Biden Tells Howard Stern He'll Debate Trump, Then Mumbles About Being "Arrested On A Porch With A Black Family"

So why do you believe it?

Biden never said it.

Oh, I get it. Your cult ordered you to lie, so you're lying, to show how devoted you are to the cult. Being humiliated for lying is a bonus to you, as it shows the cult how much you're willing to debase yourself on behalf of the cult.

Then, Biden made the statement about cannibals:

"And he became an Army Air Corps before the Air Force came along. He flew those single-engine planes as reconnaissance over war zones. And he got shot down in New Guinea and they never found the body because there used to be, there are a lot of cannibals, for real, in that part of New Guinea."
So why do you believe it?

Biden never said it.

Oh, I get it. Your cult ordered you to lie, so you're lying, to show how devoted you are to the cult. Being humiliated for lying is a bonus to you, as it shows the cult how much you're willing to debase yourself on behalf of the cult.
That that up with the people of Papua New Guinea....

US President Joe Biden’s apparent suggestion his uncle may have been eaten by cannibals during World War II has sparked uproar in Papua New Guinea, casting a shadow on US relations with the Pacific nation and meeting a firm response from its leader.

In contentious remarks made last week following a visit to a war memorial, Biden twice hinted that the US was unable to recover his uncle Ambrose Finnegan’s remains after his plane crashed near the island of New Guinea during the war “because there used to be a lot of cannibals” in the region.

What do you think Joey Xiden met when he said what he said?
Dems = "Im tired of trumps lies and aggressive manner. So we are going to nominate a known liar, someone that threatens to fight civilians, talks about fighting his political rivals, and is divisive as fuck"
We're actually nominating the incumbent President of the USA. For....


Four more years!
Cool, screaming tantrums from the Trump cult losers.

I'm only seeing one person in this thread writing posts that would resemble a tantrum.

Satan is the Lord of Lies, and all Trump cultists are down on their knees servicing him.

And that's why you hate us. Servants of the dark lord hate those who serve the truth.

See you in Novmber, loser.

But 'till then, you Trump cultists have got a boatload of Chinese propaganda to post. So get busy. Your Chinamasters expect you to work.

Having any luck with your rage-weeping outside of your cult SafeSpaces?

No? All the normal people just laugh at you?

You know what to do. Cry harder in the SafeSpace. What else can you do?
If Biden chooses to cancel the next election and claim it's official business , there's not a single thing America's existing law can do about it!

Since there's no such law allowing the president to do that, I guess we don't have to worry about it.
There's a law that allows Biden a second, third, and fourth terms if he can live long enough. Read your Constitution.

It depends on the meaning of the word, 'cancel' is is.

No, there aren't.

HA! Biden absolutely should debate Trump. It would be just fantastic. I certainly hope we get to see it happen.

Biden will sure as hell find himself in the foo..the...foot...foothills of the Himalayas.

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