Biden has closed the gop to 0.4

Makes no diff WHO you vote for this November....the establishment will win.

Yes, as the debt climbs towards 40 trillion, it really won't make a difference.

Women will demand free abortions because they certainly won't be able to afford them.
You know who wouldn't be in court?

Ron DeSantis or Nikki Haley

If they come anywhere close to having the nomination you can bet your ass they would be trashed and smeared by the dimoshits and the 'media' just as harshly as Trump is, only they don't have the money to defend themselves against such a powerful and corrupt machine. Do you think it's just going to go back to 'politics as usual' after Trump is out of the picture?? Now that they know they can get away with blatant corruption right out in the open and defended by their bought out slaves in the 'media', nothing will stop them from doing this to any future 'conservative' candidate. All they have to do is find some dupe willing to make claims against any opponent for future wealth to bring any R candidate into court on some bogus charge in one of their corrupt blue judicial districts, they just make them up and the 'media' and brainless lefties cheer them on. There is no future for conservatives or every day Americans in this country, it's done, just stick a fork in it.

Even when they collapse everything, they'll find some dupe to pin it on, they're never responsible for anything bad that happens, just ask any of the little leftie morons on this board, they'll all tell you that their 'party' is lily white and never does anything wrong, never responsible for any bad consequences. Once they have the majority of the population brainwashed, it's over.
Biden has closed to a generic -0,4 in the polls. Rasmussen is an outlier by a total of 8 points. Reuters, Morning Consult, and NPR either give Biden a tie or a small lead.

This election race is far from over. The battleground states are mostly in the Trump camp by very narrow margins. Biden leads by a point.

I think we have a long way to go with surprises around the bends. The trials will not add voter to Trump, but how much it will help Biden remains to be seen.

RCP Average3/25 - 4/1744.544.1Trump+0.4

The walking dead left are cemented in.

The problem for both sides is independents.

However, in Arizona, it's becoming clear that Biden won't repeat.
Tell that to your fellow Trump worshipers that are posting a dozen poll threads a day on here.

Why don't you tell it to the Biden worshipper that posted this thread? Have you stopped pretending to be an independent yet? :auiqs.jpg:
If they come anywhere close to having the nomination you can bet your ass they would be trashed and smeared by the dimoshits and the 'media' just as harshly as Trump is, only they don't have the money to defend themselves against such a powerful and corrupt machine.

For doing what?

Do you think it's just going to go back to 'politics as usual' after Trump is out of the picture?? Now that they know they can get away with blatant corruption right out in the open and defended by their bought out slaves in the 'media', nothing will stop them from doing this to any future 'conservative' candidate.

What blatant corruption?

All they have to do is find some dupe willing to make claims against any opponent for future wealth to bring any R candidate into court on some bogus charge in one of their corrupt blue judicial districts, they just make them up and the 'media' and brainless lefties cheer them on. There is no future for conservatives or every day Americans in this country, it's done, just stick a fork in it.

Where is this happening?

Even when they collapse everything, they'll find some dupe to pin it on, they're never responsible for anything bad that happens, just ask any of the little leftie morons on this board, they'll all tell you that their 'party' is lily white and never does anything wrong, never responsible for any bad consequences.

So what you guys do with Trump.

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