China on course to hit wind and solar power target five years ahead of time


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021
China on course to hit wind and solar power target five years ahead of time
China is shoring up its position as the world leader in renewable power and potentially outpacing its own ambitious energy targets, a report has found.

China is set to double its capacity and produce 1,200 gigawatts of energy through wind and solar power by 2025, reaching its 2030 goal five years ahead of time, according to the report by Global Energy Monitor, a San Francisco-based NGO that tracks operating utility-scale wind and solar farms as well as future projects in the country.

It says that as of the first quarter of the year, China’s utility-scale solar capacity has reached 228GW, more than that of the rest of the world combined. The installations are concentrated in the country’s north and north-west provinces, such as Shanxi, Xinjiang and Hebei.

In addition, the group identified solar farms under construction that could add another 379GW in prospective capacity, triple that of the US and nearly double that of Europe.

China has also made huge strides in wind capacity: its combined onshore and offshore capacity now surpasses 310GW, double its 2017 level and roughly equivalent to the next top seven countries combined. With new projects in Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Gansu and along coastal areas, China is on course to add another 371GW before 2025, increasing the global wind fleet by nearly half.

“This new data provides unrivalled granularity about China’s jaw-dropping surge in solar and wind capacity,” said Dorothy Mei, a project manager at Global Energy Monitor. “As we closely monitor the implementation of prospective projects, this detailed information becomes indispensable in navigating the country’s energy landscape.”

The findings are in line with previous reports and government data released this year, which predicted that China could easily surpass its target of supplying a third of its power consumption through renewable sources by 2030.

China’s green energy drive is part of its effort to meet dual carbon goals set out in 2020. As the world’s second largest economy, it is the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases and accounts for half of the world’s coal consumption. The Chinese president, Xi Jinping, pledged in 2020 to achieve peak CO2 emissions before 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060.

The report attributed China’s remarkable progress in expanding its non-fossil energy sources to the range of policies its government has implemented, including generous subsidies to incentivise developers as well as regulations to put pressure on provincial governments and generating companies.
Read more here: ... rgy-leader

It is wonderful that China thinks in the long term and is making damn sure that they don't rely on resources that are within decades of running out! China will be the next world super power because it dreams and makes shit happen. Sadly, too many here in America literally want to live in a third world country and don't give a damn outside of giving the rich blow jobs to consider this reality. We'll be owned by the chinese because of our idiocy.
China on course to hit wind and solar power target five years ahead of time

Read more here: ... rgy-leader

It is wonderful that China thinks in the long term and is making damn sure that they don't rely on resources that are within decades of running out! China will be the next world super power because it dreams and makes shit happen. Sadly, too many here in America literally want to live in a third world country and don't give a damn outside of giving the rich blow jobs to consider this reality. We'll be owned by the chinese because of our idiocy.
China also protects their borders like no other.
China on course to hit wind and solar power target five years ahead of time

Read more here: ... rgy-leader

It is wonderful that China thinks in the long term and is making damn sure that they don't rely on resources that are within decades of running out! China will be the next world super power because it dreams and makes shit happen. Sadly, too many here in America literally want to live in a third world country and don't give a damn outside of giving the rich blow jobs to consider this reality. We'll be owned by the chinese because of our idiocy.
Sure they are.
China on course to hit wind and solar power target five years ahead of time

Read more here: ... rgy-leader

It is wonderful that China thinks in the long term and is making damn sure that they don't rely on resources that are within decades of running out! China will be the next world super power because it dreams and makes shit happen. Sadly, too many here in America literally want to live in a third world country and don't give a damn outside of giving the rich blow jobs to consider this reality. We'll be owned by the chinese because of our idiocy.


China approved equivalent of two new coal plants a week in 2022, report finds​


China approved equivalent of two new coal plants a week in 2022, report findstt​

And they use those coal-fired power plants to manufacture [crappy] solar panels they happily sell the West.
China on course to hit wind and solar power target five years ahead of time

Read more here: ... rgy-leader

It is wonderful that China thinks in the long term and is making damn sure that they don't rely on resources that are within decades of running out! China will be the next world super power because it dreams and makes shit happen. Sadly, too many here in America literally want to live in a third world country and don't give a damn outside of giving the rich blow jobs to consider this reality. We'll be owned by the chinese because of our idiocy.
Only problem is that they're not there yet we'll see if they get there. Don't get me wrong I hope they do but I have serious doubts about promises that are as of yet unfulfilled.
China on course to hit wind and solar power target five years ahead of time

Read more here: ... rgy-leader

It is wonderful that China thinks in the long term and is making damn sure that they don't rely on resources that are within decades of running out! China will be the next world super power because it dreams and makes shit happen. Sadly, too many here in America literally want to live in a third world country and don't give a damn outside of giving the rich blow jobs to consider this reality. We'll be owned by the chinese because of our idiocy.
Wind Turbines do operate, "long term".

Wind Turbines are a short term product..
China on course to hit wind and solar power target five years ahead of time

Read more here: ... rgy-leader

It is wonderful that China thinks in the long term and is making damn sure that they don't rely on resources that are within decades of running out! China will be the next world super power because it dreams and makes shit happen. Sadly, too many here in America literally want to live in a third world country and don't give a damn outside of giving the rich blow jobs to consider this reality. We'll be owned by the chinese because of our idiocy.

No we won't
China on course to hit wind and solar power target five years ahead of time

Read more here: ... rgy-leader

It is wonderful that China thinks in the long term and is making damn sure that they don't rely on resources that are within decades of running out! China will be the next world super power because it dreams and makes shit happen. Sadly, too many here in America literally want to live in a third world country and don't give a damn outside of giving the rich blow jobs to consider this reality. We'll be owned by the chinese because of our idiocy.
This is so goddam out-of-touch I can't resist

China is on course to do the opposite

China doubles down on coal with rapid roll-out of new railway track to the world’s largest deposit​

  • 257km line from Zhundong open pit to Urumqi will increase the mine’s transport capacity to more than 100 million tonnes a year
But why leave out Biden's INDIA

From Jan 2024

India’s Plans to Double Coal Production Ignore Climate Threat​

The south Asian giant is setting new targets to use more coal, despite committing to transitioning away from fossil fuels.
China on course to hit wind and solar power target five years ahead of time

Read more here: ... rgy-leader

It is wonderful that China thinks in the long term and is making damn sure that they don't rely on resources that are within decades of running out! China will be the next world super power because it dreams and makes shit happen. Sadly, too many here in America literally want to live in a third world country and don't give a damn outside of giving the rich blow jobs to consider this reality. We'll be owned by the chinese because of our idiocy.
more lies, and lies and lies

The first thing any of us need to ask, is where is the report. The Guardian is the equivalent to the Enquirer. It is a gossip rag.

So where is the report or study, the article does not link to it?

Either way, what a communist country does or does not do really has no meaning. Slave labor, and the western world buying all that China produces, of course China might install some solar and wind.
China on course to hit wind and solar power target five years ahead of time

Read more here: ... rgy-leader

It is wonderful that China thinks in the long term and is making damn sure that they don't rely on resources that are within decades of running out! China will be the next world super power because it dreams and makes shit happen. Sadly, too many here in America literally want to live in a third world country and don't give a damn outside of giving the rich blow jobs to consider this reality. We'll be owned by the chinese because of our idiocy.
What papers are delivered to you there in the deep forest
China is deserting climate goals left and right

This was in the South China Morning Post

China doubles down on coal with rapid roll-out of new railway track to the world’s largest deposit​

  • 257km line from Zhundong open pit to Urumqi will increase the mine’s transport capacity to more than 100 million tonnes a year
China on course to hit wind and solar power target five years ahead of time

Read more here: ... rgy-leader

It is wonderful that China thinks in the long term and is making damn sure that they don't rely on resources that are within decades of running out! China will be the next world super power because it dreams and makes shit happen. Sadly, too many here in America literally want to live in a third world country and don't give a damn outside of giving the rich blow jobs to consider this reality. We'll be owned by the chinese because of our idiocy.
It is wonderful that China thinks in the long term and is making damn sure that they don't rely on resources that are within decades of running out!

Greenies pretend to be worried about a future energy shortage when all the oil is gone

But what they really worry about is not running out of oil fast enough to save the polar bears from becoming homeless
Greenies pretend to be worried about a future energy shortage when all the oil is gone

But what they really worry about is not running out of oil fast enough to save the polar bears from becoming homeless
greenie meanies support using more oil, faster, and all the chemicals that come from oil, until we run out sooner, making wind turbines

Afraid of running out of oil yet they build the equivalent to a 1968 cadillac fleetwood and tell us that is the future of energy?

Wind Turbines do not produce the electricity that one Nuclear reactor does, Wind Turbines do no last as long as one Nuclear reactor. Wind Turbines cost more than one Nuclear reactor. Wind Turbines use more land than one Nuclear reactor. Wind Turbines use much more natural resources.

It makes no sense, technically, nor scientifically, to build wind turbines.
I dont think it does and I dont think the posts we read are from people trying to protect the environment. Just a bunch of idiots that dont know science or understand technology.
Dont give the greenies too much credit

They have been brainwashed since birth to believe that fossil fuel AND atomic energy are bad

So they are fully dedicated to wind and solar without giving it any further thought
China on course to hit wind and solar power target five years ahead of time

It is wonderful that China thinks in the long term

Fake because you give no consideration to the human and social negatives resulting from their long term plans .
Slavery and Control .

You also fail to look at energy from fossil fuels and to note where China would not be without continued investment in this area for quite some more time .

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