Another virus is coming - bird flu

Oh my word.
I think I figured it out. They will use bird flu as a decoy for all the covid vaccinated deaths occurring now as they pile up and increase throughout the year. That way the blind ones (slow/low thinkers) will never put the blame on the covid vaccine.
I think I figured it out. They will use bird flu as a decoy for all the covid vaccinated deaths occurring now as they pile up and increase throughout the year. That way the blind ones (slow/low thinkers) will never put the blame on the covid vaccine.

I think I figured it out, people are just fucking stupid.
How many masks should we wear?

Is 10 feet too close for social distance?

When will Fauci, Xi and Pharma stand in the dock at The Hague for bioterrorism?

You are so right about that. Let's not forget all the democrats did first to eliminate Trump during the primaries. They did a lot to shame him with raids, investigations, convictions, etc... to keep him from getting the presidential nomination.

To keep him from wining the presidency they did a full out "hush money" trial full of lies and told the jury if just one of you thinks he's guilty all of you must say he's guilty (a Constitution violation). Next a large jail sentence that only the Supreme Court will be able to step in and rectify. Once the Supreme Court throws out the entire case....

Democrats will roll in the bird flu pandemic they would rather see deaths than Trump winning the presidency. The bird flu pandemic is their very last card to play.
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You are so right about that. Let's not forget all the democrats did first to eliminate Trump during the primaries. They did a lot to shame him with raids, investigations, convictions, etc... to keep him from getting the presidential nomination.

To keep him from wining the presidency they did a full out "hush money" trial full of lies and told the jury if just one of thinks he's guilty all of you must say he's guilty (a Constitution violation). Next a large jail sentence that only the Supreme Court will be able to step in and rectify. Once the Supreme Court throws out the entire case....

Democrats will roll in the bird flu pandemic they would rather see deaths than Trump winning the presidency. The bird flu pandemic is their very last card to play.

Er... nobody's saying that, and there's a huge chance it won't happen.
Well glory's some more snake juice for that bird flu that hasn't infected anyone other than a couple of pink eyes. Yayyyy, pull my finger again.

Americans are not very wise people...not that smart. Even as Americans saw with their own two eyes China in masks in November and December of 2019... Americans did not do one thing at all to prepare for the Coronavirus.

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