Brexit....On The Horizon?

"....if Britain stays within the European Union there’s not a chance that it will leave Britain’s teakettles and toasters alone. This is what Brussels does. It looks for opportunities to control people’s lives."

Look what it did to the London buses.
"SUN SAYS We urge our readers to beLEAVE in Britain and vote to quit the EU on June 23
THIS is our last chance to remove ourselves from the undemocratic Brussels machine ... and it's time to take it

WE are about to make the biggest political decision of our lives. The Sun urges everyone to vote LEAVE.

We must set ourselves free from dictatorial Brussels.

Throughout our 43-year membership of the European Union it has proved increasingly greedy, wasteful, bullying and breathtakingly incompetent in a crisis."
We urge our readers to beLEAVE in Britain and vote to quit the EU on June 23
Latest polling suggests "LEAVE" will by 10% or better.

Either way Cameron has got to go. He can no longer be taken seriously. But who will replace him? I admire the British sense of humor but Corbyn? Consider actor Johh Cleese. Yes, a comic, but look how well he ran "Fawlty Towers"!

Just one quote from his portrayal shows how clearly he understands the national condition:

“You snobs! You stupid, stuck-up, toffee-nosed, half-witted upper-class piles of pus!”

You see, the common touch and a firm grasp on what's wrong not only with Britain but with Obamerica!
Latest polling suggests "LEAVE" will by 10% or better.

Either way Cameron has got to go. He can no longer be taken seriously. But who will replace him? I admire the British sense of humor but Corbyn? Consider actor Johh Cleese. Yes, a comic, but look how well he ran "Fawlty Towers"!

Just one quote from his portrayal shows how clearly he understands the national condition:

“You snobs! You stupid, stuck-up, toffee-nosed, half-witted upper-class piles of pus!”

You see, the common touch and a firm grasp on what's wrong not only with Britain but with Obamerica!

Now....if only more Americans believed in sovereignty.
Where is Sugar Tits AKA- OP?

Lil' Frankie is upset :crybaby: because I called him what he is, a fvcking petty partisan PoS

Why don't you put the # of casualties from Iraq (Repub- instgated war-for-profit in your siggie Frankie? Those deaths were a DIRECT RESULT of a Repub Admin lying us :eusa_liar: into a quagmire so that defense contractors could make out like bandits you PoS

. I'll tell you why you don't :up: see above
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"Hungary to Amend Constitution to Block EU Migrant Plan
"Brussels or Budapest, that was the question, and the people said Budapest."
by Soeren Kern • October 9, 2016 at 5:00 am
The Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia, all former Communist countries, also oppose the EU plan to relocate 160,000 "asylum seekers," which they say is an "EU diktat" that infringes on national sovereignty."
Gatestone Institute
Writing about Theresa May, Dalrymple skewers many of our pols as well.

"Theresa May did not emerge from a social vacuum. She is typical of the class that has gradually attained power in Britain, from the lowest levels of the administration to the highest: unoriginal, vacillating, humorless, prey to the latest bad ideas, intellectually mediocre, believing in nothing very much, mistaking obstinacy for strength, timid but nevertheless avid for power. Thousands of minor Mays populate our institutions, as thousands of minor Blairs did before them.

Avidity for power is not the same as leadership, and Brexit required leadership. There was none to be had, however, from the political class. From the very first, it overwhelmingly opposed Brexit—.... it could not openly deny the majority’s expressed wish.

We live in dangerous times. The hatred and contempt in which our politicians are now held is justified, no doubt, by their dismal performance, self-seeking love for power, and lack of principle."
Dangerous Times in the U.K.
Here is where the Brexit mess stands:

"Four options now remain.

First, Parliament could finally accept May’s deal. If it does so, though, it discredits itself by its abject surrender and futile previous resistance to what it claimed was a bad deal. If it was a bad deal before, then it is a bad deal now.

Second, Britain could leave without a deal. This will undoubtedly cause disruption, but only for a relatively short period.

Third, Britain could hold another referendum. It is by no means certain what the result would be. If the result were the same, it would be back to square one. If the result were different, it would reinforce what is now a European tradition—referenda as confirmatory plebiscites of what the political class wants, exactly as Napoleon III used them.

Finally, the government and Parliament could unilaterally revoke Article 50, which, incidentally, was framed by a British diplomat with the express purpose of making it difficult for any country to leave the Union. This would annul the result of the referendum. It would also have long-term and intangible damaging effects on Britain as a parliamentary democracy."
Dangerous Times in the U.K.

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