Dark waters


Gold Member
Apr 23, 2011
The new movie about how Dupont was dumping poison that got into the water and was making people sick. Unfortunately Dupont only paid out 70 million dollars..that's a slap on a wrist. This movie is gonna be great. Robert billot is a hero.
Boiling kills bacteria and parasites and other such lovelies. It doesn't do jack for poison.
Just watched it on Netflix. A truly great though sad film. Starts slow then builds momentum. Warning: have Kleenex or a snot rag ready.

They should have paid a billion
A trillion minimum.
Boil your water
In a TEFLON coated pot?
Taking on a corporation and winning is awesome.
True, but PFAs are still a huge problem. The EPA has just begun getting serious:
Just watched it on Netflix. A truly great though sad film. Starts slow then builds momentum. Warning: have Kleenex or a snot rag ready.

A trillion minimum.

In a TEFLON coated pot?

True, but PFAs are still a huge problem. The EPA has just begun getting serious:

Seems like we have let industry run amok due to lack of regulations

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