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Arizona Conspiracy Cranks Are Staking Out Ballot Boxes Because They Have No Lives

This is not what conservatives are doing, of course – it has nothing to do with ‘civic duty.’

This is about conservatives engaging in voter intimidation; this is an effort by the illiberal, anti-democratic authoritarian right to prevent voters of color from voting, perceived by Republicans as likely Democratic voters – something every American should have a problem with.

I really wish you would stop calling Repubs/MAGA folks conservatives, it is an insult to the few real conservatives in our country.
Do you live in a swing state? If you lived in one of the swing states, YOU DID NOT get an unsolicited, unrequested, absentee ballot for the presidential election. PERIOD!

Yes, I live in a swing state. And yes I did. You are LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH!
Arizona Trump supporters have gotten themselves a new hobby in these last weeks of the 2022 elections: Showing up just outside the legally protected 75' perimeter around public ballot drop boxes in Maricopa County to watch voters turning in their ballots. Sometimes while sporting tactical vests and/or weapons. Sometimes while capturing videos of the voters that arrive or taking pictures of their license plates.

There are already surveillance cameras at Arizona ballot drop boxes, however, and those security videos are available online via the Maricopa County Elections Department itself. You can watch them while sitting on your couch!

What we have here, in the end analysis, is a group of Arizonans who have absolutely no lives. No common sense. No knowledge of how to defeat vampires, how to defeat mules, or how to defeat mules that are vampires or vampires that are mules. No other useful hobbies. these people, who are trapped in their decaying lives, their minds a humid fog of conspiracy theories, their family lives stagnant and merciless.
But what of these Americans, who have been exposed to Dinesh D'Souza at near-lethal doses?

At least they are already dressed up for Halloween. Clever costumes.
Actually, they do it to capture the excellent videos of ballot stuffing by the DIms.
Arizona Trump supporters have gotten themselves a new hobby in these last weeks of the 2022 elections: Showing up just outside the legally protected 75' perimeter around public ballot drop boxes in Maricopa County to watch voters turning in their ballots. Sometimes while sporting tactical vests and/or weapons. Sometimes while capturing videos of the voters that arrive or taking pictures of their license plates.

There are already surveillance cameras at Arizona ballot drop boxes, however, and those security videos are available online via the Maricopa County Elections Department itself. You can watch them while sitting on your couch!

What we have here, in the end analysis, is a group of Arizonans who have absolutely no lives. No common sense. No knowledge of how to defeat vampires, how to defeat mules, or how to defeat mules that are vampires or vampires that are mules. No other useful hobbies. these people, who are trapped in their decaying lives, their minds a humid fog of conspiracy theories, their family lives stagnant and merciless.
But what of these Americans, who have been exposed to Dinesh D'Souza at near-lethal doses?

At least they are already dressed up for Halloween. Clever costumes.

Paid by the word, are ya?


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