Afghanistan: Taliban burn ‘immoral’ musical instruments

Biden did not surrender to the Taliban, Trump worked out a peace agreement to allow us to pull our troops out of Afghanistan in May 2021. After August 2021, most Americans were out of Afghanistan, a few remained thereafter.

Check your timeline. Trump pulled most US troops out and freed 5000 prisoners by September 2020. Biden hadn't been elected.

The American expats who remained in Afghanistan had months to leave. The US state department has travel warnings for several years.
Check your timeline. Trump pulled most US troops out and freed 5000 prisoners by September 2020. Biden hadn't been elected.

The American expats who remained in Afghanistan had months to leave. The US state department has travel warnings for several years.
We had 8000 troops in Afghanistan in February of 2020 and February we were down to 2500 and 3000 were removed in August of 2021. The agreement between Trump and the Taliban called for the release of 5000 prisoners, not sure what your point is.
Trump conceded to the demands of the Taliban and got nothing in return. What do you call that? Trump is ignorant, impulsive and impatient.
It's called getting out of a war that should have ended long ago and bringing our troops home, it is one of the very few thing Trump did that was the right thing to do.

How many more of our troops needed to die before you would have said, let's go?
It's called getting out of a war that should have ended long ago and bringing our troops home, it is one of the very few thing Trump did that was the right thing to do.

How many more of our troops needed to die before you would have said, let's go?

He's looking forward to Biden sending more troops to Ukraine. The DemoKKKrats LOVE war.
We had 8000 troops in Afghanistan in February of 2020 and February we were down to 2500 and 3000 were removed in August of 2021. The agreement between Trump and the Taliban called for the release of 5000 prisoners, not sure what your point is.

13,000 troops..

It's called getting out of a war that should have ended long ago and bringing our troops home, it is one of the very few thing Trump did that was the right thing to do.

How many more of our troops needed to die before you would have said, let's go?

You moron. We went to Afghanistan for ENRON. We should never have been there at all. What disgusts me is your ignorant blame game.

You moron. We went to Afghanistan for ENRON. We should never have been there at all. What disgusts me is your ignorant blame game.

Name calling? Why start that? Who am I blaming? I wanted the US out of Afghanistan, it was pointless to be there, why should we have stayed? How many more deaths? My understanding is that in May we had too many troops there to pullout and the government wanted to wait until September then August to make time to get everyone out. So Trump probably should have ordered more out by January 15, 2021.
Trumps deal. But the west failed Agghanistan. There was no plan.
That's the default excuse for all of Joe Biden's failures. It is absurd to believe Trump made an ironclad agreement with no provisions to leave Afghanistan on Aug 31st. Biden was ADVISED by his top military brass to NOT GO FORWARD with the evacuation but he ignored them because he wanted to give an epic speech on 9/11. But when the evacuation exploded in his face and 13 Marines were killed, he nixed the speech.

The Taliban have burned musical instruments in Afghanistan, claiming music "causes moral corruption".

Thousands of dollars worth of musical equipment went up in smoke on a bonfire on Saturday in western Herat province.

Since taking power in 2021, the Taliban have imposed numerous restrictions, including on playing music in public.

Its always instructive to look at Afghanistan when you want to see the direction of western conservatism.

Having destroyed education and confined women to the home they are now intent on stopping all pleasure.

Its a grim place at the best of times. Those long winter nights will not glide by without a bit of Beyonce or Mozart.
You detest the UK so Afghanistan is a great country for you to emigrate to, I'm sure they'll be sympathetic to your whinges ;)

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