Zone1 Young people now among the most antisemitic

Except the Arabs got territory back in the 1973 war and the Zionist Squatter Entity realized the Sinai was untenable, which is why they gave it back at Camp David.

Why should the Arabs lose ANY land to European Jews?

You see, I'd have no real problem if they carved a Jewish State out of Europe. I would even say the Europeans owe them.

Now you are being disingenuous. Gaza was never up for return at Camp David. Wasn't even suggested. It was never really part of Egypt to start with.
Gaza had been occupied longer by Egypt than it was by Israel. Gaza wasn’t on the table because the Egyptians had already declined to take it back.
As for the Arabs (gee now you just moved the goalposts a mile at least) losing any land, the ARABs never owned Transjordan. The Turks did and they were happy to sell worthless land to the Jews. The ancestors of the Palestinians had nothing to say about the deal, just like you have nothing to say when YOUR landlord sells the rental property you are Living in and gives you thirty days to vacate.
Why should the Arabs lose ANY land to European Jews?
Because the God you don't believe in gave it to them, because they are the most superior 0.2% of the world's population, and because the European and Near Eastern Jews wanted it.
Since these liberals are such big fans of reparations, let’s just consider the establishment of the state of Israel as reparations for the enslavement of Europeans by Arabs.
In an alarming trend, there has been a reversal in which Americans are the most antisemitic. Whereas previously it has been older Americans (who are less likely to be educated), it is now most prominent in young adults.

This is clearly a result of the antisemitic brainwashing being done in the Arab-funded liberal American universities. Tragically, the next generation of Congress is now in the wings, ready to enact anti-Jew legislation within the next 15 or so years.

Survey is here:

Gaza had been occupied longer by Egypt than it was by Israel.

Not really. Gaza was occupied by Egypt from 1948 to 1967. (19 years). For the first nine of those, it was autonomous under the All-Palestine Government, an Egyptian sponsored Palestinian organization. Gaza was occupied by the Zionist Entity from 1967 to 2005 (38 years). Simple math is confusing for wingnuts, I know.

Gaza wasn’t on the table because the Egyptians had already declined to take it back.

Egypt never really claimed it. They were always of the position it was part of Palestine.

As for the Arabs (gee now you just moved the goalposts a mile at least) losing any land, the ARABs never owned Transjordan. The Turks did and they were happy to sell worthless land to the Jews.

I think you are a little confused. VERY FEW JEWS lived in Palestine in 1914. Only 94,000 Jews compared to 525,000 Muslims (and 70,000 Christians)

Only after the British stole the land and started resettling Europe's Jews in Palestine (because they didn't want to live with Jews, either!) did this become much of an issue.

The ancestors of the Palestinians had nothing to say about the deal, just like you have nothing to say when YOUR landlord sells the rental property you are Living in and gives you thirty days to vacate.

Um, no, guy, Imperialism isn't the same as a landlord situation. In fact, after WWI, the Allies determined that "Self-Determination" was important, which is why all these new nations were carved out of the corpses of the Hohenzollern, Hapsburg, Romanov, and Ottoman Empires. Turning Palestine into a British Colony by Proxy was a violation of the principles the League of Nations stood for.

Because the God you don't believe in gave it to them, because they are the most superior 0.2% of the world's population, and because the European and Near Eastern Jews wanted it.
The God I don't believe in did nothing when half of them became Bars of Soap and Lampshades.
Just like he did nothing when my mom died of cancer, and everyone prayed for her to get better.

The difference is I stopped believing in fake deities when presented with evidence they don't exist.

Wow, so wrong about everything!!!

1) Hamas wants a deal.
2) Israel doesn't have to go into Rafah. They could declare victory and leave tomorrow.
3) Indiscriminately bombing will lead to more civilian deaths, that's why Biden is cutting them off.
4) Hezbollah will attack regardless, because the Zionist entity is shit.
5) The Saudi scrapped any "normalization" with the Zionist Entity the minute the Zionists started killing women and children.
Wow, so wrong about everything!!!

1) Hamas wants a deal.
2) Israel doesn't have to go into Rafah. They could declare victory and leave tomorrow.
3) Indiscriminately bombing will lead to more civilian deaths, that's why Biden is cutting them off.
4) Hezbollah will attack regardless, because the Zionist entity is shit.
5) The Saudi scrapped any "normalization" with the Zionist Entity the minute the Zionists started killing women and children.
Hamas doesn’t want a “deal”, they just don’t want to be eliminated. They are cornered rats. They just want to survive to rape and murder Jews another day.

Israel has to go into Rafah to finnish These terrorists off. Israel shouldn’t stop until every last terrorist is dead. Hamas is solely responsible for every single civilian death, they hide amongst the population like cowards. They know when civilians are killed in collateral damage it will be a propaganda victory for Hamas. Hamas wants dead Palestinians. Hamas wants dead children. It keeps their brand alive.
Hamas doesn’t want a “deal”, they just don’t want to be eliminated. They are cornered rats. They just want to survive to rape and murder Jews another day.

Israel has to go into Rafah to finnish These terrorists off. Israel shouldn’t stop until every last terrorist is dead. Hamas is solely responsible for every single civilian death, they hide amongst the population like cowards. They know when civilians are killed in collateral damage it will be a propaganda victory for Hamas. Hamas wants dead Palestinians. Hamas wants dead children. It keeps their brand alive.
The Zionists have been trying to eliminate "Terrorism" since 1948... They will ALWAYS have terrorism as long as they are on Palestinian land. The idea that if we just win one more battle, that will solve the problem, is fucking silly.
The Zionists have been trying to eliminate "Terrorism" since 1948... They will ALWAYS have terrorism as long as they are on Palestinian land. The idea that if we just win one more battle, that will solve the problem, is fucking silly.
Not as silly as Nazi apologists telling JOOS to go back to Europe.
But the JOO hater doesn’t feel the same about the illegals flooding the US and Europe…..
Those people are coming here to be Americans. They aren't taking over the country and making us live like second class citizens on our own land.

I'm all for immigration reform. That would require us to actually go after the white people who hire illegals to pick their lettuce, clean their toilets and raise their kids.
Those people are coming here to be Americans. They aren't taking over the country and making us live like second class citizens on our own land.
You don’t even know who they are, what criminal history they might have, what illegal substances they might be smuggling, if they are being trafficked themselves, let alone their reason for coming here. Most of all you don’t care because you hate America.

Stop supporting terrorists who throw homosexuals off building and stone women for being raped and raise their children to be suicide bombers. You pretend to care about civilian casualties but just look at what these Islamic regimes do to their own people. They don’t care, you don’t care.

Israel belongs to the Jews. The Jews belong there. Get therapy.
You don’t even know who they are, what criminal history they might have, what illegal substances they might be smuggling, if they are being trafficked themselves, let alone their reason for coming here. Most of all you don’t care because you hate America.
I don't condemn a whole group for what a few people do.

If I did, we should lock up all Trump supporters for January 6.

Stop supporting terrorists who throw homosexuals off building and stone women for being raped and raise their children to be suicide bombers. You pretend to care about civilian casualties but just look at what these Islamic regimes do to their own people. They don’t care, you don’t care.
Crap you read on Islamophobic websites isn't a good source for policy.

We have no business getting in the middle of a religious fight over who a sky pixie gave a strip of land to.
You can't stop gloating about the Holocaust, can you?

But you miss my point. The thing that they SHOULD have taken away from the Holocaust is "There probably isn't a God, or if there is, he doesn't care about us. Thankfully, the Godless Red Army saved us!!"

Instead, they took away, "We need to go steal someone else's land and treat them the way the Nazis treated us!!! Because God said so!!! "

That's fucked up, yo. Which is why all these kids are out at the campuses, they can see it's fucked up.

But you miss my point. The thing that they SHOULD have taken away from the Holocaust is "There probably isn't a God, or if there is, he doesn't care about us. Thankfully, the Godless Red Army saved us!!"

Instead, they took away, "We need to go steal someone else's land and treat them the way the Nazis treated us!!! Because God said so!!! "

That's fucked up, yo. Which is why all these kids are out at the campuses, they can see it's fucked up.
The Children of Israel did not steal the Land of Israel. They took back what was theirs. And they created a country vastly superior to what Palestine had been.
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