Biden-Sanders plan for America that no one is talking about


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
There's not much coverage on the MSM of the full list of wishes coming from the Biden-Sanders plan. Read this and you will no longer wonder why it is being suppressed.

  • Retrofit millions of homes and buildings to prevent CO2, which is the stuff of life.
  • Expand municipally-owned broadband networks (we’ve been told they want it to go free to numerous populations).
  • Expand unionized, municipally-owned jobs in elder care, health care, and child care with benefits imposed by the federal government.
  • Propose a postal banking system to expand access for low-income families, funded by the federal taxpayer. They want their own bank.
  • Forge a new social and economic contract.
  • Bail out states and cities.
  • $15 nationwide minimum wage because one size fits all in their minds.
  • Massive expansion of public sector unions.
  • Elimination of right to work laws in states.
  • Domestic Workers Bill of Rights and the Power Act: Further public guarantees to public sector unions, guaranteed sick leave, guaranteed family leave, and so on.
  • Massive redistribution of wealth through taxation.
  • The federal government will provide affordable housing.
  • Federal homeowners renter bill of rights.
  • Federal involvement in local zoning decisions and neighborhood economic and racial diversity aimed at the suburbs.
  • Retool assembly lines for zero emissions vehicles.
  • All American school busses transition to zero emissions vehicles within years.
  • Massive expansion of public transportation.
  • Massive regulation of fossil fuels leading to brownouts and blackouts as we see in California. They want to end natural gas, coal, and oil.
  • Public option in health care which will lead to single payer. Private health insurance can’t compete with the bottomless taxpayer purse.
  • Commit to eliminate pollution — they call CO2 pollution.
  • Install 500 million solar panels, 60,000 wind turbines, all clean energy jobs will be unionized.
  • Pursue climate and environmental justice.
  • Create a federal civilian force of unarmed EMTs and social workers to go to non-violent emergencies before any police (you can’t know if it’s non-violent until you go there).
  • Reduce the militarization of police.
  • End all private prisons and detention centers including for immigrant-related offenses.
  • Prevent disparate disciplinary treatment of children of color in schools and educational settings (special rules for people of color so all outcomes are the same regardless of the offense).
  • Federal standards for the police. Lower the standard for prosecuting law enforcement officials and expand prosecutions of law enforcement officers.
  • Eliminate fines and fees for imprisonment.
  • Appoint leftists to the federal courts and to prosecutorial positions.
  • Reduce pre-trial detention.
  • Abolish the federal death penalty.
  • Retroactive reduced sentencing for all but in solitary confinement.
  • Abolish prison labor.
  • Ensure 100% housing for all former incarcerated individuals.
  • Pay healthcare for DREAMers and other people here illegally.
  • Massively expand chain migration.
  • Waivers for laws that keep illegal immigrant families separated.
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There's not much coverage on the MSM of the full list of wishes coming from the Biden-Sanders plan. Read this and you will no longer wonder why it is being suppressed.

  • Retrofit millions of homes and buildings to prevent CO2, which is the stuff of life.
  • Expand municipally-owned broadband networks (we’ve been told they want it to go free to numerous populations).
  • Expand unionized, municipally-owned jobs in elder care, health care, and child care with benefits imposed by the federal government.
  • Propose a postal banking system to expand access for low-income families, funded by the federal taxpayer. They want their own bank.
  • Forge a new social and economic contract.
  • Bail out states and cities.
  • $15 nationwide minimum wage because one size fits all in their minds.
  • Massive expansion of public sector unions.
  • Elimination of right to work laws in states.
  • Domestic Workers Bill of Rights and the Power Act: Further public guarantees to public sector unions, guaranteed sick leave, guaranteed family leave, and so on.
  • Massive redistribution of wealth through taxation.
  • The federal government will provide affordable housing.
  • Federal homeowners renter bill of rights.
  • Federal involvement in local zoning decisions and neighborhood economic and racial diversity aimed at the suburbs.
  • Retool assembly lines for zero emissions vehicles.
  • All American school busses transition to zero emissions vehicles within years.
  • Massive expansion of public transportation.
  • Massive regulation of fossil fuels leading to brownouts and blackouts as we see in California. They want to end natural gas, coal, and oil.
  • Public option in health care which will lead to single payer. Private health insurance can’t compete with the bottomless taxpayer purse.
  • Commit to eliminate pollution — they call CO2 pollution.
  • Install 500 million solar panels, 60,000 wind turbines, all clean energy jobs will be unionized.
  • Pursue climate and environmental justice.
  • Create a federal civilian force of unarmed EMTs and social workers to go to non-violent emergencies before any police (you can’t know if it’s non-violent until you go there).
  • Reduce the militarization of police.
  • End all private prisons and detention centers including for immigrant-related offenses.
  • Prevent disparate disciplinary treatment of children of color in schools and educational settings (special rules for people of color so all outcomes are the same regardless of the offense).
  • Federal standards for the police. Lower the standard for prosecuting law enforcement officials and expand prosecutions of law enforcement officers.
  • Eliminate fines and fees for imprisonment.
  • Appoint leftists to the federal courts and to prosecutorial positions.
  • Reduce pre-trial detention.
  • Abolish the federal death penalty.
  • Retroactive reduced sentencing for all but in solitary confinement.
  • Abolish prison labor.
  • Ensure 100% housing for all former incarcerated individuals.
  • Pay healthcare for DREAMers and other people here illegally.
  • Massively expand chain migration.
  • Waivers for laws that keep illegal immigrant families separated.


Doesn't sound like a nightmare. You've been packing the courts with rightists....eliminating fines and fees or changing the system might eliminate the huge inequities between poor and rich in the justice system...lowering the standard for prosecuting police...don't panic, they aren't talking about eliminating all standards...given the many police abuse issues that have come to light, the fact it tars the good as well as the bad, this could be good....chain migration? Hell....the President's in-laws came to the US via chain migration...don't other people deserve to have their families together? For profit prisons are hugely unpopular, badly run, and creat a industry that PROFITS off of human misery and a continuing need for inmates to serve it.

Hell...I was expecting to read something like state control of all industry, the end of private property rights, and forced abortions.

This sounds GOOD to me :)

Doesn't sound like a nightmare. You've been packing the courts with leftists....eliminating fines and fees or changing the system might eliminate the huge inequities between poor and rich in the justice system...lowering the standard for prosecuting police...don't panic, they aren't talking about eliminating all standards...given the many police abuse issues that have come to light, the fact it tars the good as well as the bad, this could be good....chain migration? Hell....the President's in-laws came to the US via chain migration...don't other people deserve to have their families together? For profit prisons are hugely unpopular, badly run, and creat a industry that PROFITS off of human misery and a continuing need for inmates to serve it.

Hell...I was expecting to read something like state control of all industry, the end of private property rights, and forced abortions.

This sounds GOOD to me :)

Well of course it "sounds good" to you, you're a moonbat and it's intended to sound good to you.

Let me ask you this...

Do you enjoy going to the DMV? Is it easy to deal with government drones when all you're trying to do is collect on the insurance you paid for when the Post Office loses a package? When you file for unemployment ( I used to call it unenjoyment) and you're on the phone or in line for hours because some drone misfiled your paperwork, do you think it would be wonderful if the same thing happens while you're in need of surgery?

Do " brownouts and blackouts" REALLY sound good to you? Do you actually believe ensuring 100% housing for all former incarcerated individuals is a good idea? If so, please give me your address so that I can come and commit a felony. Maybe they will just force you to let me stay in your house. You better have good AC and internet or I will sue you for forcing me to live in squalid conditions. I like my breakfast served in bed, and it should be 1/2 lbs Gravlox, bacon with all the fat cut off, and a bagel with cream cheese topped with capers and a few Kosher Dill spears. My coffee should be strong and cooled to room temperature.

If you refuse I will burn down your city until your elected officials bribe me or George Soros donates 10 million dollars to my "non-profit" charity for inspiring emperors.

Bernie Sanders lost and once again bowed to Biden and establishment like a doormat.
This sounds GOOD to me
It sounds good to a lot of useful idiots.

Hell...I was expecting to read something like state control of all industry, the end of private property rights, and forced abortions.
With a takeover of the White House, control of the House and the Senate...those unconstitutional actions may occur.
There's not much coverage on the MSM of the full list of wishes coming from the Biden-Sanders plan. Read this and you will no longer wonder why it is being suppressed.

  • Retrofit millions of homes and buildings to prevent CO2, which is the stuff of life.
  • Expand municipally-owned broadband networks (we’ve been told they want it to go free to numerous populations).
  • Expand unionized, municipally-owned jobs in elder care, health care, and child care with benefits imposed by the federal government.
  • Propose a postal banking system to expand access for low-income families, funded by the federal taxpayer. They want their own bank.
  • Forge a new social and economic contract.
  • Bail out states and cities.
  • $15 nationwide minimum wage because one size fits all in their minds.
  • Massive expansion of public sector unions.
  • Elimination of right to work laws in states.
  • Domestic Workers Bill of Rights and the Power Act: Further public guarantees to public sector unions, guaranteed sick leave, guaranteed family leave, and so on.
  • Massive redistribution of wealth through taxation.
  • The federal government will provide affordable housing.
  • Federal homeowners renter bill of rights.
  • Federal involvement in local zoning decisions and neighborhood economic and racial diversity aimed at the suburbs.
  • Retool assembly lines for zero emissions vehicles.
  • All American school busses transition to zero emissions vehicles within years.
  • Massive expansion of public transportation.
  • Massive regulation of fossil fuels leading to brownouts and blackouts as we see in California. They want to end natural gas, coal, and oil.
  • Public option in health care which will lead to single payer. Private health insurance can’t compete with the bottomless taxpayer purse.
  • Commit to eliminate pollution — they call CO2 pollution.
  • Install 500 million solar panels, 60,000 wind turbines, all clean energy jobs will be unionized.
  • Pursue climate and environmental justice.
  • Create a federal civilian force of unarmed EMTs and social workers to go to non-violent emergencies before any police (you can’t know if it’s non-violent until you go there).
  • Reduce the militarization of police.
  • End all private prisons and detention centers including for immigrant-related offenses.
  • Prevent disparate disciplinary treatment of children of color in schools and educational settings (special rules for people of color so all outcomes are the same regardless of the offense).
  • Federal standards for the police. Lower the standard for prosecuting law enforcement officials and expand prosecutions of law enforcement officers.
  • Eliminate fines and fees for imprisonment.
  • Appoint leftists to the federal courts and to prosecutorial positions.
  • Reduce pre-trial detention.
  • Abolish the federal death penalty.
  • Retroactive reduced sentencing for all but in solitary confinement.
  • Abolish prison labor.
  • Ensure 100% housing for all former incarcerated individuals.
  • Pay healthcare for DREAMers and other people here illegally.
  • Massively expand chain migration.
  • Waivers for laws that keep illegal immigrant families separated.


Doesn't sound like a nightmare. You've been packing the courts with leftists....eliminating fines and fees or changing the system might eliminate the huge inequities between poor and rich in the justice system...lowering the standard for prosecuting police...don't panic, they aren't talking about eliminating all standards...given the many police abuse issues that have come to light, the fact it tars the good as well as the bad, this could be good....chain migration? Hell....the President's in-laws came to the US via chain migration...don't other people deserve to have their families together? For profit prisons are hugely unpopular, badly run, and creat a industry that PROFITS off of human misery and a continuing need for inmates to serve it.

Hell...I was expecting to read something like state control of all industry, the end of private property rights, and forced abortions.

This sounds GOOD to me :)
They're great at scaring each other, but they don't quite realize that's just each other.

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