2000 mules continues to do real damage.

NO ONE who has seen the movie debunks it (other then people who are paid to do so).

The reason why the movie was necessary is because NO COURT, including the USSC wants any part of a case that could result in a finding that the election was fixed. THERE IS NO REMEDY. Such a finding would damage the entire election system of the United States. It would result is mortal damage to all political activity in the U.S. It would put us on par with South American banana republics, and no judge or court wants any part of it.

The ONLY good that can come out of this film is a mob-like insistence that THIS NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN. No more bullshit, unsubstantiated mail-in ballots. No more ballot harvesting, in any form. No more unwatched ballot boxes - even if people have to volunteer to sit beside the damned things and make sure nobody deposits more than one ballot. No more bullshit in nursing homes.

Every American who is intelligent enough to come in out of the rain knows that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. The millions who voted for Biden cling to the Narrative that it was "the most secure election in American history," even though they know that it is a dastardly lie. They believe the Biden won the "popular vote," and therefore stealing the election was the right thing to do.

Leftists are evil.

More proof comes in every day.
That's because people in those positions know that there was no massive fraud, Trump lost because he sucked more than Biden.
That's because people in those positions know that there was no massive fraud, Trump lost because he sucked more than Biden.
What? You believe liars, and have for the last six years. All they know is how to cover their traitorous asses.
I sourced it, and you know it. Liar.

2000 Mules Becomes the Most Successful Political Documentary in a Decade, Seen by 1 Million​

Won't You Be My Neighbor?" (2018) - $22.8 million

"Katy Perry: Part of Me" (2012) - $25.3 million

"One Direction: This Is Us" (2013) - $28.8 million
You know it's working because lefty is totally preoccupied with discrediting it.

Lefty never wastes time and energy on things that don't matter and THIS IS MATTERING in a big way! The purpose of the movie is not to change minds... no one will change their mind. But those who already thought there was probably a steal are being solidified and will definitely not change their minds to the other way of thinking now and that is a pretty big accomplishment. The greatest flattery to the movie is the fact that the fact checkers have taken up the cause. These organizations are better known as professional liars, re-liars and re-re-liars to anyone who knows better now.

Nothing could convince me more that the movie is dead on than the fact that the fact checkers is have decided to pay attention to it.

2000 Mules has already been laughed off of the planet. Stop embarrassing yourself.

You say you believe it is true, BECAUSE it has been fact checked into oblivion? You need to think on that and come to terms with the fact that something has gone wrong in your brain, to think this way.

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