Bernie Sanders Is Pushing For America To Become France And Greece.....4 Day Work Week.....Became Rude & Aggressive With Reporter Over It


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Bernie is trying to make Americans more lazy. Paying them for 5 days but only working 4 days a week.

Anyone who isn't a communists knows this is a huge mistake, which led to the collapse of Greece and France to a certain extent.
This led to voting in the creation of the Euro, which took all of the debt of lazy countries like France and Greece and piled it up on responsible countries like Germany.

Bernie thinks were not paying attention.....and is trying to pull a fast one.

Bernie is known for being a decent old fellow who is loved by kids everywhere.

But that wasn't the Bernie Sanders that reared it's ugly head in the halls of congress when a reporter dared to ask him about the burden he was putting on businesses and on the taxpayers and workers in America.

He wouldn't even let her finish her question before he started talking over her attempting to shut her up,

It bordered on verbal....even physical assault, when she tried to do ask him a fair question about his bill.
He just started haranguing her and putting his hands within an inch or two from her face and shoulder like he was trying to poke her or get her to shut-up.

They've been playing it on TV all day but YouTube is censoring it.

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Fact is, and being reported that he knows that the Bill has a slim to no chance of being voted on.
And, Slim just left the building.
It's an election year, and the democrats are in trouble, and when it's an election year and the party is
in trouble, they offer up stupid ideas to get the stupid vote.
Fact is, and being reported that he knows that the Bill has a slim to no chance of being voted on.
And, Slim just left the building.
It's an election year, and the democrats are in trouble, and when it's an election year and the party is
in trouble, they offer up stupid ideas to get the stupid vote.
Of course this post is completely stupid and wrong. Bernie is an independent and has been quite consistent on this and many other ideas for years and years.

Fact is, and being reported that he knows that the Bill has a slim to no chance of being voted on.
And, Slim just left the building.
It's an election year, and the democrats are in trouble, and when it's an election year and the party is
in trouble, they offer up stupid ideas to get the stupid vote.
They have only begun.

Democrats are going to unleash a total shitstorm.
Cultists know their party has no platform outside of tonguing the butt of the orange god. Ideas that help Americans are anathema, to them.
Just today while Trump was in court FJB and Cumswalla were jetting about the country giving our tax money away to buy votes.
While the fat orange criminal sat in another courtroom, politicians who don't have 88 felony charges were free to go about their business.
Of course this post is completely stupid and wrong. Bernie is an independent and has been quite consistent on this and many other ideas for years and years.
Bernie is a communist, the reason why he's an Independent is because the democrats aren't far enough left for his taste.
This will not be brought up in the House. If a private company wants to entertain the idea, they can do so.
But we are talking about the feds, not the private sector.
So the only thing that's stupid, is you usual.
Just the way the democrats drew up their game plan. You are a good minion FFI, not very bright, but a good minion.
Oops, another whiny, idiotic post.

Democrats have no control over what Jack Smith does or doesn't do. Nor over how often elections happen.

Furthermore, the person to blame is the orange pile of shit who went on several crime sprees.
Fact is, and being reported that he knows that the Bill has a slim to no chance of being voted on.
And, Slim just left the building.
It's an election year, and the democrats are in trouble, and when it's an election year and the party is
in trouble, they offer up stupid ideas to get the stupid vote.
They're all stupid though. 🙄
Just today while Trump was in court FJB and Cumswalla were jetting about the country giving our tax money away to buy votes.
Kameltoea made an "HISTORIC VISIT" to an abortion clinic, according to the leftist media.

Somebody there asked what she does.

She said she's met over 150 world if that's something to brag about.

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