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1 million Americans were priced out of Obamacare in 2017

Obamacare was and is a piece of shit.

The ACA originated in a right wing think tank, the heritage foundation.

Yes ,you read that correctly, 'right' wing lad.

The general gist was, making HC mandatory

But you see, anything 'mandatory' comes with ghub'mit bueraucarcy and oversight

This manifested in a sitting POTUS assuming the legislative ability to place his (and Congresss by proxy's) hand around the insurance cabals greedy neck

You see, that hidden hand of your ever foisted up on high 'free market' was not only failing the American public, it was failing the insurace cabal ,who had shut down, shut out, and shit on the better part of their base

Obamacare was and is a piece of shit.

The ACA originated in a right wing think tank, the heritage foundation.

Yes ,you read that correctly, 'right' wing lad.

The general gist was, making HC mandatory

But you see, anything 'mandatory' comes with ghub'mit bueraucarcy and oversight

This manifested in a sitting POTUS assuming the legislative ability to place his (and Congresss by proxy's) hand around the insurance cabals greedy neck

You see, that hidden hand of your ever foisted up on high 'free market' was not only failing the American public, it was failing the insurace cabal ,who had shut down, shut out, and shit on the better part of their base


The mandatory coverage was only one thing Heritage proposed. The rest of ACA was a bureacrutic nightmare that Heritage was staunchly opposed to.
Obamacare was and is a piece of shit.

The ACA originated in a right wing think tank, the heritage foundation.

Yes ,you read that correctly, 'right' wing lad.

The general gist was, making HC mandatory

But you see, anything 'mandatory' comes with ghub'mit bueraucarcy and oversight

This manifested in a sitting POTUS assuming the legislative ability to place his (and Congresss by proxy's) hand around the insurance cabals greedy neck

You see, that hidden hand of your ever foisted up on high 'free market' was not only failing the American public, it was failing the insurace cabal ,who had shut down, shut out, and shit on the better part of their base


The mandatory coverage was only one thing Heritage proposed. The rest of ACA was a bureacrutic nightmare that Heritage was staunchly opposed to.

Nothing like reading the ignorant racist opinions of people who don’t have even a rudimentary understanding of the Affordable Care Act. It no longer exists or operates as enacted and what poses as current healthcare is actually Trumpcare. Republicans still bamboozle the ignorant by blaming their destruction of health care in this country on Obama.

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Obamacare was and is a piece of shit.

The ACA originated in a right wing think tank, the heritage foundation.

Yes ,you read that correctly, 'right' wing lad.

The general gist was, making HC mandatory

But you see, anything 'mandatory' comes with ghub'mit bueraucarcy and oversight

This manifested in a sitting POTUS assuming the legislative ability to place his (and Congresss by proxy's) hand around the insurance cabals greedy neck

You see, that hidden hand of your ever foisted up on high 'free market' was not only failing the American public, it was failing the insurace cabal ,who had shut down, shut out, and shit on the better part of their base


The mandatory coverage was only one thing Heritage proposed. The rest of ACA was a bureacrutic nightmare that Heritage was staunchly opposed to.

Nothing like reading the ignorant racist opinions of people who don’t have even a rudimentary understanding of the Affordable Care Act. It no longer exists or operates as enacted and what poses as current healthcare is actually Trumpcare. Republicans still bamboozle the ignorant by blaming their destruction of health care in this country on Obama.

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99% of the 10,000 pages of new regulations are still in effect, numskull
Obamacare was and is a piece of shit.

The ACA originated in a right wing think tank, the heritage foundation.

Yes ,you read that correctly, 'right' wing lad.

The general gist was, making HC mandatory

But you see, anything 'mandatory' comes with ghub'mit bueraucarcy and oversight

This manifested in a sitting POTUS assuming the legislative ability to place his (and Congresss by proxy's) hand around the insurance cabals greedy neck

You see, that hidden hand of your ever foisted up on high 'free market' was not only failing the American public, it was failing the insurace cabal ,who had shut down, shut out, and shit on the better part of their base


The mandatory coverage was only one thing Heritage proposed. The rest of ACA was a bureacrutic nightmare that Heritage was staunchly opposed to.

Nothing like reading the ignorant racist opinions of people who don’t have even a rudimentary understanding of the Affordable Care Act. It no longer exists or operates as enacted and what poses as current healthcare is actually Trumpcare. Republicans still bamboozle the ignorant by blaming their destruction of health care in this country on Obama.

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By the way, douchebag, does opposing Obamacare make you a racist? Is it possible for all you leftist retards to carry on a political discussion with accusing your opponents of being racists?

Of course you can't. That would require the ability to commit logic.
Obamacare was and is a piece of shit.

The ACA originated in a right wing think tank, the heritage foundation.

Yes ,you read that correctly, 'right' wing lad.

The general gist was, making HC mandatory

But you see, anything 'mandatory' comes with ghub'mit bueraucarcy and oversight

This manifested in a sitting POTUS assuming the legislative ability to place his (and Congresss by proxy's) hand around the insurance cabals greedy neck

You see, that hidden hand of your ever foisted up on high 'free market' was not only failing the American public, it was failing the insurace cabal ,who had shut down, shut out, and shit on the better part of their base


The mandatory coverage was only one thing Heritage proposed. The rest of ACA was a bureacrutic nightmare that Heritage was staunchly opposed to.

Nothing like reading the ignorant racist opinions of people who don’t have even a rudimentary understanding of the Affordable Care Act. It no longer exists or operates as enacted and what poses as current healthcare is actually Trumpcare. Republicans still bamboozle the ignorant by blaming their destruction of health care in this country on Obama.

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What a surprise...the race card. Dumbass.
Obamacare was and is a piece of shit.

The ACA originated in a right wing think tank, the heritage foundation.

Yes ,you read that correctly, 'right' wing lad.

The general gist was, making HC mandatory

But you see, anything 'mandatory' comes with ghub'mit bueraucarcy and oversight

This manifested in a sitting POTUS assuming the legislative ability to place his (and Congresss by proxy's) hand around the insurance cabals greedy neck

You see, that hidden hand of your ever foisted up on high 'free market' was not only failing the American public, it was failing the insurace cabal ,who had shut down, shut out, and shit on the better part of their base


The mandatory coverage was only one thing Heritage proposed. The rest of ACA was a bureacrutic nightmare that Heritage was staunchly opposed to.

Nothing like reading the ignorant racist opinions of people who don’t have even a rudimentary understanding of the Affordable Care Act. It no longer exists or operates as enacted and what poses as current healthcare is actually Trumpcare. Republicans still bamboozle the ignorant by blaming their destruction of health care in this country on Obama.

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By the way, douchebag, does opposing Obamacare make you a racist? Is it possible for all you leftist retards to carry on a political discussion with accusing your opponents of being racists?

Of course you can't. That would require the ability to commit logic.

There’s not an ounce of logic in you. Just inbred race vitriol learned at your pap’s knee. What do you really know about the ACA except what your puppet masters feed you. Nothing, just the same mantra repeated over and over without any real analysis of the law. Just more empty slogans and vapid promises that things are just hunky dory, that is repeated and believed by racists like you. Yes you, asshole, you’re a racist like most whites in this country, scared to death of blacks and the real truth of your racist genocidal history. You may lie through your teeth about your real motivations but your sorry ass is as transparent as glass.

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Report: 1 Million Americans Priced Out of Health Insurance in 2017

Yes Democrats LETS talk about healthcare! This is YOUR parties doing! Go ahead run on saving Obamacare I am sure it will go over like a lead balloon!

Are you suggesting that healthcare costs weren't skyrocketing before the ACA?

I'll admit, Obamacare did fuck-all to fix it. But don't lie and say Obamacare caused it.
Obamacare caused THIS shit..yes...I have no idea what insurance was like before Obamacare I never paid attention because I didn't need insurance so I didn't have any.
Report: 1 Million Americans Priced Out of Health Insurance in 2017

Yes Democrats LETS talk about healthcare! This is YOUR parties doing! Go ahead run on saving Obamacare I am sure it will go over like a lead balloon!

It is the Republican doings. The Republicans have been unable to kill it but what they have done is to make it more expensive. The killing of the mandate will lead to more premium increases coming out a few weeks before the midterms. Republicans will be busted again.
LOL...the ONLY thing the GOP killed was the totalitarian act of FORCING people to buy health insurance...ALLLLL the rest is still there unfortunately and its ALL on the Democrats hands...it had ZERO GOP votes to pass.
Obamacare was and is a piece of shit.

The ACA originated in a right wing think tank, the heritage foundation.

Yes ,you read that correctly, 'right' wing lad.

The general gist was, making HC mandatory

But you see, anything 'mandatory' comes with ghub'mit bueraucarcy and oversight

This manifested in a sitting POTUS assuming the legislative ability to place his (and Congresss by proxy's) hand around the insurance cabals greedy neck

You see, that hidden hand of your ever foisted up on high 'free market' was not only failing the American public, it was failing the insurace cabal ,who had shut down, shut out, and shit on the better part of their base


The mandatory coverage was only one thing Heritage proposed. The rest of ACA was a bureacrutic nightmare that Heritage was staunchly opposed to.

Nothing like reading the ignorant racist opinions of people who don’t have even a rudimentary understanding of the Affordable Care Act. It no longer exists or operates as enacted and what poses as current healthcare is actually Trumpcare. Republicans still bamboozle the ignorant by blaming their destruction of health care in this country on Obama.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
By the way, douchebag, does opposing Obamacare make you a racist? Is it possible for all you leftist retards to carry on a political discussion with accusing your opponents of being racists?

Of course you can't. That would require the ability to commit logic.

There’s not an ounce of logic in you. Just inbred race vitriol learned at your pap’s knee. What do you really know about the ACA except what your puppet masters feed you. Nothing, just the same mantra repeated over and over without any real analysis of the law. Just more empty slogans and vapid promises that things are just hunky dory, that is repeated and believed by racists like you. Yes you, asshole, you’re a racist like most whites in this country, scared to death of blacks and the real truth of your racist genocidal history. You may lie through your teeth about your real motivations but your sorry ass is as transparent as glass.

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Well, this was just dripping with logic.

For a very very short space of time, I thought maybe you'd be a worthy adversary.
Report: 1 Million Americans Priced Out of Health Insurance in 2017

Yes Democrats LETS talk about healthcare! This is YOUR parties doing! Go ahead run on saving Obamacare I am sure it will go over like a lead balloon!

Are you suggesting that healthcare costs weren't skyrocketing before the ACA?

I'll admit, Obamacare did fuck-all to fix it. But don't lie and say Obamacare caused it.
Obamacare caused THIS shit..yes...I have no idea what insurance was like before Obamacare I never paid attention because I didn't need insurance so I didn't have any.
Report: 1 Million Americans Priced Out of Health Insurance in 2017

Yes Democrats LETS talk about healthcare! This is YOUR parties doing! Go ahead run on saving Obamacare I am sure it will go over like a lead balloon!

It is the Republican doings. The Republicans have been unable to kill it but what they have done is to make it more expensive. The killing of the mandate will lead to more premium increases coming out a few weeks before the midterms. Republicans will be busted again.
LOL...the ONLY thing the GOP killed was the totalitarian act of FORCING people to buy health insurance...ALLLLL the rest is still there unfortunately and its ALL on the Democrats hands...it had ZERO GOP votes to pass.

Don’t post obvious lies, I’m not the dummy you obviously are. So please, quit wasting space and time and shut up until you have something to contribute that’s based on fact.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Report: 1 Million Americans Priced Out of Health Insurance in 2017

Yes Democrats LETS talk about healthcare! This is YOUR parties doing! Go ahead run on saving Obamacare I am sure it will go over like a lead balloon!

Are you suggesting that healthcare costs weren't skyrocketing before the ACA?

I'll admit, Obamacare did fuck-all to fix it. But don't lie and say Obamacare caused it.
Obamacare caused THIS shit..yes...I have no idea what insurance was like before Obamacare I never paid attention because I didn't need insurance so I didn't have any.
Report: 1 Million Americans Priced Out of Health Insurance in 2017

Yes Democrats LETS talk about healthcare! This is YOUR parties doing! Go ahead run on saving Obamacare I am sure it will go over like a lead balloon!

It is the Republican doings. The Republicans have been unable to kill it but what they have done is to make it more expensive. The killing of the mandate will lead to more premium increases coming out a few weeks before the midterms. Republicans will be busted again.
LOL...the ONLY thing the GOP killed was the totalitarian act of FORCING people to buy health insurance...ALLLLL the rest is still there unfortunately and its ALL on the Democrats hands...it had ZERO GOP votes to pass.

Don’t post obvious lies, I’m not the dummy you obviously are. So please, quit wasting space and time and shut up until you have something to contribute that’s based on fact.

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Fuck off New Fish. I will chew you up and spit you out...
Report: 1 Million Americans Priced Out of Health Insurance in 2017

Yes Democrats LETS talk about healthcare! This is YOUR parties doing! Go ahead run on saving Obamacare I am sure it will go over like a lead balloon!

Are you suggesting that healthcare costs weren't skyrocketing before the ACA?

I'll admit, Obamacare did fuck-all to fix it. But don't lie and say Obamacare caused it.
Obamacare caused THIS shit..yes...I have no idea what insurance was like before Obamacare I never paid attention because I didn't need insurance so I didn't have any.
Report: 1 Million Americans Priced Out of Health Insurance in 2017

Yes Democrats LETS talk about healthcare! This is YOUR parties doing! Go ahead run on saving Obamacare I am sure it will go over like a lead balloon!

It is the Republican doings. The Republicans have been unable to kill it but what they have done is to make it more expensive. The killing of the mandate will lead to more premium increases coming out a few weeks before the midterms. Republicans will be busted again.
LOL...the ONLY thing the GOP killed was the totalitarian act of FORCING people to buy health insurance...ALLLLL the rest is still there unfortunately and its ALL on the Democrats hands...it had ZERO GOP votes to pass.

Don’t post obvious lies, I’m not the dummy you obviously are. So please, quit wasting space and time and shut up until you have something to contribute that’s based on fact.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Fuck off New Fish. I will chew you up and spit you out...

You’re a delusional idiot.

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Report: 1 Million Americans Priced Out of Health Insurance in 2017

Yes Democrats LETS talk about healthcare! This is YOUR parties doing! Go ahead run on saving Obamacare I am sure it will go over like a lead balloon!

Obamacare is working as it was intended. That is to open the door for universal government healthcare. The next argument out of the the Dems will be we need to expand the program so more can get it free. Universal healthcare is coming. Just watch, prices will continue to go up, competition will dwindle, and finally only the very well heeled will be paying for their healthcare. The rest will be waiting in line to see a doctor who will write a prescription.
Report: 1 Million Americans Priced Out of Health Insurance in 2017

Yes Democrats LETS talk about healthcare! This is YOUR parties doing! Go ahead run on saving Obamacare I am sure it will go over like a lead balloon!

Obamacare was rubbish, but what it replaced was rubbish, and what replaces it is rubbish.

I'm not a car. If I break down, I can't just buy another body. Having health insurance, as if I'm a car, or a house, simply isn't a good system.

I didn't follow your post, but your car analogy did resonate. It occurred to me that people who spend their money on a car tend to take care of it. They get regular oil changes, tune ups, and take it to the mechanic when the CEL comes on. Why? Because they know the government isn’t going to pay for a new engine. On the other hand, people who don’t pay for their own healthcare dont need to worry about their blood pressure, because they can get a free drug to lower it. They don’t bother with eating right and exercising. They just take the free drugs, or get the free bypass surgery or...etc. Make people responsible for the cost of healthcare and they will be more likely to take care of their health, just like your car.
It's Trumpcare now and the rising costs of premiums is all on Republicans.

I partially agree. The GOP had control and they did nothing, so yes, they have some culpability. But it has signature, so he nor the Dems are off the hook entirely.
It's Trumpcare now and the rising costs of premiums is all on Republicans.
Obamacare is still Obamacare. President Trump did not alter the failed left-wing legislation in any capacity, sweetie. I don’t blame you for being mortified over the fact that your side created such a catastrophic disaster - or the fact that you ignorantly and blindly supported it - but you can’t lay this one at the feet of Republicans no matter how hard you try.
The killing of the mandate will lead to more premium increases
In other words, you are openly admitting that you Dumbocrats are incapable of effective ideas and thus you must do everything at the barrel of a gun?


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