Biden Targets Florida And Texas

Who said I was retired? I left the Navy 30 years ago, thank you. I am a retired public school teacher and administrator. I am also a former contractor with the US Army.

The fact that I posted the currents temps says you are lying. That is all. What will the illegal alien traffic be in July or August, more or less than now?
What was the temp in Nogales today?... it is hot... and that's the point... if you think I lied don't you need evidence?... who is this Judge Merchan?...
Why are you even arguing with me?... 80 or 90 its fucking hot... too hot to be stumbling through the desert with your belongings....
Hey Idiot! This is the time of year migrant traffic slows in AZ.... how many times do I need to tell you that....
You are not nor have ever been a Navel Officer... to be so nit picky about something so unrelated to the point is a child's act...
What was the temp in Nogales today?... it is hot... and that's the point... if you think I lied don't you need evidence?... who is this Judge Merchan?...
Why are you even arguing with me?... 80 or 90 its fucking hot... too hot to be stumbling through the desert with your belongings....
Hey Idiot! This is the time of year migrant traffic slows in AZ.... how many times do I need to tell you that....
You are not nor have ever been a Navel Officer... to be so nit picky about something so unrelated to the point is a child's act...
You are correct. I have never been a belly button officer. If you think 80 or 90 is hot, you are a pu$$y originally from up north! It is the mid-80s most of the time now in Tennessee. We will be over 100 several times this summer with about 90% humidity.

I sued to work in engine rooms where the space temps approached 160 degrees, which is high enough to cook meat. I know what hot is!
You are correct. I have never been a belly button officer. If you think 80 or 90 is hot, you are a pu$$y originally from up north! It is the mid-80s most of the time now in Tennessee. We will be over 100 several times this summer with about 90% humidity.

I sued to work in engine rooms where the space temps approached 160 degrees, which is high enough to cook meat. I know what hot is!
You are truly an idiot... if there are cooler places to cross than AZ why wouldn't you go there?....
Keep in your pea sized brain the fact that there are hundreds of miles in Mexico that need to be crossed before you get to AZ... these people have kids and elderly people with them not to mention the cartels don't want to die from heat stroke...
either... you can only pack in so much water... and food...
Now why is this such a big deal with you?... are you trying to show me up or what?...
Now this is the end of this debate... go find another person to bother and stalk....
I do not like phony soldiers who lie about their service to our country... fake soldiers like you make me sick and if we were face to face you would be on your ass....
They hired me to teach the Army how to recruit since I had so much success with the Navy.
I did some checking and made a call to someone I trust who is a retired Petty officer... he said no sailor has ever received their Dolphins in just one patrol that he has ever heard of... in fact he laughed when I read to him what you posted....
You are truly an idiot... if there are cooler places to cross than AZ why wouldn't you go there?....
Keep in your pea sized brain the fact that there are hundreds of miles in Mexico that need to be crossed before you get to AZ... these people have kids and elderly people with them not to mention the cartels don't want to die from heat stroke...
either... you can only pack in so much water... and food...
Now why is this such a big deal with you?... are you trying to show me up or what?...
Now this is the end of this debate... go find another person to bother and stalk....
I do not like phony soldiers who lie about their service to our country... fake soldiers like you make me sick and if we were face to face you would be on your ass....

You are doing an excellent job of showing yourself to be an arrogant, narcissistic asshole. There you go calling me fake again. You have not a fucking clue. Would you like the mods to give you a vacation? I know you will just reply with another threat, but you appear to be a gigantic pu$$y! Why don't you admit that you are wrong and slink off back under the rock you oozed from?
I did some checking and made a call to someone I trust who is a retired Petty officer... he said no sailor has ever received their Dolphins in just one patrol that he has ever heard of... in fact he laughed when I read to him what you posted....
So, you trust a retired petty officer that is just as much of an ignorant fucktard as you? Congratulations! You know nothing!




I fail to see the problem, he included "ALL" Americans. So if you were trying to prove the OP wrong you failed miserably.

Walk us through that.... Lets say someone is from Argentina and shows up at our fly them home to Argentina, right?

What if the airport in Buenos Aires doesn’t let you land? Do you want to just throw the guy out of the plane?
I would give him a parachute and tell him to pull the cord. Or tell Argentina no foreign aid, no trade and no visas until they take their garbage back.
I would give him a parachute and tell him to pull the cord. Or tell Argentina no foreign aid, no trade and no visas until they take their garbage back.

Sound like a terrible idea.

Some guy comes across the border. We want to send him back. Argentina refuses. We stop trade with Argentina.

We make $11B in exports to Argentina...whomever sells products to them is screwed because some guy crosses the border?

That’s about the dumbest idea ever.

I’m not surprised you are its author.
This is the kind of mentality we're fighting, people. Kiss up, piss down. Reward those who support you, punish the people that don't.

Unlike Republican Presidents who routinely made it clear that they were President of All the People, dems have made it clear time and again that they only care about those who support them and will punish severely those who don't.

Remember. Always -- Remember.

Yesterday I heard people are moving to Texas but only to the big cities. Those usually are run by Democrats. And I heard people are leaving rural texas and that's causing texas a problem. At least in the rural areas.

Texas delegates voted on a 2024 platform at the state’s GOP Convention on Saturday and aim to tally the votes by Wednesday to finalize their platform for the coming year. The proposal called for new legislation to solidify fetal personhood ideology into law, define abortion care as homicide and criminalize in vitro fertilization,

Texas going BLUE
This is the kind of mentality we're fighting, people. Kiss up, piss down. Reward those who support you, punish the people that don't.

Unlike Republican Presidents who routinely made it clear that they were President of All the People, dems have made it clear time and again that they only care about those who support them and will punish severely those who don't.

Remember. Always -- Remember.

:laughing0301: I believe Nikki Haley voters heard differently. Nikki, herself, is apparently deaf! :dunno:
She never visited the swing states. She thought she won.
Yeah, that WAS kind of dumb. People don't like being ignored, but then Quid Pro managed to pull out a win even though he ignored everybody and hid in his basement the whole campaign.
Yeah, that WAS kind of dumb. People don't like being ignored, but then Quid Pro managed to pull out a win even though he ignored everybody and hid in his basement the whole campaign.
Trump was that bad. It was better to just not make a mistake. Trump was flailing in the wind over covid. Telling people to drink bleach. It was sad.

Plus because of the pandemic, we mailed ballots to every registered voter in Michigan. We made it real easy for lazy voters to vote.

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