A Revolution is Coming in Iran

The political unrest of the early 70's in Iran was due to the pushing of Westernized ideals and morals into an extremely conservative culture. They flat out were not ready for miniskirts or bathing suits for women or adult beverages for men. Sports were tolerated in limited amounts and MTV was the very definition of evil. (I might agree on the MTV thing)

So they had a call to religious resistance of all the wickedness from Western Cultures....the Shaw(version of President) was exiled and the war with Iraq was cooled somewhat.

The focus being on the minority Kurdish people who are always ready to re-unite in each of these countries in the Middle East under one flag. These Kurds would then become an Economic Superpower(based on oil and nat gas)....which would result also in a military superpower and would control all oil in the middle East.

During all of this in the 60's and 70's the population started becoming highly educated. There were holdouts of course which prioritized ignorance of everything else but the Koran.
They saw the influence of education as a complete abandonment of morality. (It doesn't but that was the marketing strategy)
Some of this religious fervor was fueled by operatives from the CIA and Iraq inadvertently....because we wanted a lot of mistrust between all of these nations to keep the oil flowing.

The Democrat Party has a completely different agenda and way of managing foreign relations than the Republicans and American influence in the region has certainly made a mess of things. Certainly the changing of Parties in the White House has caused a huge amount of confusion in the region with people who still are miffed about the Crusades from almost a thousand years ago.

Nope. Iranian women have always been very stylish. The problem that drove the revolution was land reform and student protests. The US intelligence was very poor and part of the elite circle around the Shah. The US was blindsided.

Like many revolutions the hardliners jumped in and took over.

I take it you have never been to Iran. The oil business hates a warzone.

British petroleum was still cheating Iran on oil revenue... paying 13 cents when every other country was getting 50 cents.
Iran's leadership is comprised of radical fundamentalist Islamics, not "conservatives." They don't believe in individual liberties, unalienable rights, limited government, the rights of free speech and gun ownership, and parental control of education.

Their radical ideology is actually more in line with liberalism, than it is with conservatism.

Iranian leadership is extremely conservative.
Iran's leadership is comprised of radical fundamentalist Islamics, not "conservatives." They don't believe in individual liberties, unalienable rights, limited government, the rights of free speech and gun ownership, and parental control of education.

Their radical ideology is actually more in line with liberalism, than it is with conservatism.
Your dictionary is broken. Conservatism seeks a rigid traditional social order with slow incremental change. If that's not what you want then stop calling yourself conservative.
"Conservative" still means what it always meant before you people tried to make it mean something else.
The conservatives of 1776 were the supporters of the monarchy. Liberals then supported the INDIVIDUAL over the State. Today's "conservative" individualist was the liberal of 1776
Iran before Jimmy Carter helped create the Muzzle Theocracy

The conservatives of 1776 were the supporters of the monarchy. Liberals then supported the INDIVIDUAL over the State. Today's "conservative" individualist was the liberal of 1776
If you look at the definition in the dictionary that's what I mean when I use political terminology.
Apparently Iran wants nothing to do with gay sex either. They're notorious for throwing them off of rooftops and hanging them with cranes.

That was ISIS throwing people off rooftops. They are Sunni not Shia. The men they hung raped boys.
Of course the Iranian regime bases itself on Iran’s traditional religious and CONSERVATIVE cultural belief systems.

This does not mean the 1979 Khomeini Revolution against the pro-Western Shah was not genuinely a “popular revolution.” It was. Unfortunately that “revolution” was — socially and politically — a violent counterrevolution that established a religious dictatorship.

Trump’s unilateral repudiation of the JCPOA agreements with Iran, followed by the U.S. assassination (in Iraq) of General Soleimani, the second most powerful and single most popular leader of Iran, destroyed in two devastating blows all the “liberal” and “dissident” voices in the Iranian power structure. These actions re-consolidated the absolute power of the hardliners in Iran.

Without elected “reformers” or any institutional leadership whatever, the chance of success for today’s protesters — despite growing numbers and growing hatred toward the bloody “Islamic Republic” leadership — is negligible.

Trump’s thoughtless “tough guy” actions have made the overthrow of the regime much more difficult.

Add to this the pressure of the Zionists, and today even simple negotiations over (mutually useful) loosening of sanctions on Iranian energy sales to Asia and Europe have become … politically almost impossible.
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Of course the Iranian regime bases itself on Iran’s traditional religious and CONSERVATIVE cultural belief systems.

This does not mean the 1979 Khomeini Revolution against the pro-Western Shah was not genuinely a popular “revolution.” It was. Unfortunately that “revolution” was — socially and politically — a violent counterrevolution that established a religious dictatorship.

Trump’s unilateral repudiation of the JCPOA agreements with Iran, followed by the U.S. assassination (in Iraq) of General Soleimeini, the second most powerful and single most popular leader of Iran, destroyed in two devastating blows all the “liberal” and “dissident” voices in the Iranian power structure. These actions re-consolidated the absolute power of the hardliners in Iran.

Without elected “reformers” or any institutional leadership whatever, the chance of success for today’s protesters — despite growing numbers and growing hatred toward the bloody “Islamic Republic” leadership — is negligible.

Trump’s thoughtless “tough guy” actions have made the overthrow of the regime much more difficult.

Add to this the pressure of the Zionists, and today even simple negotiations over (mutually useful) loosening of sanctions on Iranian energy sales to Asia and Europe have become … politically almost impossible.

You have an excellent understanding of the situation in Iran.
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Not Iran, but a second revolution in Italy!

Revolutuon is starting to happen all over!

Democrats: should these peaceful unarmed insurrectionists be shot?

Not Iran, but a second revolution in Italy!
Revolutuon is starting to happen all over!
Democrats: should these peaceful unarmed insurrectionists be shot?

View attachment 701404
Please stop your totally off-topic rightwing trolling.

Start a new topic on Italy (and its upcoming elections where Giorgia Meloni will likely emerge as Prime Minister) if you wish.

This discussion is about … Iran.

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