Biden Doesn't Want An Audience

Progs have had power. They did not tax the rich, the well to do, the corporate entities at the levels they spout as not paying their fair share. Instead, the lower classes are now paying the freight again. And of course, they played inter class warfare again. Giving them a tax increase through inflation. And the Trump tax cuts will expire, and they did nothing about that.
And then guess what happens.

From the Epochtimes....“The drug test was fixed!!!! Quest diagnostics is a company whose CEO once gave a stick of gum to a woman in an elevator who is now a parking valet at CNN. So obviously they rigged the drug test.”
lol, but at least Biden would have fulfilled the part of the deal Trump asked for and now he’d be boxed in to the debate…no escape route.
Progs have had power. They did not tax the rich, the well to do, the corporate entities at the levels they spout as not paying their fair share. Instead, the lower classes are now paying the freight again. And of course, they played inter class warfare again. Giving them a tax increase through inflation.
Again, teabaggers blame the government, for what corporations are doing.
And the Trump tax cuts will expire, and they did nothing about that.

Trump tax cuts on the line in 2024 election​

The Hill › homenews › 4479162-trump-tax-c...

Feb 21, 2024 — Which tax cuts do Democrats want to keep? ... Biden has proposed extending the Trump tax cuts for people making less than $400,000 a year, ..
lol, but at least Biden would have fulfilled the part of the deal Trump asked for and now he’d be boxed in to the debate…no escape route.

Like everything else, Trump and MAGA define their own reality.

You don't like the election results...claim there is fraud and you want recounts.

You don't like the recounts...claim they were not done right and demand an audit.

You don't like the audit results...claim they were not done right and still call yourself the winner

No amount of proof will suffice when it comes to MAGA.
Like everything else, Trump and MAGA define their own reality.

You don't like the election results...claim there is fraud and you want recounts.

You don't like the recounts...claim they were not done right and demand an audit.

You don't like the audit results...claim they were not done right and still call yourself the winner

No amount of proof will suffice when it comes to MAGA.
That has nothing to do with, if Biden submits to the drug test, then Trump will have exhausted his only demand, and Biden will have him boxed into a debate. Trump will have no excuse then, and if he refuses to debate then you all can say it’s because he’s afraid, right?

This is a win win for you folks…and for Biden. He should do this
Hardly hack.

Sure, sure...

Some of your blob’s signs of early onset Parkinson’s.



From June 2018

"“I have broken more Elton John records. He seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No, we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look, I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really, we do it without, like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical – the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth, right? The brain. More important than the mouth is the brain. The brain is much more important.”

Your blob’s polices are dog shit. His temperament is that of whiny baby. He’s thrown a four year temper tantrum since he got his ass kicked in an election.

If all of the above had not happened...I still wouldn’t have voted for your sack of shit....

You know why?

Because he made fun of a handicapped person.

I really don’t know why or how is political career didn’t end right there. There is something wrong with you folks--that you look the other way on something like that. But you do...and yes....there is something wrong with your character.
Just this week...


You're using stupidity to argue against it.
Let's get a bunch of actors to stage a "Reporter On The Street" episode like Water's World.

Obama has his history sealed under court order and we're not supposed to think he's hiding something.

Just how dumb do you think we are?
Surely not as dumb as you.

Did you miss the 'if' qualifying that? There was a lot more to my post.
Doesn't matter.
Trump is no idiot. Biden's an idiot. He was an idiot even before he started down the road toward Dementia.
The only reason you're saying that is because the leftist media does the same nonsense with every Republican. Personal attacks about their intelligence.
They did it with Bush and they did it with Palin.
If that doesn't work then they call them a rapist.

This shitforbrains calls his hearing "A Performance", meaning it's FAKE.
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Biden is used to not having an audience when he talks, so I guess this is an advantage. He also wants muted mics.

If he shits himself, the only person in the room that will act like they noticed it would be Trump. And if he mentions it the media will claim he made it up.

It's difficult to think that a president is so afraid of his voters that he would demand that none of them be anywhere near him when he debates.

That's a really BIG red-flag, folks.

Trump said his only demand is that Biden get a drug test before the debate.

I don't think it matters if the mods provide Biden with the questions in advance because he won't be able to remember them or respond in a rational manner.

And if they give Biden a communications device, he won't be able to repeat what they feed him anyway.

The only way Biden wins is if they refuse to let Trump talk, or that they edit the debate and only show what helps Biden. That would cut a 90 min debate down to roughly 60 seconds.

I'd bet my paycheck that they're actually discussing how they can edit a live broadcast.

Biden could never ad-lib like this if something goes wrong.

Trump said anytime, anyplace, anywhere. he talked shit. Biden called him on it.

Now put up or punk out.

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