Black slaves of the Congo should be paid reparations by the government and companies that exploit them.

Nah, I don't think I have to do that.

View attachment 948096

Philip Emeagwali, a computer scientist, is but one example. He uses his mathematical and computer expertise to develop methods for extracting more petroleum from oil fields.

It was his formula that used 65,000 separate computer processors to perform 3.1 billion calculations per second in 1989. That feat led to computer scientists comprehending the capabilities of supercomputers and the practical applications of creating a system that allowed multiple computers to communicate. He is recognized as one of the fathers of the Internet.

View attachment 948098

Henry Thomas Sampson, Jr. was a prolific inventor and pioneer in the field of nuclear engineering. Sampson was also a pioneer in the technology that is used in modern cell phones....

Learn real history boy, not the white mans fairy tale.
Even your own black sources don't say what you want them to say. From your last link, boy:

"Due to his co-invention of the Gamma-Electric cell, Sampson is mistakenly cited as the inventor of the cell phone"
About your first link:

"He is known for making controversial claims about his achievements that are disputed by the scientific community."
Henry T. Sampson in 1971? No!
On July 6, 1971, Sampson and co-inventor George Miley received a patent on a "gamma electric cell" that converted a gamma ray input into an electrical output (Among the first to do that was Bernhard Gross, US patent #3122640, 1964). What, you ask, does gamma radiation have to do with cellular communications technology? The answer: nothing. Some multiculturalist pseudo-historian must have seen the words "electric" and "cell" and thought "cell phone."

The father of the cell phone is Martin Cooper who first demonstrated the technology in 1973
Guess which race colonized the most and whose wealth has come from exploiting other humans more than any other. Do you know who those slaves are really working for?

Or are we going to continue deflecting from systemic white American racism to talk about slavery elsewhere?
It's disgraceful you ignore the REAL exploitation of Black people doing slave labor for China and Big Tech companies. They absolutely deserve reparations from the DRC government, China and Big Tech. You and any Black American deserve exactly zero in reparations.
You can't stand it when a LEGITIMATE claim to reparations is presented because it blows up your narrative for your PHONY claim for US Black reparations in 2024. I'm not deflecting anything and you'll notice I didn't call you a Racist POS like you did me. You have no class and all of your phony race baiting threads fall on deaf ears.
The USA needs to compensate the descendants of American slaves. Don't worry about what is happening in the Congo. Do right by African Americans. Then, we'll worry about the Congo.
The USA needs to compensate the descendants of American slaves. Don't worry about what is happening in the Congo. Do right by African Americans. Then, we'll worry about the Congo.
No Black American alive today was affected in any way by slavery and deserves not one penny in reparations. By contrast, the Black men, women and children doing bare handed slave labor in the Congo absolutely deserve compensation from China, the DRC and the big tech companies getting fat off of their misery. These people are being poisoned, crippled and living a nightmare TODAY. Not 200 years ago. TODAY.

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