Yet another message about why congress passed the tiktok ban SO QUICKLY when they cant get anything else done.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

This woman explains why. Very thorough and concise. For those of you conservatives that buy into anything the biden administration behind the leftist propaganda media about their reasons, shame on you.

Might as well demand Trump goes to prison since you are going to believe them. They lie ABOUT EVERYTHING.

Listen to this message. If you dare.
LOL.....You are the site poster child for Tic-Toc addiction.....Oh well we all have our vices. ;)

My computer won't even display Tik Tok videos because I have enhanced tracking protection turned on in my browser.

So I turned it off and watched a few seconds of the video. That girl is a genuine Karen.
My computer won't even display Tik Tok videos because I have enhanced tracking protection turned on in my browser.

So I turned it off and watched a few seconds of the video. That girl is a genuine Karen.
No she isn't

This woman explains why. Very thorough and concise. For those of you conservatives that buy into anything the biden administration behind the leftist propaganda media about their reasons, shame on you.

Might as well demand Trump goes to prison since you are going to believe them. They lie ABOUT EVERYTHING.

Listen to this message. If you dare.

Once you start banning free speech it's a very slippery slope. Will they try for Twitter next, in the name of "public safety"? F*** this regime.
Once you start banning free speech it's a very slippery slope. Will they try for Twitter next, in the name of "public safety"? F*** this regime.
Yes, they're already trying with that and Rumble
TikTok has zero effect on my quality of life.

Fucktard O'nomics, on the other hand, is fucking me and the rest of America to our knees.

since biden bidenomincs.png
Dems want an American company to buy Tik Tok so they can use it to spread Dem propaganda.

Musk took away one of their main platforms for spreading lies, so they need a new one.

Tik Tok would be perfect for Dems to use for indoctrination. It is already being used that way.
What was the reason for the ban on tik tok?
If biden and the leftist media along with all of the RINOs are against it and claim its a spying app FOR THE CHINESE, what do you believe is the reason?

It's not a holy app by any means but that isn't why they are banning it. The same American govt that allows satanic clubs in schools around the country and allows any and all perverted thing on the internet and defends it with FREEDOM.OF SPEECH...

That woman is the example and there are many more. Private citizens who aren't under the control of silicon valley who's platforms are ACTUALLY UNDER CONTROL and ALL OF THEM TRACK EVERYONE.

So what do you think could be the reason?

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