islamic bigotry

  1. Sayaras

    It’s about Islamic Bigotry stupid. OIC/ICC/ICJ same “difference” by now

    How about having a panel to "investigate" Israel on any anti terror op. Headed by Sinwar? link It’s about Islamic Bigotry stupid. OIC/ICC/ICJ same “difference” by now. What is the difference between the Islamic countries block [lobby] OIC control in the UN and: ICJ –especially under...
  2. Sayaras

    Why racist-Islamicized ICC’s ingrained bias ensures no fair ‘trials’ for Israel - the OIC lobby, Nawaf Salam, Karim Khan etc.

    Reminder, the notorious anti-Israel Arab Muslim hater (Nawaf Salam).has been elected to head the ICC only a few months ago... Lebanese, anti-Israel judge Nawaf Salam elected new president of ICJ 7 Feb 2024 — Lebanese Judge Nawaf Salam was elected by his peers to be the new president of the...
  3. Sayaras

    Wow! Even lefty Dem. slam Islamic Karim Khan ICC propaganda "arrest warrant"

    I'm actiually surprised at Hakeem Jeffries of Dems.... Biden, lawmakers blast ICC’s intent to charge Israeli leaders. U.S. politicians from both sides of the aisle denounce International Criminal Court prosecutor’s seeking arrest warrants for the Israeli prime minister and other officials in...
  4. Sayaras

    US calls [ISLAMIC Karim Khan] ICC "arrest warrant" - OUTRAGEOUS (He first anmounced on propagandist infamous Amanpour)

    Talk is cheap Mr. Biden. And your previous statements also contributed to this. Biden calls ICC arrest warrant request for Israeli leaders 'outrageous' By Reuters. Published: May 20, 2024 19:49 Updated: May 20, 2024 19:50. The International Criminal Court prosecutor's application for arrest...
  5. Sayaras

    The roots of 7 October atrocities are in the pogroms of 1834. (Islamist bigotry)

    The following translated piece from French is important for historical and present events. The roots of 7 October are in the pogroms of 1834. The Hamas 7 October massacre echoes previous pogroms in Palestine – notably the Safed pogrom of 1834. In this masterful analysis, published by the...
  6. Sayaras

    Article: "Hitler, Khomeini and Red Danny: the dark history of student organizations in the world."

    The following article which was translated by some penpals , gives an overview historic sketch. ______________ Hitler, Khomeini and Red Danny: the dark history of student organizations in the world. In light of the anti-Semitic demonstrations on campuses in the USA, I set out to check whether...
  7. FDR_Reagan

    Is she an "(i)lslamophobe"? / expressing wide believe?

    Excerpt: Chris Froome's wife Michelle labels Muslims 'a drain on society' and insists 'there are no innocent Gazans' in a shocking social media tirade. The posts came after "activist" called for protests against Israel-Premier Tech..... The wife and agent of four-time Tour de France winner...
  8. Sayaras

    Iranians call for Israel to attack IRGC leaders.

    I pray nothing happens to those brave Iranians in that oppressive ISLAMIC REPUBLIC. Iranians call for Israel to attack IRGC leaders. Graffiti in Tehran denounces the IRGC as a weak government without the interests of the people in mind, and calls for the international community and Israel to...
  9. FDR_Reagan

    NJ/NY: pAlEsTiNiAns shout "go back to auchwitz"

    Ramadan is a time for peace... RamadaNazis part 5 US anti-Israel protest escalate with calls to 'attack Tel Aviv'. Pro-Palestinian protesters in Manhattan chant antisemitic slurs and praise Hamas commanders outside a ZAKA volunteering event held in Teaneck Alexandra Lukash, Meshi Ayad |...
  10. FDR_Reagan

    Zone1 The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism (the March/2024 interview)

    Comment: reading the history, especially since Islamo Nazism rise in WW2, doesnt give much hope. _ _ _ PLO Leader Admits Support for Nazis, Says They Saw Zionism as Common Enemy (VIDEO)...
  11. Sayaras

    Fake historian racist Gilbert Achcar belittled Holocaust, compared Oct/7 "Palestinian" Arab atrocities on civilians to Ghetto Uprising

    On Hamas’s October Counter(sic)-Offensive" 10/8/2023. Gilbert Achcar "..Gaza’s latest counter-offensive brings indeed to mind the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising." Agenda-driven Gilbert Achcar: hiding, distorting the awful true Goliath Arab nazism.
  12. Sayaras

    Arab racism - Islamic fascism UK / Ramadan

    Can someone recall cases that Jews ever attacked Arabs outside the M.E. as a result of M.E. conflict? UK hospital probing antisemitic abuse of child patient. Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital says investigating allegations that a nine year old ultra-Orthodox boy was mistreated by a nurse...
  13. FDR_Reagan

    Overwhelming racist society: Poll: 71% of Palestinian Arabs support genocidal October 7th attack

    The day after the war. Is Still Scary ___ Poll: 71% of Palestinian Arabs support October 7th attack. A Palestinian-run survey found that 71% of Palestinians see the decision to attack Israel on October 7th as a good one. 93% do not (want to say they) believe terror organization committed...
  14. Sayaras

    Muslim group that has defended jihadis has trained cops, universities and NHS on ‘Islamophobia’ since Oct. 7. (UK)

    What's next? "palestine" Islamic Jihad will teach morality? Police trained on ‘Islamophobia’ by jihadist backers. A Muslim group which has defended jihadists and led prayers for a “Palestinian victory” has trained police forces, universities and the NHS in “Islamophobia” since October 7...
  15. Sayaras

    When the Arab Muslim Osama Nazzal sprayed swastika & cursing Arabs

    With the growing fake "hate crimes" pushed by Islamic lobby CAIR in order to white wash the monstrous Goliath racism from Islamists... Toledo man charged with spray-painting anti-Arab message – Feb 15, 2017 Sylvania Township police say 28-year-old Osama Nazzal, of Toledo, has a March 1 court...
  16. Sayaras


    I couldn't stop 😂 ___ leekern @leekern13: Some Muslim men in Pakistan eating an Israeli flag. This captures the heart of what Israel is dealing with. Fucking morons. Emotionally immature racists. Idiots. Irrational men. People you could have no reasonable conversation with. The thickest on...
  17. FDR_Reagan

    pAlEsTiNiAn Islamofascists murder another pious Jew who avoid serving in IDF

    At the racist-Arab terror shooting attack on a bus station at the Masmiya junction near Gedera - 02.16.24. Of course they're about "freedom fighting" and pigs fly too. All Arabs know Haredi Jews, overwhelmingly avoid inscription in IDF. ÷÷÷÷÷ Yeshiva student named as first victim of...
  18. FDR_Reagan

    Arab lobby in “jihad capital" Michigan: Biden meets dangerous leaders

    Finally the Arab lobby threats influenced Biden to be critical of Israel's survival war. Michigan, a critical swing state, is home to the largest concentration of Arab Americans in the nation, with more than 310,000 residents claiming Middle Eastern or North African ancestry, according to a...
  19. FDR_Reagan

    Clip titled: 'From the river to the sea? Pro fakestinians being useful idiots'

    This reminds me of a conversation I had with a gullible Iranian Moslem student who asked me why Israel is larger than Iran.. From the river to the sea? Pro fakestinians being useful idiots Jan 27, 2024. #standwithisrael #woke #israelnews
  20. FDR_Reagan

    Islamofascism alert Sweden: Iranian IRGC pair deported over alleged plot to kill Jews

    Global domination and genocidal plans. Hand in hand. Iranian pair suspected of working for Guard Corps deported over alleged plot to kill Swedish Jews – report. By AFP - 6 Jan 2024. STOCKHOLM — Swedish radio reports that an Iranian couple, believed to be working for Iranian intelligence...
  21. Pastelli

    Islamist Ilhan Omar: her loyalty is to Somalia alone (forget dual loyalty canard)

    Ilhan Omar makes no bones about it: her loyalty is to Somalia alone. She is facing calls for her resignation after, critics say, she promised to do all she could to prevent a Somaliland deal with (Christian) Ethiopia over access to the sea. End Wokeness @EndWokeness: Ilhan Omar tells a crowd...
  22. Pastelli

    Since 1920: Jews / Israel are the true victim of genocidal intent

    This has been the case since the 1920s. With that "adbakh al yahud" Islamists cry. ____ Israel is the true victim of genocidal intent. National Post, Jan 29, 2024. Watching American Justice Joan Donoghue read the decision of the International Court of Justice, live at 2 p.m. Israel time on...
  23. Sayaras

    Elon Musk: 'Sometimes I think, ‘Am I Jewish?’'

    If you ask me, I think Musk is open unrestrained guy. He says what he means, means what he says. ___ Elon Musk: 'Sometimes I think, ‘Am I Jewish?’' X (Twitter) Chairman addresses first major Jewish conference to Auschwitz since 10/07. Evyatar Moshe, Krakow,.Jan 22, 2024, 9:04 PM (GMT+2)...
  24. FDR_Reagan

    Racist-Arab pAlEsTiNIaN combined attack: at least 1 murdered, 19 injured including 4 children, 5 in serious condition

    Note: These Islamofascistic attempted butchery has been the 'regular' scene for years. Regardless what Israel does or does not do. Combined attack in Ra'anana: murdering 1, at least 19 injured including 4 children, 5 in serious condition. Stabbed a driver, stole her car - and started a rampage...
  25. FDR_Reagan

    Blood money for pAlESTiNIaN authority

    And you thought it's just genocidal gaza-health-ministry Hamas. Aid for Palestinian Authority has been contributing to pay-for-slay. Twice as Many Israelis Died in One Month of Biden than in One Year of Trump June 26, 2023. PA to give Hamas terrorists' families close to $3 million in...
  26. FDR_Reagan

    UNRWA "teachers" cheered, called for murder, as Oct 7 "pAlESTiNIaN" Arab atrocities unfolded

    If these are their teachers, imagine what they grow up to be? ### U.N. Agency teachers cheered Hamas as October 7 attack unfolded, called for Execution of Jews in Group Chat. 'More than 3,000 UNRWA teachers in Gaza belong to the social media group, which is hosted on the instant messaging...
  27. Sayaras

    Besides pro-genocide Islamic states, almost no one supports South Africa's fake "genocide" case (aided by racist "Palestinian" Authority)

    The trick with the fake genocide case is to send a non Muslim country to head it as being the "face." But it's all Islamic bigots behind it. Al Jazeera lists the countries which have officially backed the South African case before the ICJ claiming Israel is engaged in "genocide." It starts...
  28. FDR_Reagan

    Islamist Mehdi Hassan "Non-Muslims are animals" out of MSNBC - formerly at 'al jazeera', 'the-Intercept'

    So even far left MSNBC saw that it's over the top? 'Al Jihad Zeera' and twisted Glenn Greenwald's 'the intercrept' - were his first propaganda platforms. ### Jon Levine @LevineJonathan: MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan has compared non-Muslims to "animals" and homosexuals to "pedophiles" and "sexual...
  29. Pastelli

    Current events: umlike racist Arab/Muslims radicals, Zionists never attack Arabs internationally for "Palestinians" genocidal crimes

    Even the killing of an Arab child in Illinois home by his landlord, was by a simple Christian. Whereas, in US, Canada, Europe, Australia etc. Radical racist-Arabs lslamofascists attack ANY Jews. Or Nazi Arab Islamism... swastika-palestine eruption... Just Google up "swastika Hamas attack"...
  30. FDR_Reagan

    Bigoted-Islamists who promote wokeness to West (Tlaib, Omar, Shakhsari)

    Of course: Rashida Tlaib wouldn't dare to push wokeness in HER Gaza or Ramallah / West Bank. Or Ilhan Omar in Somalia Or Sima...

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