Amid empty polling stations, Venezuela claims 10 million Venezuelans voted invade Guyana


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
4 Dec 2023 ~~ By Monica Showalter

According to CNBC:
Venezuelans on Sunday voted to claim sovereignty over a large swathe of their oil-rich neighbor Guyana, marking the latest escalation in a long-standing territorial dispute between the countries.
Voters were asked if they supported the establishment of a new state in the contested area, known as the Essequibo. Venezuelaā€™s National Electoral Council counted more than 10.5 million votes, the countryā€™s local media stated. The number of voters were not specified, however, and the Associated Press reported that few voters could be seen at polling sites throughout the voting period.
The 61,600 square-mile Essequibo region makes up two-thirds of Guyana, and holds enormous oil reserves off its coast.
Sounds legit.
Now maybe Texas can hold a referendum on whether it can take over Mexico. Or maybe the U.K. can hold one on whether to take back the U.S.

Another foreign policy "success" by Joey Biden and his DSA Democrat Socialist Commies* and his team of geniuses at State, led by the odious Antony Blinken. They're in power wreaking havoc at home and abroad because of the Big Steal of 2020, to which RINOs like Romney and others contributed hugely.
The State Dept., recently cozied up to Maduro for an oil deal. I thought all they were going to do was help Maduro win his election but now I see that it was all about starting another war. State channeling their inner Putin.
Another foreign policy "success" by Joey Biden and his DSA Democrat Socialist Commies* and his team of geniuses at State, led by the odious Antony Blinken. They're in power wreaking havoc at home and abroad because of the Big Steal of 2020, to which RINOs like Romney and others contributed hugely.
The State Dept., recently cozied up to Maduro for an oil deal. I thought all they were going to do was help Maduro win his election but now I see that it was all about starting another war. State channeling their inner Putin.

New Flash, the rest of the world will continue to do stuff despite what America does.

Or do you think Chavez is quaking in his boots at the thought of Trump's Mean Tweets?

The real problem here is that Venezuela has a strong case. The British Empire bullied them into accepting the current border.
Another Conflict In Which The Left Has No Interest:
5 Dec 2023 ~~ By Francis Menton

The response by Israel to the October atrocities of Hamas seems to have roused the international Left into a furious frenzy. Widespread demonstrations supporting the Gazansā€™ slaughter continue on a daily basis in major cities around the world and, especially, on university campuses. The demonstrations feature thinly- or not-so-thinly-veiled calls for elimination of Israel as a state, and for violence against Jewish people. The demonstrators call the Jews every horrible thing they can think of, the very worst in their vocabulary being ā€œsettler colonialists.ā€
Meanwhile, other comparable conflicts go on around the world without even a hint of interest from the same international Left. In this post on October 11 I discussed the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia, where at that very moment the Azeris were in the process of completely expelling a large community of Armenians from their historical homeland in a section of the Caucasus region called Nagorno-Karabakh. The Armenians have apparently continuously occupied the area since well before the time of Christ, and converted to Christianity as a nation in 301 A.D. Encyclopedia Britannica dates the arrival of the Azeris (Muslims) from Central Asia around the 9th to 11th centuries A.D. Doesnā€™t that make the Armenians ā€œindigenousā€ and the Azeris ā€œsettler colonialistsā€? You will be hard pressed to find a handful of news articles covering this situation, let alone even one tiny demonstration on a college campus.
So what is really going on here? Maduro is almost five years into a six year term, and he has completely run Venezuela into the ground since taking office initially in 2013. While there is no meaningful opinion polling from Venezuela, his popularity is thought to be deep in the toilet. Meanwhile, his next-door neighbor Guyana is turning into an incredible success story on the capitalist model. Something must be done!
Letā€™s look at just a few statistics. Venezuela could be the worst story of economic failure for any country in the world over the past couple of decades. (Maybe North Korea is worse, but there are no usable numbers at all from that prison state.). With the caveat that all economic statistics coming out of Venezuela must be viewed with skepticism, here are some from Venezuela.
In Guyana it is, shall we say, the opposite. Here is a piece from CNBC on September 26, 2023, headline ā€œThis is the worldā€™s fastest-growing economy, and it could grow an ā€˜explosiveā€™ 100%.ā€
So how has that happened? Easy: Guyana leased some offshore territory for exploration by an international group of private oil companies led by Exxon. And sure enough they made huge discoveries, that are just now ramping up into major production:
To its credit, the UN appears at least for now to be standing by Guyana on this one. When Venezuela started its recent campaign, Guyana referred the matter to the UN. According to PBS here, last Friday, the UNā€™s International Court of Justice issued a ruling ā€œorder[ing] Venezuela not to take any action that would alter Guyanaā€™s control over a disputed territory.ā€ But as yet the ruling is only a preliminary one, pending a full trial later, possibly years from now.
Meanwhile, donā€™t expect any activity from the leftist outrage machine. That outrage is reserved for the likes of the United States and Israel who defend themselves and stand up for Western values.

Unfortunately, Socialist communists always need to find new people to plunder after their own populations are squeezed dry.
Socialist Commies are thieves above all else. Thatā€™s what their propaganda is all about -justifying theft of other peopleā€™s property and more. There is no interest or respect for earning or building anything because in their system it will just be taken by someone.
Venezuela has already invaded with foot soldiers. Thereā€™s a media blackout on it.
We trained the Guyana's. I think this is a silent signal and capitulation to Maduro and China. They want the oil and resources of Guyana. Maduro will take it and China will extract them likely giving a cut to Maduro.
Itā€™s all about theft and it's corruption.
Unfortunately, Socialist communists always need to find new people to plunder after their own populations are squeezed dry.
Socialist Commies are thieves above all else. Thatā€™s what their propaganda is all about -justifying theft of other peopleā€™s property and more. There is no interest or respect for earning or building anything because in their system it will just be taken by someone.
Venezuela has already invaded with foot soldiers. Thereā€™s a media blackout on it.
We trained the Guyana's. I think this is a silent signal and capitulation to Maduro and China. They want the oil and resources of Guyana. Maduro will take it and China will extract them likely giving a cut to Maduro.
Itā€™s all about theft and it's corruption.

The problem here- again- Venezuela has a valid claim to the territory. It has been seeking redress through legitimate means for decades to no avail.

I'm sure that if Biden commits troops to defend Guyana's border, you guys will lose your shit over that, too.

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