Another republican too eager to kill

A. If you don't vote why are you here?

B. No tRumpling would ever vote for a brown guy with a foreign sounding last name anyway, and when you throw in the non meat eating thing that's just icing on the "never gonna happen" cake.

A. I didn't realize that voting in the next election was a requirement for posting on USMB. :lol: There ARE other topics discussed here, you know. And even on the political threads, I wouldn't agree that one has to vote in the upcoming election to be able to post on those threads occasionally.

B. That's not true, IIRC Vivek had some support here. As for Trump supporters overall, I don't know. You might be right that his vegetarianism is not something that most Republicans would relate to. But I highly doubt it would be a deal-breaker, since most probably wouldn't care. Doesn't matter anyway, because I'm pretty sure he's not a potential running mate.
A. I didn't realize that voting in the next election was a requirement for posting on USMB. :lol: There ARE other topics discussed here, you know. And even on the political threads, I wouldn't agree that one has to vote in the upcoming election to be able to post on those threads occasionally.

B. That's not true, IIRC Vivek had some support here. As for Trump supporters overall, I don't know. You might be right that his vegetarianism is not something that most Republicans would relate to. But I highly doubt it would be a deal-breaker, since most probably wouldn't care. Doesn't matter anyway, because I'm pretty sure he's not a potential running mate.
I don't know if she ever was a potential running mate. She's a pretty face and we all know what the Democrats did to the last pretty face running with McCain, Sarah Palin. They looked at stuff like this with Palin and made her out to be a ditz by the media and comedians. They would do this to Noem as well. But now, they will try to make her look like a psychopath ditz.
It's not, but this is a political massage board, and if you are a non voter...?

Not everyone still trusts the whole system, not everyone has the same ideas about what's actually going on, in the bigger picture.

The corruption and deception is worse than most people realize. I know that my views on politics and what's actually going on put me in the minority here on this site. But that's OK. Again, not everyone who posts here participates in the Duopoly, but that doesn't mean there's no point in posting here. On the contrary, I try to wake people up. :)
I don't know if she ever was a potential running mate. She's a pretty face and we all know what the Democrats did to the last pretty face running with McCain, Sarah Palin. They looked at stuff like this with Palin and made her out to be a ditz by the media and comedians. They would do this to Noem as well. But now, they will try to make her look like a psychopath ditz.
They didn't need this puppy kill gate, she is having an adulterous affair with Corey Lewandiwski, and not hiding it....with so many romantic instances... that were viewed by many.... it's undeniable.

the puppy killing, and bragging about it in a book, while also stating how much she 'HATED that dog'...

only sealed the deal on her lack of judgement and character and morals....
They didn't need this puppy kill gate, she is having an adulterous affair with Corey Lewandiwski, and not hiding it....with so many romantic instances... that were viewed by many.... it's undeniable.

the puppy killing, and bragging about it in a book, while also stating how much she 'HATED that dog'...

only sealed the deal on her lack of judgement and character and morals....
Leave out the bragging part and I agree with the first two paragraphs.

I don’t see any moral differences with her and our current Vice President. And, watching Biden allow the country to fall into moral decay with the LGBTQ trans lobby isn’t a higher moral compass than Trump. I would also look at the 4 years of both Trump and Biden and decide their character based on where the country and world is now. Trump’s was much better.
Leave out the bragging part and I agree with the first two paragraphs.

I don’t see any moral differences with her and our current Vice President. And, watching Biden allow the country to fall into moral decay with the LGBTQ trans lobby isn’t a higher moral compass than Trump. I would also look at the 4 years of both Trump and Biden and decide their character based on where the country and world is now. Trump’s was much better.
She mentioned it because she thought it showed strength not weakness and stupidity. She did brag about it.
Yeah, a 14 month old puppy at that. How sick do you have to be to do something like that? How sick do you have to be to think a majority of your supporters would cheer something like that.
The only thing you know about that animal is that it was a dog, its age, and that it was killed.
You don't have a clue with its disposition as a pet. :smoke:
Yeah, a 14 month old puppy at that. How sick do you have to be to do something like that? How sick do you have to be to think a majority of your supporters would cheer something like that.
Years ago my dad shot his hunting dogs when they got old. He took them out for one last hunting trip. He told us kids the dog ran away. That was acceptable practice back then. But a puppy, that's something wrong with the person.
The only thing you know about that animal is that it was a dog, its age, and that it was killed.
You don't have a clue with its disposition as a pet. :smoke:
There are no bad kids ,there are no bad dogs , the problem lies elsewhere.
Years ago my dad shot his hunting dogs when they got old. He took them out for one last hunting trip. He told us kids the dog ran away. That was acceptable practice back then. But a puppy, that's something wrong with the person.

Incredibly wrong...disturbing...borderline psycho.

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