Zone1 Although I Believe In God, I Am Not Religious

I was having this discussion with my fiancee earlier and let me explain to you what I mean. Most of the time to me, religious people are like robots.

They claim that they aren't of the world, but the second they disagree with somebody else or are afraid of somebody else's judgement of them, they become of the world.

Also having a personal relationship with God, doesn't mean that you should follow His commandments just because you feel that you have to, it should because you want to because you love Him, but yet I met people who have told me that the only reason why they serve God is because they feel like they have to stay out of Hell.

That isn't love. That's a fake relationship AKA being a robot, and it also can't be honoring to the Lord either because their commitment is based upon a lie and they're probably not truly saved and will wind up in Hell anyways because God hates lying.

So I believe that you can follow a religion without following God and be religious without truly loving God if you're doing it just out of fear and thinking that you have to and not wanting to out of love and loyalty.

In other words when all is said and done, I genuinely love God as my Father and best friend, but I'm not religious because I don't follow a religion, I follow Him. I might have Methodist religious beliefs but I just look at it as having a personal relationship/friendship with God, as I'm devoted to Him.

I follow His commandments because I love Him and want to, not because I feel I have to as religion tells me to. Hopefully that all makes sense. :)
YOu say "So I believe that" and then like the hypocrite you are act superior to the hundreds of millions that say "So I believe that"
The world will improve when you hypocrites dies or leave it.
The Bible says do not add to or take away from the Bible. The word is forever.

jesus taught self determination, liberation theology ...


they fought servitude and denial and never practiced a desert religion.

Although I Believe In God, I Am Not Religious​

I've heard this 1000 times if I've heard it once.

Everyone is religious. People get up every morning and act on their chosen religion. That means, to many, that they believe in working for a good living. They believe in using money from said work to buy themselves this and that good thing-- maybe far more material things than they need, or could even use in 20 years. On their way to work, they may have to step over a schmucky homeless person, but oh well.. that's what it takes to do this job that they "need" to make $$ so... it' like: "I'll put up with all manner of unpleasantires" they say... as they ignore what that destitute person may need. It's his problem, after all.

So this kind of person has the religion that his own well-being is more important than that of another, no matter how messed up a life that other may have...

I follow His commandments because I love Him and want to, not because I feel I have to as religion tells me to. Hopefully that all makes sense. :)

But "they" are possibly at a raised level versus previous incarnations, and a rudimentary "monotheistic" understanding of Universe for this life time is better than none at all .
We are all part of the same cycle but travel at different speeds and progress in different ways .
imho .
YOu say "So I believe that" and then like the hypocrite you are act superior to the hundreds of millions that say "So I believe that"
The world will improve when you hypocrites dies or leave it.
Better an (alleged) hypocrite

than a hater of mankind as you appear to be

Although I Believe In God, I Am Not Religious​

I've heard this 1000 times if I've heard it once.

Everyone is religious. People get up every morning and act on their chosen religion. That means, to many, that they believe in working for a good living. They believe in using money from said work to buy themselves this and that good thing-- maybe far more material things than they need, or could even use in 20 years. On their way to work, they may have to step over a schmucky homeless person, but oh well.. that's what it takes to do this job that they "need" to make $$ so... it' like: "I'll put up with all manner of unpleasantires" they say... as they ignore what that destitute person may need. It's his problem, after all.

So this kind of person has the religion that his own well-being is more important than that of another, no matter how messed up a life that other may have...

When they get on their deathbed, their religion shows quickly.
When they get on their deathbed, their religion shows quickly.

most likely for the non religious a revelation for what they actually believed ...

and hopefully the non religious that mimic their bibles and realize their error will have time if enough is still in them to see the truth over the forgeries and fallacies that have tricked them from themselves and see the true goal, their own determination..
The Bible says do not add to or take away from the Bible. The word is forever.

The Book of Revelation states that in reference to that particular book; specifically the prophesies written within it.

As for the entire Bible itself - The Catholic Bible has 73 books while the Protestant Bible has 66 books. Does this mean protestants are "cursed" because they removed 7 books from the Bible?
Religion is an organized, ordered, hierarchical establishment. Faith is individual. One can certainly have faith in a deity without being at all part of a religion.
you and your "desert religion" malarkey
As for the entire Bible itself - The Catholic Bible has 73 books while the Protestant Bible has 66 books. Does this mean protestants are "cursed" because they removed 7 books from the Bible?

is that the christian bible ... and your specific one is not as fork7 - declares. the desert religions in their multitude, a reality.

and you have access to the archive preserved of all original documents used in the 4th century for every word they include in their document - or even a single timely document for any one word used in that document.

or a single word written by jesus included in that document or any document preserved written during the time of jesus's lifetime.
is that the christian bible ... and your specific one is not as fork7 - declares. the desert religions in their multitude, a reality.

and you have access to the archive preserved of all original documents used in the 4th century for every word they include in their document - or even a single timely document for any one word used in that document.

or a single word written by jesus included in that document or any document preserved written during the time of jesus's lifetime.
In fact, it is interesting that despite knowing at least four languages, Jesus wrote nothing that survives and was only recorded as writing in the dust. Buddha also left no personal writings. That itself says something.
jesus taught self determination, liberation theology ...

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they fought servitude and denial and never practiced a desert religion.

Liberation theology is considered a duty for Catholics - and should be for all Christians if they understand their faith.

Jesus taught "self determination" only to an extent. Self determination, in the spiritual sense, could be achieved by "following his path/teachings" - and if his followers followed his teachings, their "spiritual self determination" would show itself in the world - and that's what happened - at least for millions and millions of people throughout history. (To the faithful, this is what brings glory to God).

Don't be mistaken, the majority of Jesus' teachings were him bringing light and spiritual awareness to many of the teachings of the Old Testament. He taught people deeper, spiritual meanings to them - he corrected misinterpretations and helped take down barriers that had previously separated people from from their faith - he taught people to follow his teachings and by doing that they would naturally love God with all their minds, with all their bodies, with all their souls and with all their strength - which would lead them to "Loving their neighbors as themselves." This would not abolish the Law and the teachings of the Prophets - it would fulfill it.

Unfortunately, his teachings were misinterpreted to the extent that he was crucified for them. If you pay close attention to the writings of the Gospel, when Jesus healed someone he would tell that person, "It's your faith that has healed you". (Self Determination) But without faith, Jesus' teachings become misinterpreted, corrupted, the sick do not get healed and there is no "self determination".

There are people who consider themselves his followers and use his teachings for their own personal gains - misinterpret them, corrupt them and so forth. BUT that isn't the entirety of Christianity - especially the people who focus on living by the Golden Rule and help the poor, oppressed and others.

An early follower of Christ could be disgusted if they witnessed some of the things done in the name of Christianity over the years but they should also be elated to see that there are millions and millions of people that do follow his teachings and live their lives accordingly to this day.

If you truly understand the teachings of Jesus then there would be no need to denounce Judaism or any other religion. When the accusers of Jesus denounced him and his followers, it resulted in his crucifixion and his followers to be persecuted and condemned for hundreds of years that followed. It resulted in people like yourself wanting vengeance 2000 years later. It created corruption, discord and division among people of faith within each other, against each other and against people of no faith - wars that followed - millions and millions of people enslaved, persecuted and killed. The very opposite of "Liberation Theology".

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."

- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
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is that the christian bible ... and your specific one is not as fork7 - declares. the desert religions in their multitude, a reality.

and you have access to the archive preserved of all original documents used in the 4th century for every word they include in their document - or even a single timely document for any one word used in that document.

or a single word written by jesus included in that document or any document preserved written during the time of jesus's lifetime.


Not everything written in those texts makes sense to people living 2000+ years after they were written:

The testimonies of the disciples of Jesus and the Prophets - the ones that were willing to lose their lives for their cause - is more than enough evidence for me to believe that they believed in what is written - and if they believed it - and it makes sense to me - mind, body, soul, spirit - then that is all I need. It shows the faults of mankind; the pain and destruction it can cause but it also shows the redemption of mankind, and the love and hope that can come forth from it.
hobelim I don't know what you're going on about but I'm talking about the ten commandments and MarcATL, how could have Jesus believed in the Bible when more than likely it wasn't even written yet and when did I say that I don't follow the Bible at all? Show me where I said that.
It is helpful to realize the Bible has an Old Testament that predates Jesus and a New Testament written by his followers after his physical departure from Earth.
But "they" are possibly at a raised level versus previous incarnations, and a rudimentary "monotheistic" understanding of Universe for this life time is better than none at all .
We are all part of the same cycle but travel at different speeds and progress in different ways .
imho .
Reminds me of how when single parenting my two sons, I sought to expose them to the various religions but declined to impose any upon them. I did point out that many religions contain some similar content and messages. While leaving it up to them to choose their spiritual/religious path, I did stress two adages they should live by.

1) Huck your own ruck. Truck your own freight. Carry your own load. i.e. be self-sufficient and provide yourself your wants and needs; don't expect or depend upon others to do so, to care for you. If in the process of this, you acquire more than you need/want, it doesn't hurt to share with others who didn't have the resources you have - it's good for your karma.

2) Do what you can to leave the world a better place when you go out than it was when you came in. i.e. if you cut down a tree for whatever purpose, plant 3-4 more so at least one will grow in size to replace what you used.
In fact, it is interesting that despite knowing at least four languages, Jesus wrote nothing that survives and was only recorded as writing in the dust. Buddha also left no personal writings. That itself says something.
Or neither left writings that have survived.
IIRC, Buddha never claimed to be a Deity.
He was elevated to that position by his followers after his passing.

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