30-50% of people have no inner monologue

I don’t think people really hear words in their head. I think that’s just the easiest way we are able to describe thoughts.

If telepathy were a thing, I don’t think it would be like Professor X, like someone talking in your head. It would be more like symbols, sudden flashes of knowledge. That’s what thoughts are. Not internal monologues or comic-book thought bubbles.

What if someone with no internal monologue lived alone in the woods. How would that go? ;)

Jokes aside....I think the respondents that expressed that they have no inner monolog are simply to ill educated, moronic, or otherwise mentally deficient to even understand what an inner monolog is.....In other words, a dullard.

I have an inner monologue but no "visualizer"....for example. When you think of "apple" what does your mind see? A red apple, a drawing of an apple? An apple on a tree?

I see no visual image.

I hear the word "apple" and maybe "see" it written out. But no "picture". This must be why I'm terrible at drawing. Heh
I have an inner monologue but no "visualizer"....for example. When you think of "apple" what does your mind see? A red apple, a drawing of an apple? An apple on a tree?

I see no visual image.

I hear the word "apple" and maybe "see" it written out. But no "picture". This must be why I'm terrible at drawing. Heh

No internal voice/monologue now has a name: anendophasia

An - en - do - phasia ...

Researchers really do seem to like their silly sounding names.

A study was completed and is making the rounds of the news:

No Inner Voice? New Study Reveals Its Impact on Memory - Neuroscience News

Summary: A new study found that some people lack an inner voice, termed “anendophasia,” impacting their verbal memory and rhyme recognition. Participants without an inner voice struggled more with these tasks compared to those with an inner voice.

The study highlights the unique cognitive strategies used by individuals with anendophasia. Future research will explore how this affects other cognitive processes and therapies.

Key Facts:

Anendophasia: Condition of having no inner voice, impacting verbal memory and rhyme recognition.
Study Findings: People without an inner voice perform worse in remembering words and rhymes.
Cognitive Strategies: Individuals with anendophasia use unique strategies for problem-solving.

Source: University of Copenhagen

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