Afghanistan: Taliban burn ‘immoral’ musical instruments

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

The Taliban have burned musical instruments in Afghanistan, claiming music "causes moral corruption".

Thousands of dollars worth of musical equipment went up in smoke on a bonfire on Saturday in western Herat province.

Since taking power in 2021, the Taliban have imposed numerous restrictions, including on playing music in public.

Its always instructive to look at Afghanistan when you want to see the direction of western conservatism.

Having destroyed education and confined women to the home they are now intent on stopping all pleasure.

Its a grim place at the best of times. Those long winter nights will not glide by without a bit of Beyonce or Mozart.

The Taliban have burned musical instruments in Afghanistan, claiming music "causes moral corruption".

Thousands of dollars worth of musical equipment went up in smoke on a bonfire on Saturday in western Herat province.

Since taking power in 2021, the Taliban have imposed numerous restrictions, including on playing music in public.

Its always instructive to look at Afghanistan when you want to see the direction of western conservatism.

Having destroyed education and confined women to the home they are now intent on stopping all pleasure.

Its a grim place at the best of times. Those long winter nights will not glide by without a bit of Beyonce or Mozart.

The Taliban has also outlawed flying kites which used to be a national pastime.

The Taliban have burned musical instruments in Afghanistan, claiming music "causes moral corruption".

Thousands of dollars worth of musical equipment went up in smoke on a bonfire on Saturday in western Herat province.

Since taking power in 2021, the Taliban have imposed numerous restrictions, including on playing music in public.

Its always instructive to look at Afghanistan when you want to see the direction of western conservatism.

Having destroyed education and confined women to the home they are now intent on stopping all pleasure.

Its a grim place at the best of times. Those long winter nights will not glide by without a bit of Beyonce or Mozart.
Thank your hero Joe Biden. He's the retard who went against his military advisors and ordered the withdrawal when we were nowhere near ready.
I'm vastly more educated than you. You voted for Joe Biden, who surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban, resulting in the issues you're now complaining about. You WANTED this.

Trump surrendered Afghanistan before Biden was as ever elected. What the hell is wrong with you? The Taliban banned kite flying 15 years ago.
Trump had already negotiated the withdrawal in February 2020.

The Taliban have burned musical instruments in Afghanistan, claiming music "causes moral corruption".

Thousands of dollars worth of musical equipment went up in smoke on a bonfire on Saturday in western Herat province.

Since taking power in 2021, the Taliban have imposed numerous restrictions, including on playing music in public.

Its always instructive to look at Afghanistan when you want to see the direction of western conservatism.

Having destroyed education and confined women to the home they are now intent on stopping all pleasure.

Its a grim place at the best of times. Those long winter nights will not glide by without a bit of Beyonce or Mozart.

Yes, because the Bible--the foundation of "Western conservatism"-- strictly prohibits any kind of music-making.


(For those of you a little quicker on the uptake, the Bible mentions music in the KJV 243 times)
Trump surrendered Afghanistan before Biden was as ever elected. What the hell is wrong with you? The Taliban banned kite flying 15 years ago.

No, Trump negotiated a withdrawal. Biden turned it into a disastrous surrender and retreat, which killed dozens of people including American troops. THAT'S what you voted for, you asshole, and it's your fault.
cant figure out how Mozart or Bach can cause moral corruption....

We have a large Muslim population in our general area, not in my immediate location. I know of several music teachers who have to accommodate the strangest beliefs: can sing, but not play instruments or vice versa; can make music, but not during Ramadan; can listen but not participate; cannot attend music class at all. I think it all depends on the local imam.

Despite what Tommy says, if "Christians" oppose music making they are simply making it up. It's not in any Christian texts or doctrines. In fact, God openly endorses it as a favored form of praise and worship.

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