Christmas Massacre: 160 Nigerians Killed by Jihadists in Strong Christian Community

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
This seems to have been largely overlooked by the mainstream press. You would think a massacre of that size would merit fairly decent coverage worldwide, but I only now saw a quick blurb about it on Twitter. I'm sure we'll be seeing protests in New York and London and freeways shut down any hour now.....

More than 160 Christians were killed and 500 wounded in Nigeria on Christmas Day as radical Islamic terrorists struck in several predominantly Christian villages -- killing men, women, and children.

The attacks began on Saturday night and continued sporadically through Christmas Day, according to the Christian Post.

The terrorists also destroyed hundreds of people's homes during the attacks, leaving hundreds homeless in the counties of Barkin Ladi, Bokkos and Mangu, which are located in the central Nigerian Plateau State.

The African villages attacked were reportedly NTV, Maiyanga, Ruku, Hurum, Darwat, Dares, Chirang, Ruwi, Yelwa, Ndun, Ngyong, Murfet, Makundary, Tamiso, Chiang, Tahore, Gawarba, Dares, Meyenga, Darwat and Butura Kampani.

"Some pastors were killed, and another pastor and his wife and five children were killed during these attacks," Bokkos County resident Dawzino Mallau told the Morning Star News.

"These terrorists who attacked these Christian communities were in the hundreds, and they carried out the attacks as the hapless Christians were preparing for Christmas programs lined up by their pastors," Mallau added.

The largest number of those murdered were women, children, and the elderly -- all who could not run fast enough to get away.

This seems to have been largely overlooked by the mainstream press. You would think a massacre of that size would merit fairly decent coverage worldwide, but I only now saw a quick blurb about it on Twitter. I'm sure we'll be seeing protests in New York and London and freeways shut down any hour now.....

More than 160 Christians were killed and 500 wounded in Nigeria on Christmas Day as radical Islamic terrorists struck in several predominantly Christian villages -- killing men, women, and children.

The attacks began on Saturday night and continued sporadically through Christmas Day, according to the Christian Post.

The terrorists also destroyed hundreds of people's homes during the attacks, leaving hundreds homeless in the counties of Barkin Ladi, Bokkos and Mangu, which are located in the central Nigerian Plateau State.

The African villages attacked were reportedly NTV, Maiyanga, Ruku, Hurum, Darwat, Dares, Chirang, Ruwi, Yelwa, Ndun, Ngyong, Murfet, Makundary, Tamiso, Chiang, Tahore, Gawarba, Dares, Meyenga, Darwat and Butura Kampani.

"Some pastors were killed, and another pastor and his wife and five children were killed during these attacks," Bokkos County resident Dawzino Mallau told the Morning Star News.

"These terrorists who attacked these Christian communities were in the hundreds, and they carried out the attacks as the hapless Christians were preparing for Christmas programs lined up by their pastors," Mallau added.

The largest number of those murdered were women, children, and the elderly -- all who could not run fast enough to get away.

Wow, those savages. I bet that never happened in Africa before.
The news coverage and "outrage" in regards to a million slaughtered Christians by Christians in Rwanda - was what, 1 month? or two?

Christianity the religion of the "loving" ones - yeah sure.
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This seems to have been largely overlooked by the mainstream press. You would think a massacre of that size would merit fairly decent coverage worldwide, but I only now saw a quick blurb about it on Twitter. I'm sure we'll be seeing protests in New York and London and freeways shut down any hour now.....

More than 160 Christians were killed and 500 wounded in Nigeria on Christmas Day as radical Islamic terrorists struck in several predominantly Christian villages -- killing men, women, and children.

The attacks began on Saturday night and continued sporadically through Christmas Day, according to the Christian Post.

The terrorists also destroyed hundreds of people's homes during the attacks, leaving hundreds homeless in the counties of Barkin Ladi, Bokkos and Mangu, which are located in the central Nigerian Plateau State.

The African villages attacked were reportedly NTV, Maiyanga, Ruku, Hurum, Darwat, Dares, Chirang, Ruwi, Yelwa, Ndun, Ngyong, Murfet, Makundary, Tamiso, Chiang, Tahore, Gawarba, Dares, Meyenga, Darwat and Butura Kampani.

"Some pastors were killed, and another pastor and his wife and five children were killed during these attacks," Bokkos County resident Dawzino Mallau told the Morning Star News.

"These terrorists who attacked these Christian communities were in the hundreds, and they carried out the attacks as the hapless Christians were preparing for Christmas programs lined up by their pastors," Mallau added.

The largest number of those murdered were women, children, and the elderly -- all who could not run fast enough to get away.

They had a Christian 10/7 it looks like.

Well, the Left views Christian and Jews with the same amount of disdain, so it stands to reason they would ignore it.
A tragedy happened in Africa and nobody cared? Wow, when has that ever happened?
The Sudan. Christians were rounded up in mass and murdered genocide style by the hundreds of thousands, but the UN spent all of it's time writing resolutions against Israel for building walls as the Left wing media only covered the UN sanctions.
The news coverage and "outrage" in regards to a million slaughtered Christians by Christians in Rwanda - was what, 1 month? or two?

Christianity the religion of the "loving" ones - yeah sure.

So Tutsi Christians Hutu Christians had a civil war. So did Yankee Christians and Confederate Christians here in our own civil war in 1861. It's not like 40 to 80 million people died in due to starvation, persecution, prison labor, and mass executions, like they did in Mao Zedong's godless China. Or the 20 million who died under the godless Stalin.
So Tutsi Christians Hutu Christians had a civil war. So did Yankee Christians and Confederate Christians here in our own civil war in 1861. It's not like 40 to 80 million people died in due to starvation, persecution, prison labor, and mass executions, like they did in Mao Zedong's godless China. Or the 20 million who died under the godless Stalin.
This thread is about AFRICA.

And who managed to kill a million people in Africa in a couple of weeks? - Christians, and who did they kill? Christians.

You want to talk about the world? okay
Stalin was a Christian as well - Orthodox - even went to a priest seminar College.
Hitler was a Christian as well just as all these other Nazis.
95%+ of those North and South American Colonialists and US Americans who murdered of millions of natives were Christians.

Mao didn't kill millions of Chinese due to RELIGION - but due to a disastrous State economic planing, aided by droughts and insect plagues.

So, spare me your bigotry about Christianity and stop trying to paint e.g. Muslims, as being the only religious nuts on the planet.
Vatican news: No mention of any religious motives. No mention of beliefs of the criminals nor the villagers..

No group has claimed responsibility for the attacks, though blame fell on herders from the Fulani tribe, who have been accused of carrying out such mass killings across the northwest and central regions.

The bandit militias operate from bases deep in forests and raid villages to loot and kidnap residents for ransom.
This seems to have been largely overlooked by the mainstream press. You would think a massacre of that size would merit fairly decent coverage worldwide, but I only now saw a quick blurb about it on Twitter. I'm sure we'll be seeing protests in New York and London and freeways shut down any hour now.....

More than 160 Christians were killed and 500 wounded in Nigeria on Christmas Day as radical Islamic terrorists struck in several predominantly Christian villages -- killing men, women, and children.

The attacks began on Saturday night and continued sporadically through Christmas Day, according to the Christian Post.

The terrorists also destroyed hundreds of people's homes during the attacks, leaving hundreds homeless in the counties of Barkin Ladi, Bokkos and Mangu, which are located in the central Nigerian Plateau State.

The African villages attacked were reportedly NTV, Maiyanga, Ruku, Hurum, Darwat, Dares, Chirang, Ruwi, Yelwa, Ndun, Ngyong, Murfet, Makundary, Tamiso, Chiang, Tahore, Gawarba, Dares, Meyenga, Darwat and Butura Kampani.

"Some pastors were killed, and another pastor and his wife and five children were killed during these attacks," Bokkos County resident Dawzino Mallau told the Morning Star News.

"These terrorists who attacked these Christian communities were in the hundreds, and they carried out the attacks as the hapless Christians were preparing for Christmas programs lined up by their pastors," Mallau added.

The largest number of those murdered were women, children, and the elderly -- all who could not run fast enough to get away.

It's been happening for a long time. Along with many other abuses in Nigeria, like the fact that oil companies run the country.
Possibly the Cult Christians went wrong when the Vatican misinterpreted the thought of

Turn the other cheek .

Thereby creating the Faggots Charter in 325 AD .
This thread is about AFRICA.

And who managed to kill a million people in Africa in a couple of weeks? - Christians, and who did they kill? Christians.

You want to talk about the world? okay
Stalin was a Christian as well - Orthodox - even went to a priest seminar College.
Hitler was a Christian as well just as all these other Nazis.
95%+ of those North and South American Colonialists and US Americans who murdered of millions of natives were Christians.

Mao didn't kill millions of Chinese due to RELIGION - but due to a disastrous State economic planing, aided by droughts and insect plagues.

So, spare me your bigotry about Christianity and stop trying to paint e.g. Muslims, as being the only religious nuts on the planet.
In human history, only 7% of wars were religious based.
This seems to have been largely overlooked by the mainstream press. You would think a massacre of that size would merit fairly decent coverage worldwide, but I only now saw a quick blurb about it on Twitter. I'm sure we'll be seeing protests in New York and London and freeways shut down any hour now.....

More than 160 Christians were killed and 500 wounded in Nigeria on Christmas Day as radical Islamic terrorists struck in several predominantly Christian villages -- killing men, women, and children.

The attacks began on Saturday night and continued sporadically through Christmas Day, according to the Christian Post.

The terrorists also destroyed hundreds of people's homes during the attacks, leaving hundreds homeless in the counties of Barkin Ladi, Bokkos and Mangu, which are located in the central Nigerian Plateau State.

The African villages attacked were reportedly NTV, Maiyanga, Ruku, Hurum, Darwat, Dares, Chirang, Ruwi, Yelwa, Ndun, Ngyong, Murfet, Makundary, Tamiso, Chiang, Tahore, Gawarba, Dares, Meyenga, Darwat and Butura Kampani.

"Some pastors were killed, and another pastor and his wife and five children were killed during these attacks," Bokkos County resident Dawzino Mallau told the Morning Star News.

"These terrorists who attacked these Christian communities were in the hundreds, and they carried out the attacks as the hapless Christians were preparing for Christmas programs lined up by their pastors," Mallau added.

The largest number of those murdered were women, children, and the elderly -- all who could not run fast enough to get away.

Nobody cares about blacks being murdered or enslaved in Africa. The crocodile tears are saved for political purposes.
In human history, only 7% of wars were religious based.
And as for casualty numbers - I would say you are dead wrong anyway.

Germany/Austria/Bohemia lost around 50% of their population - just alone in the 30 years war - not to mention all the other religious wars.
England/Scotland/Ireland lost what 50%? of its population from 1500 -1650 - due to religious wars
France lost 20% of its population from 1500-1600 - due to religious wars.

And those are just the major ones amongst Christians - what about the entire Islam and Ottoman conquest - just political?

How would you differentiate a political and religious war? since Religion determined Politics for more then 1000 years in Christian Europe. Only initiating it's ending via Napoleon from 1800 onward.

All these crusades - mostly killing Christians - e.g. Constantinople, Acre, etc, - just political?

The Ireland and N-Ireland conflict - just political?

The Soviet-Mujahedin war – just political?

Kashmir/India/Pakistan/Bangladesh/Sri-Lanka – just political?

Was the Hamas terrorist attack - just political?

The Zionist actions against Palestinians since 1948 - resulting in more then 40,000 dead Palestinians - just political?
And as for casualty numbers - I would say you are dead wrong anyway.

Germany/Austria/Bohemia lost around 50% of their population - just alone in the 30 years war - not to mention all the other religious wars.
England/Scotland/Ireland lost what 50%? of its population from 1500 -1650 - due to religious wars
France lost 20% of its population from 1500-1600 - due to religious wars.

And those are just the major ones amongst Christians - what about the entire Islam and Ottoman conquest - just political?

How would you differentiate a political and religious war? since Religion determined Politics for more then 1000 years in Christian Europe. Only initiating it's ending via Napoleon from 1800 onward.

All these crusades - mostly killing Christians - e.g. Constantinople, Acre, etc, - just political?

The Ireland and N-Ireland conflict - just political?

The Soviet-Mujahedin war – just political?

Kashmir/India/Pakistan/Bangladesh/Sri-Lanka – just political?

Was the Hamas terrorist attack - just political?

The Zionist actions against Palestinians since 1948 - resulting in more then 40,000 dead Palestinians - just political?
The Encyclopedia of Wars

Of all the 1,763 documented wars, only 123 were religious wars. If you care to buy/read the book, it will describe each war, casualties etc..

The Encyclopedia didn't set out to determine how many were religious wars, scrutiny by others revealed this fact. It seems to piss the non-religious off big style.

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