Biden wants more.
The Obiden Administration! :mad-61:


Debunking Biden’s deficit claims, one by one

15 Jab 2024 ~~ By Matthew Dickerson

The tale President Joe Biden tells is that his “Bidenomics” had a positive impact on the economy by reducing the budget deficit and getting inflation under control.
The problem is that it’s just not true.
On the one hand, we have the claims made by the White House and the Treasury, but on the other hand, we have the cold hard facts.
Unfortunately for the White House, the final budget data for fiscal year 2023 tells the story of out-of-control spending, even outpacing rising revenues, and the devastating effects that can have on an economy through inflation.
As we examine any president’s impact on economic policy, a key tool is the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) forecast. It shows what was projected under the laws that existed immediately before Biden’s inauguration in January 2021. When we compare that to the actual fiscal situation, we can assess the impact a president has had.
  • Federal spending last year was nearly $1 trillion higher than projections made before the Biden presidency. Remember that the next time you hear President Biden claim that he has reduced the deficit.
  • Leading the way in driving spending higher were $659 billion in interest payments, which exceeded the original forecast by an astonishing 137 percent.
  • Interest costs surpassed expectations significantly due to both interest rates and the amount of debt being financed surging past what was anticipated back in 2021.
The nation’s fiscal trajectory is unsustainable, and Bidenomics has made things worse by growing spending and driving the deficit higher than it would have been.
American families are suffering from high inflation and lower real wages, direct consequences of irresponsible government spending.
House Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-La.) refusal to accept further spending hikes is a commonsense first step to restoring fiscal responsibility. To get the economy and the budget on track, lawmakers must remain steadfast in their efforts to reverse the curse of overspending and the national debt.

Hmm..., Democrat "New Speak". The deficit has been reduced because Joe Biden did not get as much to spend from Congress that he wanted.
The National Debt increased $2 trillion in the 28 weeks between 15 June and 29 Dec of 2023 and Biden wants more.
Remember, what was it? 100+ "economic experts" signed a letter saying that the I.R.A would NOT cause inflation.

Does anyone know the names of the people who signed this? They deserve at least an email from any responsible adult to call them out. This loose use of truth harms everyone. Even a high school economic student would laugh at the suggestion that injecting over a trillion into an economy, even as big as the U.S, would NOT cause inflation to spike.
It should be clear to Americans now, Democrats are the absolute WORST when it comes to the economy and their radical left policies totally screw over the poor and working class. Nobody outside of government employee moochers should cast a vote for any Democrat.
We've already done this several times.

When do you wanna try to say he spent more than tRump?

Did you ever actually find anyone who's suffering under this economy?

Do you wanna tell us again how the absolutely normal and expected trajectory of the Fed is terrible?

Stop wasting bandwidth with this crap.

Debunking Biden’s deficit claims, one by one

15 Jab 2024 ~~ By Matthew Dickerson

The tale President Joe Biden tells is that his “Bidenomics” had a positive impact on the economy by reducing the budget deficit and getting inflation under control.
The problem is that it’s just not true.
On the one hand, we have the claims made by the White House and the Treasury, but on the other hand, we have the cold hard facts.
Unfortunately for the White House, the final budget data for fiscal year 2023 tells the story of out-of-control spending, even outpacing rising revenues, and the devastating effects that can have on an economy through inflation.
As we examine any president’s impact on economic policy, a key tool is the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) forecast. It shows what was projected under the laws that existed immediately before Biden’s inauguration in January 2021. When we compare that to the actual fiscal situation, we can assess the impact a president has had.
  • Federal spending last year was nearly $1 trillion higher than projections made before the Biden presidency. Remember that the next time you hear President Biden claim that he has reduced the deficit.
  • Leading the way in driving spending higher were $659 billion in interest payments, which exceeded the original forecast by an astonishing 137 percent.
  • Interest costs surpassed expectations significantly due to both interest rates and the amount of debt being financed surging past what was anticipated back in 2021.
The nation’s fiscal trajectory is unsustainable, and Bidenomics has made things worse by growing spending and driving the deficit higher than it would have been.
American families are suffering from high inflation and lower real wages, direct consequences of irresponsible government spending.
House Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-La.) refusal to accept further spending hikes is a commonsense first step to restoring fiscal responsibility. To get the economy and the budget on track, lawmakers must remain steadfast in their efforts to reverse the curse of overspending and the national debt.

Hmm..., Democrat "New Speak". The deficit has been reduced because Joe Biden did not get as much to spend from Congress that he wanted.
The National Debt increased $2 trillion in the 28 weeks between 15 June and 29 Dec of 2023 and Biden wants more.
Oh look, an article claiming that both the problem and the cure are the same.

Not that'll change anybody's mind but here's a lesson in macroeconomics.

The WORLD not just the US but the WORLD, suffered and is still suffering from inflation. This has 3 main causes.

First you have COVID. This caused governments to pump massive amounts of money into the economy to minimize the effects of people not being able to work. Literally printing money and as such devaluating it's worth.

Second, and related you have supply chain problems caused by production of goods being slowed down. This caused price increases because of scarcity.

Third and probably least significant but still important. You have the Ukraine war. This caused a scarcity on the grain and oil and gas markets, again driving prices up.

To combat this the government has basically one tool. Raising interest rates. This basically takes money out of the economy, and slows down consumption. Alleviating the scarcity. You are trading economic growth for lowering inflation.

One of the side effects of that is that well... interest rates are higher and so are the payments the government has to pay for their existing debt.

I don't mind people complaining about the debt or inflation. Doing so at the same time is simply non-sensical.

Debunking Biden’s deficit claims, one by one

15 Jab 2024 ~~ By Matthew Dickerson

The tale President Joe Biden tells is that his “Bidenomics” had a positive impact on the economy by reducing the budget deficit and getting inflation under control.
The problem is that it’s just not true.
On the one hand, we have the claims made by the White House and the Treasury, but on the other hand, we have the cold hard facts.
Unfortunately for the White House, the final budget data for fiscal year 2023 tells the story of out-of-control spending, even outpacing rising revenues, and the devastating effects that can have on an economy through inflation.
As we examine any president’s impact on economic policy, a key tool is the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) forecast. It shows what was projected under the laws that existed immediately before Biden’s inauguration in January 2021. When we compare that to the actual fiscal situation, we can assess the impact a president has had.
  • Federal spending last year was nearly $1 trillion higher than projections made before the Biden presidency. Remember that the next time you hear President Biden claim that he has reduced the deficit.
  • Leading the way in driving spending higher were $659 billion in interest payments, which exceeded the original forecast by an astonishing 137 percent.
  • Interest costs surpassed expectations significantly due to both interest rates and the amount of debt being financed surging past what was anticipated back in 2021.
The nation’s fiscal trajectory is unsustainable, and Bidenomics has made things worse by growing spending and driving the deficit higher than it would have been.
American families are suffering from high inflation and lower real wages, direct consequences of irresponsible government spending.
House Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-La.) refusal to accept further spending hikes is a commonsense first step to restoring fiscal responsibility. To get the economy and the budget on track, lawmakers must remain steadfast in their efforts to reverse the curse of overspending and the national debt.

Hmm..., Democrat "New Speak". The deficit has been reduced because Joe Biden did not get as much to spend from Congress that he wanted.
The National Debt increased $2 trillion in the 28 weeks between 15 June and 29 Dec of 2023 and Biden wants more.
Wait a minute, Biden wouldn't lie to us, would he? He told us he would never lie.
Anyone who claims the country and world is in a better place than in February 2020 is FOS.
Oh look, an article claiming that both the problem and the cure are the same.

Not that'll change anybody's mind but here's a lesson in macroeconomics.

The WORLD not just the US but the WORLD, suffered and is still suffering from inflation. This has 3 main causes.

First you have COVID. This caused governments to pump massive amounts of money into the economy to minimize the effects of people not being able to work. Literally printing money and as such devaluating it's worth.

Second, and related you have supply chain problems caused by production of goods being slowed down. This caused price increases because of scarcity.

Third and probably least significant but still important. You have the Ukraine war. This caused a scarcity on the grain and oil and gas markets, again driving prices up.

To combat this the government has basically one tool. Raising interest rates. This basically takes money out of the economy, and slows down consumption. Alleviating the scarcity. You are trading economic growth for lowering inflation.

One of the side effects of that is that well... interest rates are higher and so are the payments the government has to pay for their existing debt.

I don't mind people complaining about the debt or inflation. Doing so at the same time is simply non-sensical.
Indeed, you're on the right track... Biden began his first day as dictator by rescinding all Trump executive orders, the pipeline and raising fuel prices.
Indeed, you're on the right track... Biden began his first day as dictator by rescinding all Trump executive orders, the pipeline and raising fuel prices.
I'm sure that sounds logical in your head. Unfortunately, that's the only place it does.
Indeed, you're on the right track... Biden began his first day as dictator by rescinding all Trump executive orders, the pipeline and raising fuel prices.
That makes a dictator?

Hilarious fuckup

Debunking Biden’s deficit claims, one by one

15 Jab 2024 ~~ By Matthew Dickerson

The tale President Joe Biden tells is that his “Bidenomics” had a positive impact on the economy by reducing the budget deficit and getting inflation under control.
The problem is that it’s just not true.
On the one hand, we have the claims made by the White House and the Treasury, but on the other hand, we have the cold hard facts.
Unfortunately for the White House, the final budget data for fiscal year 2023 tells the story of out-of-control spending, even outpacing rising revenues, and the devastating effects that can have on an economy through inflation.
As we examine any president’s impact on economic policy, a key tool is the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) forecast. It shows what was projected under the laws that existed immediately before Biden’s inauguration in January 2021. When we compare that to the actual fiscal situation, we can assess the impact a president has had.
  • Federal spending last year was nearly $1 trillion higher than projections made before the Biden presidency. Remember that the next time you hear President Biden claim that he has reduced the deficit.
  • Leading the way in driving spending higher were $659 billion in interest payments, which exceeded the original forecast by an astonishing 137 percent.
  • Interest costs surpassed expectations significantly due to both interest rates and the amount of debt being financed surging past what was anticipated back in 2021.
The nation’s fiscal trajectory is unsustainable, and Bidenomics has made things worse by growing spending and driving the deficit higher than it would have been.
American families are suffering from high inflation and lower real wages, direct consequences of irresponsible government spending.
House Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-La.) refusal to accept further spending hikes is a commonsense first step to restoring fiscal responsibility. To get the economy and the budget on track, lawmakers must remain steadfast in their efforts to reverse the curse of overspending and the national debt.

Hmm..., Democrat "New Speak". The deficit has been reduced because Joe Biden did not get as much to spend from Congress that he wanted.
The National Debt increased $2 trillion in the 28 weeks between 15 June and 29 Dec of 2023 and Biden wants more.
GDP is up
Inflation is down
Wages are increasing faster than inflation
Interest rates are coming down

Sorry tards. The economy is doing well
I'm sure that sounds logical in your head. Unfortunately, that's the only place it does.
Despite what the Quisling Media and the Wmite House tell us. Joey Bai Dung gave America inflation, supply end chaos, war in the Middle East and the death and wounding of our military.
It's hard to deny the facts especially when Iran proxies continue to show Bai Dung's weakness by supplying its proxies with weapons of mass destruction resulting ine death and maiming of American militaty personnel.
Despite what the Quisling Media and the Wmite House tell us. Joey Bai Dung gave America inflation, supply end chaos, war in the Middle East and the death and wounding of our military.
It's hard to deny the facts especially when Iran proxies continue to show Bai Dung's weakness by supplying its proxies with weapons of mass destruction resulting ine death and maiming of American militaty personnel.
Up your medication doc.

Debunking Biden’s deficit claims, one by one

15 Jab 2024 ~~ By Matthew Dickerson

The tale President Joe Biden tells is that his “Bidenomics” had a positive impact on the economy by reducing the budget deficit and getting inflation under control.
The problem is that it’s just not true.
On the one hand, we have the claims made by the White House and the Treasury, but on the other hand, we have the cold hard facts.
Unfortunately for the White House, the final budget data for fiscal year 2023 tells the story of out-of-control spending, even outpacing rising revenues, and the devastating effects that can have on an economy through inflation.
As we examine any president’s impact on economic policy, a key tool is the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) forecast. It shows what was projected under the laws that existed immediately before Biden’s inauguration in January 2021. When we compare that to the actual fiscal situation, we can assess the impact a president has had.
  • Federal spending last year was nearly $1 trillion higher than projections made before the Biden presidency. Remember that the next time you hear President Biden claim that he has reduced the deficit.
  • Leading the way in driving spending higher were $659 billion in interest payments, which exceeded the original forecast by an astonishing 137 percent.
  • Interest costs surpassed expectations significantly due to both interest rates and the amount of debt being financed surging past what was anticipated back in 2021.
The nation’s fiscal trajectory is unsustainable, and Bidenomics has made things worse by growing spending and driving the deficit higher than it would have been.
American families are suffering from high inflation and lower real wages, direct consequences of irresponsible government spending.
House Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-La.) refusal to accept further spending hikes is a commonsense first step to restoring fiscal responsibility. To get the economy and the budget on track, lawmakers must remain steadfast in their efforts to reverse the curse of overspending and the national debt.

Hmm..., Democrat "New Speak". The deficit has been reduced because Joe Biden did not get as much to spend from Congress that he wanted.
The National Debt increased $2 trillion in the 28 weeks between 15 June and 29 Dec of 2023 and Biden wants more.
Try explaining trump's nearly doubling the national debt and republicans not saying a word about it. I suppose they thought trump would declare the country bankrupt and try to get away with the biggest scheme ever.

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