ABC 538 goes live... Trump winning every swing state...

Same goes for Biden, except insert mumble and whisper.
President Biden will rise to the occasion.

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The left has thrown everything at President Trump but the kitchen sink...and only because disconnecting plumbing baffles them.

They've impeached him, charged him, indicted him, arrested him, found him guilty in kangaroo court civil trials, tried to seize his assets, gone after his businesses.

And he is still winning!

What exactly do you believe will change the tragectory of this election?
When people who don’t follow politics very closely start paying attention and listening to the blob.
I have 16 years of education, and not once was I taught that white people were bad, in fact, for most of my life, I have been taught the exact opposite.
Sadly, you relied too much on being taught instead of developing your own deductive reasoning skills.
Trump will sink with the majority of voters. How that it effects the electoral vote will be key.
Why do you vote for Democrats?

Amazon product
This book explains why the Democrat Party platform leads to poverty and destruction as it is entirely not Biblical. The Bible says Satan steals, kills and destroys. To accomplish these goals, Satan lies, twists the word of God, appears as an angel of light to deceive, makes good appear as evil and evil appear as good. It is done with the intent that you oppose the will of God which leads to bondage and destruction. It is the exact tactics and intent of the Democrat Party. From Abortion, America First, Border Walls, Environmentalism, Gay Marriage, Kneeling during the Anthem, Progressive Taxes, Sanctuary Cities, the 2nd Amendment to Wealth Redistribution the platform of the Democrat Party is contrary to the word of God. Satan is not able to everywhere at the same time, so he uses demons to accomplish his work on earth. It is why I call the book Demon-crats.
I have 16 years of education, and not once was I taught that white people were bad, in fact, for most of my life, I have been taught the exact opposite.
How old are you? The Democrats have only recently ramped up their anti-white (and of course anti-Israel) curriculum.
I have 16 years of education, and not once was I taught that white people were bad, in fact, for most of my life, I have been taught the exact opposite.
Explain your instruction that whites are awesome?

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