Anyone eat Braunschweiger?


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
Just bought some and had some for the first time since I was a kid, it's not bad, a smoked pork liver sausage in a casing. Not sure what to add to it but crackers, some people use it as a spread, I'm just hand eating slices of it.
Just bought some and had some for the first time since I was a kid, it's not bad, a smoked pork liver sausage in a casing. Not sure what to add to it but crackers, some people use it as a spread, I'm just hand eating slices of it.
I've had it mixed with ham, potatoes, grapes and olives on toast.
I think the difference is that Braunschweiger is smoked, and is more of a spread than liverwurst is. I'm not 100% sure though.

Hmmm. Well, I know my momma used to buy liverwurst. I'd spread it on bread like Deviled Ham and put a thick layer of mayo on it and make a sandwich. I think she bought some Braunschweiger once, I don't remember liking it or disliking it though.

But I lost my taste for those things in my 20's, along with sardines and hard biscuits. BLAH. I'll just say, I'd eat Elly Mae's biscuits before my mommas biscuits........they were rock hard!

Most of the Braunschweiger sold today is nothing more than cracker sized bologna.

Don't get wound up by it. Unless you want it for some sort of charcuterie platter. Then by all means please do.
It is horrendous.
I cannot stand the taste of liver, that minerally stench flavor/smell... you might as well eat a poop log.
yall are so fancy i just had that potted meat

Last night I toasted a huge slice of sourdough bread that I cut a little on the thick side, and spread some of my braunschweiger on it. Oh my gosh, was that good! May I recommend you all try some for yourself.
As with a ton of German sausages, or most sausages for that matter, many of them are often confused for the other, or the two terms are used interchangeably. Liverwurst and Braunschweiger is a perfect example of this.

A Comparison Guide to Liverwurst and Braunschweiger

These are two German sausages that are, at first glance, exactly the same. However, as we go into more detail on each of these, you will notice that they are actually very different.

The best way to do so is to look at each individually before comparing them side by side. After that, we can more easily identify all the similarities and all the differences.
Here in the USA, they are often labeled the same or both. Especially if national brand such as found in supermarkets. Can vary more if made local by a butcher/meat shop.

I'm fond of it, ever since I was a kid.

One of my cats is also fond of it. Asks for it nearly daily.

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