Brandon, 'asault weapons', and the Queen

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
Kinda surprised didn't edit this embarrassment.

Nothing but ignorance, dishonesty, and reduced mental faculties.

It made it harder for people to buy stabilized brief — braces. Put a pistol on a brace, and it ma- — turns into a gun. Makes them where you can have a higher-caliber weapon — a higher-caliber bullet coming out of that gun. It’s essentially turning it into a short-barreled rifle, which has been a weapon of choice by a number of mass shooters.
Adding a brace turns an AR15 into a gun? What was it before?
A pistol brace makes an AR15 pistol able to shoot a higher caliber round? How does that work?
A "number" of mass shooters? ! is a number. 0 is a number. How many?
If any one of you drove over the parking lot here today, got out of your car, and left a key in your car, and a kid comes along who’s 13, 14 years old, gets in your car, takes it on a joyride and kills someone, guess what: You’re liable.
Why should that not be the case if you don’t lock up your weapon? (Applause.) Why should that not be the case? (Applause.) Why is that not required? And most gun owners agree with me. (Applause.)
Apparently, Biden isn't aware that legal requirement to secure your firearms violates the Constitution.
We also established a zero-tolerance policy for rogue gun dealers who willfully violate the law. Now, instead of a slap on the wrist, their licenses are revoked.

You have a lot of gun dealers who are engaged in shady actions. Well, guess what? Used to be they get — they’d get a fine. Now they lose their license to sell. (Applause.)

We established a strike force to crack down on gun trafficking across state lines, including guns brought up from Georgia, South Carolina, Washington, Philadelphia, New York, right here to Hartford.
You're enforcing existing laws.
Just as the NRA has been saying for decades.
Good of you to get on board.
Folks, it’s time once again that we banned AR-15 rifle-style weapon. (Applause.) High-capacity magazines — they’re not only a weapon of war, they’re the single biggest driver of profits for the gun industry. That’s why they’re selling them. Profit, profit, profit. The single biggest.
In other words...
We need to de-fund gun makers, Drive them out of business.
Funny how he let the truth slip out.
Never mind that all this violates the constitution.
As I said, we did it once before, in ’94, and 10 years after that, the ban was — mass shootings went down
significantly — the number of mass shootings. That’s — when the ban expired, mass shootings tripled.
Fallacy: post hoc ergo propter hoc.
Biden's 1994 ban did nothing to reduce access to 'assault weapons '
The expiry of Biden's 1994 ban did nothing to increase access to them.
All right? God save the Queen, man.
Right now, Harris is reading the 25th Amendment - like the rest of the constitution - for the 1st time.
When someone speaks about a topic they don't understand, you can expect ignorance. Just like most democrats and firearms.

Biden continues to state we only need a shotgun ... and he promotes this weapon of war. What a dumb schmuck.
Kinda surprised didn't edit this embarrassment.

Nothing but ignorance, dishonesty, and reduced mental faculties.

Adding a brace turns an AR15 into a gun? What was it before?
A pistol brace makes an AR15 pistol able to shoot a higher caliber round? How does that work?
A "number" of mass shooters? ! is a number. 0 is a number. How many?

Apparently, Biden isn't aware that legal requirement to secure your firearms violates the Constitution.

You're enforcing existing laws.
Just as the NRA has been saying for decades.
Good of you to get on board.

In other words...
We need to de-fund gun makers, Drive them out of business.
Funny how he let the truth slip out.
Never mind that all this violates the constitution.

Fallacy: post hoc ergo propter hoc.
Biden's 1994 ban did nothing to reduce access to 'assault weapons '
The expiry of Biden's 1994 ban did nothing to increase access to them.

Right now, Harris is reading the 25th Amendment - like the rest of the constitution - for the 1st time.
He said a lot of stupid crap during that speech.
I only had enough bandwidth to hit the high points.
He also said thisThere was so much wrong with what he said during that portion of the speec:
For the first time ever, we explicitly made gun trafficking a federal crime. They say, “What the hell? It wasn’t already?” (Laughter.) No, I’m serious. Think about it.

You go home and tell your mother, father, brother, sister, aunt, and uncle that, “Whoa, gun trafficking is now a crime.” They’re going to look at you like, “What are you talking about? It’s always been a crime.” It wasn’t a crime.

We did the same thing for straw purchases. That’s when a middleman, who can pass the background check, buys a gun usually for someone who can’t pass the background check. It’s now a federal crime if you do that. (Applause.)

And finally — we finally clarified who needs to register as a federal licensed gun dealer, because a federally licensed gun dealer is required by law to run background checks on those he’s selling the weapon to. And in most cities — down in Philadelphia and New York, areas I know well — like up here — you’d see a truck pull up, pull to the curb, and selling weapons — selling guns, selling AR-15. Selling weapons.

Well, guess what? You do that now, you go to jail.

Straw purchases and gun trafficking was already illegal
Kinda surprised didn't edit this embarrassment.

Nothing but ignorance, dishonesty, and reduced mental faculties.

Adding a brace turns an AR15 into a gun? What was it before?
A pistol brace makes an AR15 pistol able to shoot a higher caliber round? How does that work?
A "number" of mass shooters? ! is a number. 0 is a number. How many?

Apparently, Biden isn't aware that legal requirement to secure your firearms violates the Constitution.

You're enforcing existing laws.
Just as the NRA has been saying for decades.
Good of you to get on board.

In other words...
We need to de-fund gun makers, Drive them out of business.
Funny how he let the truth slip out.
Never mind that all this violates the constitution.

Fallacy: post hoc ergo propter hoc.
Biden's 1994 ban did nothing to reduce access to 'assault weapons '
The expiry of Biden's 1994 ban did nothing to increase access to them.

Right now, Harris is reading the 25th Amendment - like the rest of the constitution - for the 1st time.

The country we live in has an idocracy as the form of government.

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