Blatantly false facts

Eggs are failed alien implantation experiments.
Wait.....what are the rules? Didn't you say blatant falsehoods?

But there has to be a "tie" to the preceding post, then proceed with a new blatant falsehood of your own choosing. You can be creative and make up any falsehood you want, but at no time can you disrespect the Lakers or Kobe Bryant. That's in the rules to.
Eggs are failed alien implantation experiments.
Wait.....what are the rules? Didn't you say blatant falsehoods?

But there has to be a "tie" to the preceding post, then proceed with a new blatant falsehood of your own choosing. You can be creative and make up any falsehood you want, but at no time can you disrespect the Lakers or Kobe Bryant. That's in the rules to.

Kobe Bryant wears ugly ties.
/ The /
/ statement /
/ in this box /
/ is false. /
Monogamy is something that happens when mommy and daddy love each other very much, right up until mommy meets somebody in her Second Life game, while daddy is off working hard to keep mommy in the style to which she's become accustomed.
The ancient Aztecs would sacrifice their furniture at the altar of the Gods.

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