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basic poll : who do you support, and why? ... Israel rejects calls to scale back attacks

:thankusmile: :yes_text12: You totally nailed it well said.:up: He indeed same as all supporters of genocide against the civilians of palestine here has indeed demonstrated what a BS filter indeed is,could not have said it anty better myself.:up::thankusmile::clap2::clap2::clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Thank you for your kind words.

The Israel - Palestine conflict seems to be an especially volatile topic and many people view it in terms of absolutes:
  • All Palestinians are either sadistic savages or innocent victims
  • All Israelis are either genocidal land thieves or pitiful and entitled Jews in their God given homeland.

I try to be objective and imagine myself as an everyday Israeli Jew who just wants to support his family and enjoy life but, at the end of the day, the same land is dear to both people.

However, in most cases, the Palestinians were there first and had their land stolen and homes destroyed relatively recently.
They have understandably become a people without hope with little more to lose and people without hope do desperate things.

Regrettably, October 7 exemplified that hopelessness and desperation.

October 7 did not cause Israel to massacre Gazans and destroy their homes. They already do that routinely to all Palestinians with impunity.

Since I can think of no brutally occupied people who have meekly accepted their occupied status, October 7 was, rather, a symptom Israel's decades of attempting to murder and steal its way to elusive "security".

There will never be peace in the Levant until the Palestinians have self government and equitable reparations.

Never has the cliche' "No Justice, No Peace" been more applicable.

Thanks again & best wishes,
I support not sending Israel money or weapons. The people on the receiving end of those weapons can hijack jet liners and fly them into our skyscrapers....again.
you think that Israelis were responsible for 9/11.?
I wish I could. I'm 75, but I would gladly push the button to drop bombs on Iran.

We're about the same age, so, other than "pushing buttons", what experience do you have with war, mutilated bodies or in the Middle East?

Do you really think that bombing Iran is going to do anything other than make Americans around the world targets for the world's 2.7 Billion Muslims just so Netanyahu can commit genocide and steal more land with impunity?
you think that Israelis were responsible for 9/11.?
The documentary video 9/11 missing links proves beyond a doubt it was a joint cia mossad operation.anytime I post that video nobody watches it or attempts to refute the evidence in it,they just reply with personal attacks and believe they have debunked me that way. :cuckoo:
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The documentary video 9/11 missing links proves beyond a doubt it was a joint cia mossad operation.anytime I post that video nobody watches it or attempts to refute the evidence in it,they just reply with personal attacks and believe they have debunked me that way. :cuckoo:
Which is the norm fir you on the murderous atrocities of Israel obviously shill. :abgg2q.jpg: :laughing0301: Admitting you lied is why nobody here should fall for

:biggrin: :yes_text12: :thankusmile:
God bless Israel and the USA. Kill all the mohammed trash.
We're about the same age, so, other than "pushing buttons", what experience do you have with war, mutilated bodies or in the Middle East?

Do you really think that bombing Iran is going to do anything other than make Americans around the world targets for the world's 2.7 Billion Muslims just so Netanyahu can commit genocide and steal more land with impunity?
I hope we can bomb and kill enough mohammed trash that they will have beaten into submission.
Show me a statement by a Palestinian resistance/terrorist group that has EVER claimed to act upon a "divine" mandate.

It's all over Hamas' propaganda that they feed their own youths.

You got that totally wrong as well - no surprise there. The Palestinians are ALL very well and painfully aware about the price they are paying since the Zionists invaded their homes and territory, latest by 1948.

According to a simpleton like you - ALL those e.g. Gaelic and Germanic tribes resisting the Roman invasion into their lands - must have been terrorists and therefore deserved to be eliminated and/or subdued. (Killing Roman settlers in e.g. Raetia - how dare they!!)

BTW, the Nazis would have had every right to bomb the shit out of French civilians - due to the actions of the French Maquis, whilst claiming to "only" attacking and eradicating Marquis members.

Keep in mind that it was the "official" French government that had surrendered to the Nazis !! Therefore unlike the Palestinians and their PLO or Hamas etc., (who have NEVER signed a deceleration of surrender) the French Marquis were indeed terrorists who acted against their own governments surrender deceleration and proclamations. Hence the Marquis was also rightfully persecuted by the own French police forces.

Therefore you must be very confused as to why until today, Marquis members are hailed as being heroes and "true" Frenchmen, and not as a bunch of murdering terrorists.

off-topic gibberish that i'm not even going to respond to.
God bless Israel and the USA. Kill all the mohammed trash.
Taking "God" into ones mouth, whilst calling for killing/murdering people, is about as absurd and ludicrous as it can get.

As I had stated multiple times - there is no difference in regards to the mentality, beheld by a Zionist radical and a Hamas radical.
Thanks, for once again proving my point.
Taking "God" into ones mouth, whilst calling for killing/murdering people, is about as absurd and ludicrous as it can get.

As I had stated multiple times - there is no difference in regards to the mentality, beheld by a Zionist radical and a Hamas radical.
Thanks, for once again proving my point.
Read your Bible and you'll find out God and Israel killed a lot. Are you under the false impression that God's people are pacifists?
Read your Bible and you'll find out God and Israel killed a lot. Are you under the false impression that God's people are pacifists?
Just how illiterate and uneducated are you?

According to religious folk (which I am not) - God only "punished" - (purified) mankind, via killing them due to disobeying his commands.
As for his "believers" & followers, read up e.g. the 10 commandments (also confirmed in the Koran) e.g. "though shalt not kill"

As such any follower of those three desert religions - acts against their God's commands, if e.g. one kills.
Since YOU brought in God's blessings - why do you refer to "read your Bible" ??? I personally don't give a rats ass about that self-written Jewish book, nor about religion itself.

Israel aka the Jews of the Kingdom of David&Solomon killed all the way throughout their history and it's initial founding (around 1050 BC) the "original" inhabitants of today's Palestine aka the Levant, - And Zionist Israel pursues the exact same path until today.

According to a simpleton like you it's absolutely okay for Jews to kill others - but if Muslims or Christians do it as well, you and your ilk start to cry and whine. - simply pathetic.
Just how illiterate and uneducated are you?

According to religious folk (which I am not) - God only "punished" - (purified) mankind, via killing them due to disobeying his commands.
As for his "believers" & followers, read up e.g. the 10 commandments (also confirmed in the Koran) e.g. "though shalt not kill"

As such any follower of those three desert religions - acts against their God's commands, if e.g. one kills.
Since YOU brought in God's blessings - why do you refer to "read your Bible" ??? I personally don't give a rats ass about that self-written Jewish book, nor about religion itself.

Israel aka the Jews of the Kingdom of David&Solomon killed all the way throughout their history and it's initial founding (around 1050 BC) the "original" inhabitants of today's Palestine aka the Levant, - And Zionist Israel pursues the exact same path until today.

According to a simpleton like you it's absolutely okay for Jews to kill others - but if Muslims or Christians do it as well, you and your ilk start to cry and whine. - simply pathetic.
The Hebrew word for "kill" in the 10 commandments means "murder". You're obviously biblically illiterate and even admitted that you don't believe scripture. Find another topic where you can contribute.
The Hebrew word for "kill" in the 10 commandments means "murder". You're obviously biblically illiterate and even admitted that you don't believe scripture. Find another topic where you can contribute.

nowhere in the Bible, Koran or Torah is the term "kill" defined nor differentiated along the lines of murder, "murder degrees", homicide etc. - the latter are modern judicial terms, pertaining to civil codes and international laws.

Rule 89.​

Violence to Life​

The prohibition of murder of civilians was already recognized in the Lieber Code.[1] Murder of civilians and prisoners of war was included as a war crime in the Charter of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg.[2] Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions prohibits “violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds” of civilians and persons hors de combat.[3] All four Geneva Conventions list “wilful killing” of protected persons as a grave breach.[4] The prohibition of murder is recognized as a fundamental guarantee by Additional Protocols I and II.[5] Murder is also specified as a war crime under the Statute of the International Criminal Court with respect to both international and non-international armed conflicts and under the Statutes of the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda and of the Special Court for Sierra Leone.

The ICRC has on numerous occasions condemned the killing of civilians and persons hors de combat, stating that such behaviour is prohibited under international humanitarian law.[13]
Murder of civilians and persons hors de combat is also prohibited under international human rights law, albeit in different terms. Human rights treaties prohibit the “arbitrary deprivation of the right to life”.[14] This prohibition is non-derogable under these treaties and therefore applicable at all times.

The killing of civilians aka the murder of civilians or e.g. POW's in a war, constitutes a "war-crime" according to present international law.

The more you post the more obvious your "unintelligible and idiotic mindset" becomes apparent.

nowhere in the Bible, Koran or Torah is the term "kill" defined nor differentiated along the lines of murder, "murder degrees", homicide etc. - the latter are modern judicial terms, pertaining to civil codes and international laws.

Rule 89.​

Violence to Life​

The prohibition of murder of civilians was already recognized in the Lieber Code.[1] Murder of civilians and prisoners of war was included as a war crime in the Charter of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg.[2] Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions prohibits “violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds” of civilians and persons hors de combat.[3] All four Geneva Conventions list “wilful killing” of protected persons as a grave breach.[4] The prohibition of murder is recognized as a fundamental guarantee by Additional Protocols I and II.[5] Murder is also specified as a war crime under the Statute of the International Criminal Court with respect to both international and non-international armed conflicts and under the Statutes of the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda and of the Special Court for Sierra Leone.

The ICRC has on numerous occasions condemned the killing of civilians and persons hors de combat, stating that such behaviour is prohibited under international humanitarian law.[13]
Murder of civilians and persons hors de combat is also prohibited under international human rights law, albeit in different terms. Human rights treaties prohibit the “arbitrary deprivation of the right to life”.[14] This prohibition is non-derogable under these treaties and therefore applicable at all times.

The killing of civilians aka the murder of civilians or e.g. POW's in a war, constitutes a "war-crime" according to present international law.

The more you post the more obvious your "unintelligible and idiotic mindset" becomes apparent.
Whatever. The Hebrew word for "kill" in Thou shall not kill means "murder". Fact.
Since we are discussing language fluency here, can I get a show of hands of how many are fluent in Hebrew, please?
Whatever. The Hebrew word for "kill" in Thou shall not kill means "murder". Fact.
You only talk and post GARBAGE and waste peoples time.

If a judge orders the death of a convict or an executioner performs his duty - they do NOT murder but Kill, whilst e.g. Cain "murdered" Abel.

It's simply and only the Jews that claim to state, murder - and as such faced the issue of having to justify murder in context to THEIR religion - therefore bringing in the term killing, (amending the Torah) in order to justify/legalize deadly violence against civilians and combatants. Judaism preaches that killing the enemy is religiously LEGAL - aka, Jews adhering to Judaism are Murderous Religious Bastards, just like Hamas, see Jewish history and actions from Jericho right down to present day Gaza and the West-bank.

Therefore if someone calls for the extermination of Hamas and Muslims - the same needs to apply towards the extermination of Judaism respectively despicable Zionists.

Christianity does NOT justify killing nor murdering - it clearly forbids it.
Therefore if you take God into your mouth whilst calling for the killing of people - you are either a plain stupid hypocrite or a despicable Zionist.

It is solely the civil code and secular laws of a respective e.g. Christian country - that allows for the killing of someone - e.g. a death penalty or the killing of combatants under the confines of international law.

You are what you are; a flat out moron.
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