Zone1 Candace Owens Becomes Catholic


I just received this book in yesterday's mail and it promises to have a lot to say about who started the pedo crisis.

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But bring this up to a leftist and it's 'CONVERSATION OVER' time.

Pretty much.

Now, you say that you are a new convert to the RCC, and that's fine.

If you grew up Catholic, you'd know this is silly. The Church has had a crisis with this kind of thing for centuries. When you have forced celibacy on the clergy, you've already eliminated men who have healthy sexual proclivities toward adult women.
Good for what?
They probably hastened the decline of the Byzantine Empire. (The Fourth Crusade, definitely). They failed to establish permanent Christian States and when they were gone, the new rulers became more keen on forced conversions.
And the fall of Constantinople to the Turks later created an urgency to find another way East. Which led to the discovery of the Americas AKA the New World. Ironic how that works.
The Catholic Church is corrupt as shit and has been since the Dark Ages.

And I say that as someone who was raised Catholic.
It was not seriously corrupt until the 60s. Vatican II was virtually the end of the Church AS WE KNOW IT

However, it was NOT the end of the Catholic Church. Jesus promised He would never leave us and His Presence is still there, tangibly, in ... the same old buildings.
Pretty much.

Now, you say that you are a new convert to the RCC, and that's fine.

If you grew up Catholic, you'd know this is silly. The Church has had a crisis with this kind of thing for centuries. When you have forced celibacy on the clergy, you've already eliminated men who have healthy sexual proclivities toward adult women.
Nobody ever held a gun to a man's head and told him he had to become a priest.

Where do people get this insane stuff?! :45::uhoh3:
It was not seriously corrupt until the 60s. Vatican II was virtually the end of the Church AS WE KNOW IT

However, it was NOT the end of the Catholic Church. Jesus promised He would never leave us and His Presence is still there, tangibly, in ... the same old buildings.

Jesus makes an appearance every day in my church.

no one ever forced celibacy on anyone and it is a known fact that most men who molest children are married and/or gay

Ask the people who work in the seminaries and they'll tell you how few otherwise heterosexual men are accepted into seminaries.

It was interesting reading about the feud btwn Shapiro and Candace Owens

I don't and can't figure out which one of them more closely believes as I do vis a vis Isarel and the hideous terrorists

But I don't like how Owens uses the Bible. The Bible is the most mis-used book in history IMO. I mean, technically, you can get the Bible to say just about anything you want it to say... well, not anything but you get my drift here.

My position on Israel is that they have been fending off terrorists for SO long, have had so many wars in their short history as a nation (which began in 1948) that just about whatever they choose to do to get rid of these BEASTS is a-ok with me.

which may be Shapiro's view in a nutshell (more or less)? I don't know.
Those who left never really understood what it was about. They fail to examine the rules and why they work. All they see are the inconveniences.

The RCC tries its hardest to make the rules clear from the beginning. If you don't do rules, the Catholic church simply isn't for you. Figure it out before you waste your time or theirs.

Witch burnings
Selling of indulgences
Molesting children

Lot's of good stuff, there!

There's a reason why the poorest, most miserable countries in the world tend to be Catholic.
None of those things hold a candle to the 100 million murdered by atheist regimes in the last century. So why doesn't that drive you away from atheism?

And you don't see a problem with this? The Vatican has one of the most impressive art collections in the world. Except for the Crazy Pope who cut the dicks off all the statues and replaced them with fig leafs. Meanwhile, the vast majority of the world's Catholics live in grinding poverty in places like the Philippines, Brazil, Mexico, etc. And the church keeps telling them to pump out more Babies because Jesus hates Rubbers.
I'll overlook the childish rhetoric and just say people donated these works as gifts to God. How do you sell the Sistine Chapel? Whom do you sell it to? How do you sell the buildings of the Vatican and why would you? The Pope is a world leader. He can't live in a Motel 6. It's a security issue as much as anything. It's as asinine as selling the White House for the billions of dollars its worth to 'feed the poor'.

Ask the people who work in the seminaries and they'll tell you how few otherwise heterosexual men are accepted into seminaries.

That book you purchased is likely the same one I read years ago. I had heard that things have changed somewhat since then, but I have no way of knowing. So yeh... the Church under Francis probably does still want gays and other perverts in the priesthood
That book you purchased is likely the same one I read years ago. I had heard that things have changed somewhat since then, but I have no way of knowing. So yeh... the Church under Francis probably does still want gays and other perverts in the priesthood

I think so.

As a good Catholic I must pray for the Holy Father every day, but there isn't much more to say than that.


I think so.

As a good Catholic I must pray for the Holy Father every day, but there isn't much more to say than that.

I would never call him that. You can't be holy if you are against, in any way at all, the Church that the REAL Holy One, Jesus, set up.

Jesus would NEVER bless same sex marriages. etc
And the fall of Constantinople to the Turks later created an urgency to find another way East. Which led to the discovery of the Americas AKA the New World. Ironic how that works.
Not sure how that works, but okay.
So they were forced to find a new way, found two new continents of people who were promptly genocided.

This is a good thing for you?
Jesus wouldn't bless a lot of things we do today.

God doesn't change his mind, we change ours, and convince ourselves God is good with it.
I thought you said you are an ex Catholic?

Well, at least one of your posts is in conformity with Catholicism.
I would never call him that. You can't be holy if you are against, in any way at all, the Church that the REAL Holy One, Jesus, set up.

Jesus would NEVER bless same sex marriages. etc

I totally agree, but one must be political. I admit, the praying I do for Francis is for his conversion and the conversion of his henchmen.

Good point.


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