Benefits of Bachelorhood


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2022
I don't have a wife telling me what I should do and I do my own thing.

Dual income no kids is now the growing trend as is waiting until much later to get married. Work and earning money is now the focus. It's growing like a wildfire.
Raising the next generation is an expensive job but somebody has to do it.

Some guys produce more kids while they're single than many married men do. :biggrin:
I don't have a wife telling me what I should do and I do my own thing.

Yes, all my life I was over run by people. Always around never peace. Now I live alone on my own terms. My home is peaceful. If I get tired of the quiet, that's what a stereo is for. I need a family fix, I drive 3 hours south and spoil my grandchildren. Being single is all right with me.
The very idea of a "soulmate" is sophomoric nonsense that leads millions, especially women, into awful marriages. If you are looking for that perfect someone, you are too immature to get married. This is the real reason why there are so many cohabiting couples; they have found someone who is OK, but still looking for THE ONE.

Imagine you live in a culture where arranged marriages are the rule. Your parents find someone for you who is mature, of good character, comes from a good family, and has no significant flaws. You and that person know that marriage is a lifetime thing (in that culture), so you go into it trying to make the best of it. You treat the person with kindness, consideration, and dignity, and they do the same with you.

Bingo. You have a good marriage. As time goes by you learn to "love" that person, meaning you feel an emotional attachment that is the most intense you are able to feel.

Alternatively, after years of looking you find your "soulmate." Shortly thereafter you get married. That intense level of emotional commitment fades, the person gets fat, sloppy, irritable. They pay more attention to the kids, the job, the neighborhood, their parents than you think appropriate...more than they pay to you, actually. You never thought of marriage as a mutual commitment. You thought of it as an opportunity to live blissfully for the rest of your days. What happens when the bliss fades away?

Stay single. Do the world a favor.
Yes, all my life I was over run by people. Always around never peace. Now I live alone on my own terms. My home is peaceful. If I get tired of the quiet, that's what a stereo is for. I need a family fix, I drive 3 hours south and spoil my grandchildren. Being single is all right with me.
Sounds like you are happy and content. Good for you! That's what it's all about.
The very idea of a "soulmate" is sophomoric nonsense that leads millions, especially women, into awful marriages. If you are looking for that perfect someone, you are too immature to get married. This is the real reason why there are so many cohabiting couples; they have found someone who is OK, but still looking for THE ONE.

Imagine you live in a culture where arranged marriages are the rule. Your parents find someone for you who is mature, of good character, comes from a good family, and has no significant flaws. You and that person know that marriage is a lifetime thing (in that culture), so you go into it trying to make the best of it. You treat the person with kindness, consideration, and dignity, and they do the same with you.

Bingo. You have a good marriage. As time goes by you learn to "love" that person, meaning you feel an emotional attachment that is the most intense you are able to feel.

Alternatively, after years of looking you find your "soulmate." Shortly thereafter you get married. That intense level of emotional commitment fades, the person gets fat, sloppy, irritable. They pay more attention to the kids, the job, the neighborhood, their parents than you think appropriate...more than they pay to you, actually. You never thought of marriage as a mutual commitment. You thought of it as an opportunity to live blissfully for the rest of your days. What happens when the bliss fades away?

Stay single. Do the world a favor.
I found mine. 28 years three weeks ago.

After a bad marriage (I seriously have no idea how she and my father got together) mother found hers. Married 40 years.
The biggest obstacle in many marriages is selfishness. The best marriages have two people trying to make each other happy instead of one of them just wanting their way.
Peace and solitude is very nice. It's not hard to find some activity if one is seeking so.e time in public.
My wife and I have been married for 58 years. We are quiet country(heavy forested) people. We both enjoy our setting and our kids come to visit quite a bit as we don't get around much at our age. But there's nothing like waking up and watching the wildlife with a cup of coffee. Relaxing. I frankly don't know how people can stand the hustle and bustle of the cities or suburbs. They're stressed, tired. Drive to work in a congested rat race and come home in congestion. Day after day year after year. No thank you. That isn't living to me.
I don't have a wife telling me what I should do and I do my own thing.

From what I have seen, marrying the wrong person is worse than staying single. But from my experience, marrying the right person changes your life for the better in many ways.

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