
  1. D

    A rules-based world - on the threshold of the conference in Switzerland

    At the conference on Ukraine scheduled for this month in Switzerland, Zelenskyy - in my opinion - will mainly say the same things that he spoke about at the conference in Munich this year (see the official website of the President of Ukraine): “We must follow rules in international politics, but...
  2. georgephillip

    Putin's Revenge: Hypersonic Missiles in Cuba

    The Russian Navy's Admiral Gorshkov frigate arriving in Havana on a previous trip in 2019." Russian navy vessels to dock in Havana, Cuba insists no threat "Four Russian vessels, including a nuclear-powered submarine, will arrive in Havana next week, Cuban officials have said. "Cuba’s Ministry...
  3. BlackWizard91

    Ukraine risks losing the war due to poor training of soldiers

    As Ukraine prepares to mobilize tens of thousands of men to address a critical shortage of soldiers amid intensified Russian attacks, Ukrainian commanders in the field say they are bracing for most of the new troops to arrive with poor training. Ukrainian commanders have long griped about...
  4. W

    Isn't now the time for US to stop supporting Ukraine to end the conflict?

    The war in Ukraine has begun three years ago, and we have been sending Ukrainians all the necessary support ever since. But the war is not over. Now it's become a slaughter where people from different countries get killed. With that, Ukraine goes on losing it's territory. I think, given the...
  5. BlackWizard91

    Why Biden urgently needs to end the war in Ukraine through talks with Russia

    Last week, Reuters published a report Putin was ready to negotiate an end to the war on the current battlefield lines. What Ukraine gained from the war? Its economy and infrastructure have been crippled, it is mired in massive amounts of foreign debt, faces more than half a trillion dollars in...
  6. BlackWizard91

    US suffers defeat at the hands of Russia in arms race

    In the war in Ukraine, Russia has managed to out-produce the West in terms of materiel and military equipment, showcasing rapid adaptation of its industry and army to any sophisticated weapons deployed by NATO while also making advances in modern warfare. Moscow’s recent increase in military...
  7. BlackWizard91

    The West will have to make peace with Russia

    Support for Ukraine has become a divisive political issue in the United States, as it seems almost anything important will – and so many people are emotional about it. But a sober analysis suggests Ukraine may soon have to seek a deal with Russia. The West erred disastrously in extending...
  8. D

    10 years of Ukrainian coup d’état. Did the West provoke it?

    At the end of February 2014, a coup d’état took place in Ukraine. If you doubt what kind of event it was, you can read the thread “Did a coup d’état take place at the end of February 2014 in Ukraine?” And the present article deals with the question - Did the West provoke this coup d’état?
  9. D

    Did a coup d’état take place at the end of February 2014 in Ukraine?

    At the end of February 2014, i.e. 10 years ago, Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovych was unconstitutionally removed from office. At that time, Western politicians and Western media tried to present this ousting as a legitimate act; see below a citation from the BBC website: The vote to...
  10. Litwin

    2 years ago, Moscow🐷 🇷🇺empire invaded Ukraine. Do you remember how you learned that a full-scale war started in Ukraine? What were your first thoug

    2 years ago, Moscow🐷 🇷🇺empire invaded Ukraine. Do you remember how you learned that a full-scale war started in Ukraine? What were your first thoughts? I'd like to know. And what country-city are you from? Thank you! Huge crowd at Lincoln memorial
  11. D

    Zelenskyy: Ukraine is kept (by the West) in artificial deficits of weapons

    This weekend, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has delivered a remarkable speech at the Munich Security Conference; see the full text of the speech on the official website of the President of Ukraine.
  12. D

    Is present Ukraine an independent country?

    Probably, many have already forgotten that one of the main theses of Ukrainian protest movement - the so-called Euromaidan - which had begun more than 10 years ago, was the allegation that Ukraine under Yanukovych was a colony of Russia. Naturally, no evidence was given for the above-mentioned...
  13. D

    What kind of a country is modern Ukraine?

    When the question “What kind of a country is modern Ukraine?” is asked, Americans usually answer that it doesn’t matter for them, what kind of a country modern Ukraine is. However, in the past it did matter for Americans what kind of a country Libya was in 2011 when the U.S. bombed it; or it...
  14. D

    Ukrainian media get out of Zelensky’s control

    Post-Maidan Ukrainian authorities exert control over media in their country in two ways. On the one hand, these authorities forbid work of opposition media; see here a decision of the Ukrainian Council for Broadcasting revoking licenses of seven Ukrainian opposition television companies. On the...
  15. D

    Ukrainian authorities may organize another “Bucha” now

    In order to beg for money and weapons from the West, it is vital for Ukrainian authorities that the Ukrainian crisis is constantly among the main topics in the Western media. However, since the first decade of October the main attention of the world community has been drawn to the situation in...
  16. D

    The UN has not confirmed “deportation” of thousands of Ukrainian children to Russia

    After threats of Ukrainian authorities to use military measures in order to “reintegrate” the Crimea into Ukraine (see here), the Russian Federation started its military operation in Ukraine on February 24, 2022. After a while, the Ukrainian authorities began to accuse Russia of deporting...
  17. D

    Situation with respect to mass media in Russia and Ukraine

    Western media and politicians tell very much about mass media in Russia where – in Western opinion – mass media and journalists are allegedly persecuted. But the Western media and politicians tell very little about Ukrainian mass media and journalists. Therefore, in this article I am going to...
  18. D

    Is Ukraine really a country at war?

    I have watched today a video from Kharkiv, the second-largest Ukrainian city; please see above the date of the video. I believe that Ukrainian President Zelensky always tells Western media about a different Ukraine, not about Ukraine in which ordinary Ukrainians live. And it was the same with...
  19. D

    Explanation for Ukrainian authorities’ behavior towards Western politicians

    There have been numerous cases when Ukrainian authorities have exhibited a kind of behavior towards Western politicians which is absolutely unexplainable within the framework of official picture of relations between Ukraine and Western countries.
  20. D

    Algorithm of Ukrainian lies about Russia and a counter-algorithm

    False Ukrainian accusations against Russia and its leaders always have such a uniform character that we can say that Ukrainians use a certain algorithm.
  21. D

    Northern Ireland (UK) and the Crimea (RF)

    The British Government is one of the harshest critics of the actions which have been undertaken by Russia for protection of ethnic Russians in the Crimea and in Donbas. But in the past century, the British Government had undertaken similar actions for protection of ethnic Britons in Northern...
  22. D

    The U.S. attitude to Yugoslavia and to Ukraine

    The subject of this article is the U.S. attitude to two different Slavic countries, to Yugoslavia and to Ukraine. At first, I would like to remind about the situation in Yugoslavia at the end of the 1990s. At that period, ethnic Albanians, who are majority in the Yugoslav region Kosovo, began...
  23. D

    The UN has not confirmed Ukrainian allegations about “hundreds of victims of Bucha” so far.

    At the beginning of April 2022 Ukrainian authorities invited Western journalists to the Ukrainian city of Bucha and showed them dead bodies of civilians who had allegedly been murdered there by the Russian Army. And on May 10, 2022, the Secretary of the Bucha City Council declared that more than...
  24. D

    Has the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine been provoked?

    The main “expert” in Ukrainian affairs is, of course the U.S. President Joe Biden who called the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine an “unprovoked attack” last year; please see the official website of the White House. However, I am going to offer my opinion about this subject in the...
  25. D

    Why do the U.S. support Ukraine which has so many unresolved political murders?

    There are already two threads on USMB which deal with the problem of murders in Ukraine; please see - Why are there so many unresolved political murders in Ukraine since 2014? and Was there a threat for ethnic Russians in February 2013 in Ukraine (Crimean question)?. Therefore, I am not going...
  26. D

    Was there a threat for ethnic Russians in February 2013 in Ukraine (Crimean question)?

    Ukrainian and Western politicians always say that the Ukrainian crisis allegedly began in the spring of 2014, when the Crimea joined Russia and fights in Donbas started. However, now these politicians don’t like to be reminded that before the spring of 2014 there was the Euromaidan in Ukraine...
  27. D

    What have Ukrainians been fighting for since 2013?

    Ukrainian politicians very eagerly speak about February 2022 when the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine started. These politicians also like very much to remind of spring of 2014 when the Crimea joined Russia and fights in Donbas began. But Ukrainian politicians never mention that...
  28. peacefan

    Zone1 NATO’s ‘reckless’ expansion to undermine chances for security dialogue — Lavrov

    NATO’s ‘reckless’ expansion to undermine chances for security dialogue — Lavrov According to Russia’s top diplomat, the number of countries in Europe who advocate military or political neutrality is getting thinner, now that Finland has joined the alliance Remote : Wed, 17 May 2023 15:39:06...
  29. The Original Tree

    War Looming in Israel and Biden Regime is to Blame.

    No administration has coddled Iran and lied to The American people about it more than Obama but The Biden Regime is on a fast track to surpass Obama’s treachery. Enabling a Terrorist State to obtain Nuclear weapons, practically paying for it and helping Iran to buy Russian Nuclear Scientists to...
  30. D

    "Investigation" of murders of Ukrainians which were allegedly committed in 2022 and 2014

    At the beginning of April 2022 Ukrainian authorities invited Western journalists to the Ukrainian city of Bucha and showed them dead bodies of civilians who had allegedly been murdered there by the Russian Army. But it wasn’t the first time that dead bodies were shown to Western journalists in...

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