Conservative Leaders Call on Kristen Clarke to Resign for Lying About Her Arrest and Weaponizing the DOJ

Was she ever arrested?

Yes, that is a fact

and she lied about it
Lefty only wants it to be bad when it serves his purpose.

In fact Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers, Frank Marshall Davis and a plethora of other left-wing icons all strenuously encouraged lying to the authorities in behalf of the righteous cause; And that's okay!

Let a conservative forget one detail (Not talking about Trump here because he's another one who's very loose with the truth) and suddenly the whole world depends on 100% accuracy 24/7 Right down to the last coma and exclamation point with the offending person deserving of an immediate firing squad.
It's important to use words the way they were intended to be used. Changing the meaning of words is how you begin the construction of a false narrative. I couldn't care less about Trump's court cases. He's done enough stupid shit in his life where the results were predictable.
Expunged in the context means
"Does not exist"
"Never happened"

In other words...

Just another
A distinction without a difference.

IRRELEVANT in this matter


The clearance process already exposed this.
That's what the clearance process does.

Just another MAGAT

Butthurt of the Day
It absolutely is relevant to everything.

there is truth. then there are lies.

legalism is not reality.
It absolutely is relevant to everything.

there is truth. then there are lies.

legalism is not reality.
That's why records are expunged.
If you don't like it, CHANGE THE LAW
but if it's TRUTH that worries you perhaps your MAGAT house is the place to start.
A distinction without a difference.

IRRELEVANT in this matter


The clearance process already exposed this.
That's what the clearance process does.

Just another MAGAT

Butthurt of the Day
I love you progtards and your idiotic interpretation of the law. A Finding of Factual Innocence returns you to being a virgin in the eyes of the law.

Nothing else does.
It means the record is IRRELEVANT
It means when asked about it you can respond NO TRUTHFULLY.
TRUTHFULLY there's your issue isn't it?
A Trumpophile is concerned over someone else's honesty.

How's about you clean up your own house
She has a PIN. Ask one of your fellow felons what that means.

I love you progtards and your idiotic interpretation of the law. A Finding of Factual Innocence returns you to being a virgin in the eyes of the law.

Nothing else does.
Not a finding of innocence dumbfuck.
an expungement.
That you're too stupid to know the difference is why you're a MAGAT.
Was she ever arrested?

Yes, that is a fact

and she lied about it
Arrested for what? Was she a juvenile at the time of the arrest? Was it a false arrest? Was she indicted and brought to trial? Or did she do a plea deal? Was it a misdemeanor?

So much is unknown....

The LAW states she can legally answer NO, to an employer asking her if she was ever arrested, if her arrest was expunged.

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