genocide lie

  1. Pastelli

    Footage Rafah: Hamas rockets launched behind UN humanitarian aid bags and the World Food Program.

    This is from palestinian filming... ____ Documentation from Rafah: Rockets were launched behind UN humanitarian aid bags and the World Food Program. May 29, 2024. The Clip:
  2. Sayaras

    So it's 15k among the 24k dead Arab "palestinians"? (PallyWeid) - Gaza death toll

    But facts don't matter , the points is to shout the G word 24/7. Volley of shots fired at Jewish girls’ school in Toronto; no injuries. Two suspects open fire on Bais Chaya Mushka complex in early hours of morning; political leaders condemn incident as antisemitic; Jewish community laments...
  3. Sayaras

    'Hamas Gaza regime is responsible for Gaza civilian suffering - controls aid', "palestinian" Authority media reports

    That is quite surprising that one palestinian" regime would blame the other Amidst the Oct 7 war. Hamas controls ATMs, cash, and the humanitarian aid trucks. Hamas is responsible for Gaza civilian suffering, PA media reports. Gaza War (2023) May 7, 2024.
  4. FDR_Reagan

    Article: Most Arab pAlEsTiNiAns killed were [adult] TERRORISTS, here is shy

    This line is really striking: 1:3 civilian-to-combatant ratio, that is, one civilian killed for every three Hamas combatants, a ratio unheard-of in the history of warfare. What Percentage of Those Killed by the IDF in Gaza were Civilians? Should we really be taking Hamas numbers at face value...
  5. FDR_Reagan

    PallyWeid and Hamas OFFICIAL document

    Comment. So it's not just the made up numbers of 30k but victims of their own crimes ae pinned on the zionist state +++ Hamas document reveals it hides casualties, blames failed rocket launches on Israel - IDF. An official Hamas document recovered by IDF soldiers proves that many Gazan...
  6. FDR_Reagan

    A decade to the G slur by PallyWeid

    Omer Bartov can be credited to be the first to come up with the G slur at the Oct 7 war. Which explains why longtine Israelophobe C. Amanpour promoted his rhetoric on Nov 15, 2023, and she anxiously asked him when the G word can already/finally be applied. That was long before Gaza's 'dead baby...
  7. FDR_Reagan

    U.S. slams racist Francesca Albanese (UN) and her pallyWeid "accusation "

    Better late than never... _________ Department Press Briefing - March 27, 2024 - United States Department of State. MR MILLER: I did see the report. Let me say a couple things about it. First, we have long – for longstanding – for a longstanding period of time opposed the mandate...
  8. Sayaras

    Shift in Oct-7-war op. No more hand tied for terrible "palestinian" human shields use

    Note. It is why it took so long until now... × × × ...the paradigm for IDF action in Gaza has shifted, and it is now ready to act anywhere and anytime, regardless of the human shields Hamas hides behind.
  9. Sayaras

    Arab racism - Islamic fascism UK / Ramadan

    Can someone recall cases that Jews ever attacked Arabs outside the M.E. as a result of M.E. conflict? UK hospital probing antisemitic abuse of child patient. Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital says investigating allegations that a nine year old ultra-Orthodox boy was mistreated by a nurse...
  10. FDR_Reagan

    Overwhelming racist society: Poll: 71% of Palestinian Arabs support genocidal October 7th attack

    The day after the war. Is Still Scary ___ Poll: 71% of Palestinian Arabs support October 7th attack. A Palestinian-run survey found that 71% of Palestinians see the decision to attack Israel on October 7th as a good one. 93% do not (want to say they) believe terror organization committed...
  11. FDR_Reagan

    Professor: Hamas fakes casualty figures: ‘The numbers are not real’ [Gaza DEATH Ministry].

    The weirdest thing is that no one at MSM bothers to stress where the "figures" done from but just parrots it. There is no secret as to WHY Pallywood should ever lie ___ This is now (Mar 2024): Hamas fakes casualty figures: ‘The numbers are not real’. Abraham Wyner, a professor of statistics...
  12. FDR_Reagan

    Did pAlEsTiNiAns plan to blame good-guys-Israel BEFORE shooting in stampede at aid trucks?

    This is the same gaza health ministry who uses civilians that gullible or propagandists can cry the G word. _ Palestinians claim 'massacre' at aid distribution point but IDF probe shows stampede caused over 100 deaths. Army says crowds swarm aid trucks to loot supplies west of Gaza City, with...
  13. Sayaras

    Hamas uses civilians as human shields, Gazan journalist states

    Ya think they will let the journalist live? Just asking... Hamas uses civilians as human shields, Gazan journalist states. By Jerusalem Post Staff Published: February 15, 2024. Saftawi says it's the first time in a decade that he's been able to speak on this publicly. Gaza-based journalist...
  14. FDR_Reagan

    So the oil-ed Arab-Muslim lobby calls on Muslims to vote indirectly for Zionist Trump? OK

    They asked their people in Michigan which has about 100k Arabs/Muslims to vote "ucommitted.." LOL. To protest Gaza handling (where Gaza-death-ministry uses civilians and hospitals). They do know it will help Trump - who is pro Israel... Michigan Muslims take Biden hostage to save Hamas...
  15. FDR_Reagan

    If Hamas admits 6,000 terrorists killed, you know the real number is at least double that

    My comment: I find it interesting the Gaza DEATH Ministry chose this figure after their Pallywoody claims are CLIMBING nearing 30k.. try to make it seem as if only 20% are terrorists... If Hamas admits 6,000 terrorists killed, you know the real number is at least double that...
  16. FDR_Reagan

    Another Nazi Arab pAlEsTiNiAn drawing swastika erroneously

    Education is down the drain... They had one job to do...
  17. Sayaras

    UN Warns Israeli op. Rafah Could Lead To More Hostages Rescued <s>

    So what is the IDF to do against this ominous warning? United Nations Warns Israeli Attack On Rafah Could Lead To More Hostages Being Rescued The Bee | February 13, 2024 | Staff NEW YORK, NY — Officials with the United Nations are condemning the Israeli attack on Rafah to rescue two...
  18. Sayaras

    "You Moron" ["Ya Ahbal"]: Yosef Haddad confronted a fking "Haaretz" anarchist in the foreign media [Haaretzism: pro-Arab-racism]

    Yosef Haddad probably never imagined that he would be interviewed by the foreign media and hear an employee of the "Haaretz" newspaper claiming that israel's only goal in the war is to destroy the palestinian people: "nothing but gen...e" • Haddad did not remain indifferent, he explained why he...
  19. FDR_Reagan

    PALLY-WEID: Did Pallywood already come up with a new FAKE buzzword after "apartheidgenocide"?

    First Hitler's helper and nazi-stormtroopers promoter Ahmad Shukeiri - came up in 1961 with the "spartheid" slur. Then it was genocide-lie especially 3 years ago, in 2021 The problem is that they pushed the...
  20. Sayaras

    Hear that ICJ? Family of the leader of Hamas-butchers receives life-saving treatment in a hospital in humane cool Israel!

    This is not a first. Many relatives of Arab racist-terrorists injured themselves or/and their relatives are treated by humane Zionists. For decades. First publication: Haniyeh's relatives are hospitalized in Soroka Hospital. At the height of the war, the relatives of the Hamas leader receive...
  21. FDR_Reagan

    "UN Worst ever" Death-Cult-Pusher UNRWA gave lies at fake "genocide" case ICJ

    The more one hears about this genocidal-Islamic-terror linked agency , the more one is shocked. * UNRWA gave ICJ false information against Israel * The lies of UNRWA and the ICJ
  22. Pastelli

    Since 1920: Jews / Israel are the true victim of genocidal intent

    This has been the case since the 1920s. With that "adbakh al yahud" Islamists cry. ____ Israel is the true victim of genocidal intent. National Post, Jan 29, 2024. Watching American Justice Joan Donoghue read the decision of the International Court of Justice, live at 2 p.m. Israel time on...
  23. Sayaras

    Hague ICJ: NO "genocide" - after all pallywood & Arab Islamic global lobby using SA + UNRWA linking with jihad-fascist Hamas..

    That moral obscenity sham case... To take measures to prevent "genocide" that's as far as the court went and avoided call for cease fire.. That's throwing a bone at anti-white racist SA govt. whose banks help Hamas jihadi fascists. (U.S. halts UNRWA funding over staffers’ involvement with Oct...
  24. Sayaras

    Anti White infected racist SA banks provide platform to fund Hamas Jihadi fascist.

    The radical Islamist fangs extension. Beyond what we knew so far. "Kill the Boer" aligned with jihadi-Fascists.. __ Major South African banks provide platform to fund Hamas. Ohad Merlin, Jerusalem Post, January 24, 2024. Research conducted by The Jerusalem Post staff and several sources...
  25. Pastelli

    Heard the news? There is a so called "genocide" LOL...

    Population stats for Arab "Palestinians": 1993 - 2.2 million 2003 - 3 million 2013 - 4 million 2023 - 5.4 million
  26. FDR_Reagan

    Anti-White-racist S. African who sang ‘Kill the Boer’: Hamas ‘did nothing wrong’ in Oct. 7 jihad atrocities

    Son you have an idea what's up at Hague.. ___ “South African Politician Julius Malema: Hamas Did Nothing Wrong; When Under Occupation, You Shoot to Kill, That’s What Nelson Mandela Did; When We Take Over, We Will Arm Hamas, Remove Israeli Embassy,” MEMRI, October 23, 2023:
  27. Sayaras

    Besides pro-genocide Islamic states, almost no one supports South Africa's fake "genocide" case (aided by racist "Palestinian" Authority)

    The trick with the fake genocide case is to send a non Muslim country to head it as being the "face." But it's all Islamic bigots behind it. Al Jazeera lists the countries which have officially backed the South African case before the ICJ claiming Israel is engaged in "genocide." It starts...
  28. Sayaras

    New islamofascist pro-genocide gang titled "doctors against genocide"

    It reminds me of other titles pro genocidal "palestine" use like "peace." Not one anti-Israel "activist" group has protested Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad human shields methods. = "Doctors Against Genocide" - brand new pro-Hamas, antisemitic Muslim front group. This flyer stunned a lot...
  29. FDR_Reagan

    US: "Israel is protecting civilians in ways even we wouldn't"

    This needs to be talked about. VS Palestinian leaderdship who seek civilian deaths White House spokesperson: Israel is protecting civilians in ways even we wouldn't. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby highlights some of the steps the IDF has taken to prevent civilian casualties in...
  30. Pastelli

    Lying Guterres 'drama' UN Secretary General attacked Israel - caught in a lie - slammed

    Lying Guterres UN Secretary General attacked Israel - caught in a lie - slammed Many outraged by António Guterres' false words about "unprecedented", and attached to the tweet a "community note" that corrects the statements and explains that the information conveyed in it is incorrect. "UN...

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