Zone1 Call for US to move with ‘urgency’ against China’s militaristic push for Taiwan


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Call for US to move with ‘urgency’ against China’s militaristic push for Taiwan
The US is looking to “prevent war” not fight it, as former US Army Vice Chief of Staff General Jack Keane calls for America to move with “urgency” and prevent China’s President Xi Jinping from taking over Taiwan.“We’re not looking to fight a war, we’re looking to prevent war,” General Keane told Sky News host Danica De Giorgio.“We didn’t prevent what’s happening in Ukraine, we did not deter Russia, we haven’t deterred the Iranians and their proxies.“We need to make certain that we’re going to deter President Xi, after all, he has told his military, be ready by 2027 if Taiwan doesn’t voluntarily submit to re-unification, then we may have to use force to achieve that re-unification.“Right now, we got to move with a sense of urgency to get the kind of deterrence capability we need to make certain he doesn’t take that step.”

Remote : 2024-01-28(Sunday) 10 : 40 : 17
Local : 2024-01-28(Sunday) 10 : 40 : 17

Found via World Headlines on

well it does seem like now is the time to decide the fate of the Taiwanese.
they support their hawkish independency political party, but they'd drag our taxpayers into another long and expensive proxy war that is bound to get repeated by far-future Chinese administrations (because Taiwan is so darn close to the Chinese mainland, and because the mainlanders have such long held views about not tolerating democratic principles of government).

personally, i'd vote for a NEAR-COMPLETE, VOLUNTARY-ONLY EVACUATION OF TAIWAN (they're all smart western minded workers over there) INTO THE E.U. AND NORTH-AMERICA.
yeah, they value their western lifestyles and freedom of speech and such.
i can respect the mainlanders to have issues with that. they're still quite nationalistic.
What makes you think that Eastern countries are all oppressive like you think that all Western nations are free?
China has never engaged in modern warfare or made an amphibious assault.

Taiwan would destroy them
eh, that's hopeful bs, at the expense of significant amounts of blood and treasure.

China can just pummel Taiwan from the sea and air.
the ground invasion can wait until the last pockets of resistance are eliminated.
eh, that's hopeful bs, at the expense of significant amounts of blood and treasure.

China can just pummel Taiwan from the sea and air.
the ground invasion can wait until the last pockets of resistance are eliminated.
The history of war has proven that those methods only increase resistance not diminish it.
Call for US to move with ‘urgency’ against China’s militaristic push for Taiwan
The US is looking to “prevent war” not fight it, as former US Army Vice Chief of Staff General Jack Keane calls for America to move with “urgency” and prevent China’s President Xi Jinping from taking over Taiwan.“We’re not looking to fight a war, we’re looking to prevent war,” General Keane told Sky News host Danica De Giorgio.“We didn’t prevent what’s happening in Ukraine, we did not deter Russia, we haven’t deterred the Iranians and their proxies.“We need to make certain that we’re going to deter President Xi, after all, he has told his military, be ready by 2027 if Taiwan doesn’t voluntarily submit to re-unification, then we may have to use force to achieve that re-unification.“Right now, we got to move with a sense of urgency to get the kind of deterrence capability we need to make certain he doesn’t take that step.”

Remote : 2024-01-28(Sunday) 10 : 40 : 17
Local : 2024-01-28(Sunday) 10 : 40 : 17
Found via World Headlines on

well it does seem like now is the time to decide the fate of the Taiwanese.
they support their hawkish independency political party, but they'd drag our taxpayers into another long and expensive proxy war that is bound to get repeated by far-future Chinese administrations (because Taiwan is so darn close to the Chinese mainland, and because the mainlanders have such long held views about not tolerating democratic principles of government).

personally, i'd vote for a NEAR-COMPLETE, VOLUNTARY-ONLY EVACUATION OF TAIWAN (they're all smart western minded workers over there) INTO THE E.U. AND NORTH-AMERICA.

Let's get real. China isn't going to invade Taiwan, and Taiwan isn't going to declare independence.

First, let's look at why an invasion won't happen. Amphibious operations are very difficult to pull off, particularly against a hardened target like Taiwan. Think the Normandy Invasion, which required huge amounts of resources by a multi-nation coalition that had put their economies on a war footing for years.

Normandy also succeeded due to a combination of Allied Deception (the Allies were able to convince the Nazis that the invasion was going to happen somewhere else and Normandy was a feint), substantial intelligence and support by the Free French forces inside France, and that 3/4th of the Nazi Military was engaged on other fronts. Oh, yeah, and Hitler was an idiot.

Even though the Allies had plenty of experience with amphibious operations by 1945, a plan to invade Formosa (As Taiwan was called then), called Operation Causeway, was rejected because the 400,000 starving Japanese defenders were considered too tough an obstacle. Taiwan has a standing army of 215,000 Active duty and 2 million reserve personnel.

Secondly, a Chinese invasion would almost certainly lead to worldwide economic sanctions on an economy that is largely dependent on trade and investment.

Third, an invasion would do enormous damage to Taiwan and her infrastructure, which would almost defeat the entire purpose of invading her.

Of course, all of that said, this is an issue of China's national sovereignty, and if the current twits running Taiwan have a bowl of stupid with their noodles one morning, all bets would be off. But this is why that is fairly unlikely.

Taiwan is economically dependent on trade with the mainland. In fact, China is Taiwan's largest trading partner, accounting for 22% of its imports and 42% of its exports. If China cut off trade with Taiwan (which it would most certainly do if it declared independence) it would wreck the Taiwanese economy. .
eh, that's hopeful bs, at the expense of significant amounts of blood and treasure.

China can just pummel Taiwan from the sea and air.
the ground invasion can wait until the last pockets of resistance are eliminated.

Shock and awe doesn’t work. Taiwan has ample air raid shelters.
They have been preparing for decades

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