America’s Coming Race War, Courtesy of the Democrat Party…


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

America’s Coming Race War, Courtesy of the Democrat Party…

4 Apr 2024 ~~ By Vince

Sometimes it’s hard to know what exactly to write. I don’t mean in general staring off into space or watching the clouds in your coffee kind of stuff, I mean when you see something so extraordinarily evil that you’re left speechless.
That happened to me last week when I saw the video of a white female student being brutally beaten by a black female student in Missouri. As you’ve no doubt seen, the black girl beats the white girl into unconsciousness and repeatedly slams her head into the concrete. The victim went into convulsions and as of this writing is in critical condition in the hospital.
There are two primary questions I had after watching this video. The first was why does no one try and stop the attacker when there are a dozen people around the fight, including at least one person recording a video? The second was what kind of an upbringing would someone have to have to make them act this way? These two unanswerable questions melded into a third, which was, why do we see so many videos of blacks acting violently? Beating white people. Beating other black people. Attacking restaurant employees. Attacking cops. Pushing people in front of subway trains. And the list goes on. And on. And on.
Since the moment Cain slew Able history is full of violence. But this seems to be different. Not different in that it’s unique in history, but that it’s unique in American history. What I mean by that is that it’s a perfect storm of Democrat malevolence.
Black Americans have been told by Democrats that they cannot succeed. That regardless of what they do they are incapable of success in America because of white oppression. As such, the rules need to be changed for them, most critically, the elimination of consequences for crimes. Essentially the argument is, given that blacks cannot find success when they behave properly, society can’t punish them for behaving improperly.
The third is the collapse of the black family. Today more than 70% of black babies are born to unwed mothers. That leaves a single mother, often on welfare, to raise the children. And children in fatherless homes are far more likely to be criminals.
This is not a sustainable model. A nation divided by race cannot survive. Americans fought a war then passed civil rights laws a century later to stop that. But here we are with significant portion of America’s population looking into life’s kaleidoscope and seeing nothing but a fatalistic cacophony where they have no agency, nothing matters and thus nothing has any value, including their lives and those of others.
What we saw on that video is the epitome of the race war Charles Manson tried to launch but failed. Sadly for Americans of all hues, a half a century later the Democrats are making his dream a reality.

I’ve long thought and posted here that IMO one of the most damaging phrases I’ve every heard in my life is “celebrate diversity.” It is inherently meant as a wedge emphasizing our differences rather than focus on what bring us together.
A war was fought that resulted, to the chagrin of Democrats, the end of slavery. It was reasonably assumed that the former slaves could gradually meld into society, but who was it that prevented that from happening? Yes, you guessed it… DEMOCRATS (again). THEY instituted “systemic racism” wherever they held power. The KKK, Jim Crow, segregation, all Democrat tenets. It is because of Democrats that it takes LAWS to mandate everyone is treated equally.
Oddly, both our World Wars, Korea and Vietnam were under a Democrat President. Yet we were told by Democrats that Trump would start WWIII. Yet, today under our 46th President's leadership we are presently facing facing exactly what Democrats claimed Trump would do,
We're being told that Democrats are not our enemies.Yet, they're certainly enemies of freedom and prosperity.

Democrats are definitely working diligently towards a civil war.

Between the voting irregularities and the complete "cancelling" of Republicans....even sending the FBI and DOJ to attack prominent isn't going to take much to destroy this nation.

There will be no race war. And nobody is working towards a civil war but Republicans. Drop your entitlement mentality white racists, you aren't entitled to everything because you are white.
Blacks aren’t the problem. BLM type politicians and policies are. Only a small portion of Americans buy into the entitled BLM mindset.

We are all descendants of slaves. Period. There are tons of poor white people in the USA. Tons of white people who have had nothing given to them.

The entire “400 years a slave” argument, the Lincoln project and BLM are starting off from a flawed premise. Some of them know better and they simply are in this to gain money, but other people have been brainwashed into following their arguments.

It is interesting that with Biden BLM politicians in office It is coinciding with one of the worst economies in American history. A rise in drug use, lonely single white and black men all throughout the country. Mass school shootings, gang violence, unsafe cities. Spikes in crimes in cities.
There will be no race war. And nobody is working towards a civil war but Republicans. Drop your entitlement mentality white racists, you aren't entitled to everything because you are white.
The man who blames white racists for the problems in the black community and continuously holds his hand out for reparations lecturing anyone about starting a race war or having an entitlement mentality is hilarious.

America’s Coming Race War, Courtesy of the Democrat Party…

4 Apr 2024 ~~ By Vince

Sometimes it’s hard to know what exactly to write. I don’t mean in general staring off into space or watching the clouds in your coffee kind of stuff, I mean when you see something so extraordinarily evil that you’re left speechless.
That happened to me last week when I saw the video of a white female student being brutally beaten by a black female student in Missouri. As you’ve no doubt seen, the black girl beats the white girl into unconsciousness and repeatedly slams her head into the concrete. The victim went into convulsions and as of this writing is in critical condition in the hospital.
There are two primary questions I had after watching this video. The first was why does no one try and stop the attacker when there are a dozen people around the fight, including at least one person recording a video? The second was what kind of an upbringing would someone have to have to make them act this way? These two unanswerable questions melded into a third, which was, why do we see so many videos of blacks acting violently? Beating white people. Beating other black people. Attacking restaurant employees. Attacking cops. Pushing people in front of subway trains. And the list goes on. And on. And on.
Since the moment Cain slew Able history is full of violence. But this seems to be different. Not different in that it’s unique in history, but that it’s unique in American history. What I mean by that is that it’s a perfect storm of Democrat malevolence.
Black Americans have been told by Democrats that they cannot succeed. That regardless of what they do they are incapable of success in America because of white oppression. As such, the rules need to be changed for them, most critically, the elimination of consequences for crimes. Essentially the argument is, given that blacks cannot find success when they behave properly, society can’t punish them for behaving improperly.
The third is the collapse of the black family. Today more than 70% of black babies are born to unwed mothers. That leaves a single mother, often on welfare, to raise the children. And children in fatherless homes are far more likely to be criminals.
This is not a sustainable model. A nation divided by race cannot survive. Americans fought a war then passed civil rights laws a century later to stop that. But here we are with significant portion of America’s population looking into life’s kaleidoscope and seeing nothing but a fatalistic cacophony where they have no agency, nothing matters and thus nothing has any value, including their lives and those of others.
What we saw on that video is the epitome of the race war Charles Manson tried to launch but failed. Sadly for Americans of all hues, a half a century later the Democrats are making his dream a reality.

I’ve long thought and posted here that IMO one of the most damaging phrases I’ve every heard in my life is “celebrate diversity.” It is inherently meant as a wedge emphasizing our differences rather than focus on what bring us together.
A war was fought that resulted, to the chagrin of Democrats, the end of slavery. It was reasonably assumed that the former slaves could gradually meld into society, but who was it that prevented that from happening? Yes, you guessed it… DEMOCRATS (again). THEY instituted “systemic racism” wherever they held power. The KKK, Jim Crow, segregation, all Democrat tenets. It is because of Democrats that it takes LAWS to mandate everyone is treated equally.
Oddly, both our World Wars, Korea and Vietnam were under a Democrat President. Yet we were told by Democrats that Trump would start WWIII. Yet, today under our 46th President's leadership we are presently facing facing exactly what Democrats claimed Trump would do,
We're being told that Democrats are not our enemies.Yet, they're certainly enemies of freedom and prosperity.

Racist have been whining about a Race War since 1964 and it hasn't happened yet. Why don't you cowards dig a hole and crawl in it.
The man who blames white racists for the problems in the black community and continuously holds his hand out for reparations lecturing anyone about starting a race war or having an entitlement mentality is hilarious.
The man who can show proof of the trillions in handouts whites got while excluding blacks can say what the fuck he wants.
The man who blames white racists for the problems in the black community and continuously holds his hand out for reparations lecturing anyone about starting a race war or having an entitlement mentality is hilarious.
Did you whine when Jews rec'd reparations?

Did you whine when Native Americans rec'd reparations?

Did you whine when Japanese-Americans were given reparations?

Did you whine when Eskimoes were given reparations?

You probably thought it was a great thing when the former slave owners were given reparations.
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The man who can show proof of the trillions in handouts whites got while excluding blacks can say what the fuck he wants.
Of course can, no one is preventing you from being a hypocrit. That’s one of you better qualities,
Blacks aren’t the problem. BLM type politicians and policies are. Only a small portion of Americans buy into the entitled BLM mindset.
Give me a few BLM type policies we have in this country. What does BLM think they are entitled to?
We are all descendants of slaves. Period. There are tons of poor white people in the USA. Tons of white people who have had nothing given to them.
Really? Bring us up to speed on the white slave trade in America and when did it end?
The entire “400 years a slave” argument, the Lincoln project and BLM are starting off from a flawed premise. Some of them know better and they simply are in this to gain money, but other people have been brainwashed into following their arguments.
Isn't that what America was in the slave trade for? Money.
It is interesting that with Biden BLM politicians in office It is coinciding with one of the worst economies in American history. A rise in drug use, lonely single white and black men all throughout the country. Mass school shootings, gang violence, unsafe cities. Spikes in crimes in cities.
All of which has been happening in America since the country was taken.
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Of course can, no one is preventing you from being a hypocrit. That’s one of you better qualities,
Hypocrite my ---. That would be people like you.

Hypocrite my ---. That would be people like you.

Ha you are a hoot. You don’t always have to prove everything bad thing said about you is the truth.
Hypocrite my ---. That would be people like you.

We deserved all that since we built this country.
I'm showing you how whites got handouts. The handouts blacks never got.
Yes yes we all know you feel entitled to a handout and pout daily about not getting it. It’s great free entertainment

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