Yes, that IS Ashley Biden's Diary ... GROSS!!!

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023

It has been verified that, yes, that IS Ashley Biden's diary. Remember that? Project Veritas had possession of the diary, then was wrongly accused of stealing it by the Biden Gestapo, followed by pre-dawn armed raids of the homes of a couple of the principals of PV by the corrupt Biden DOJ (a brazen and wrongful assault on the freedom of the press and the First Amendment). Well, it now turns out to be 100% Ashley Biden's diary. Do you remember what was in this diary? Essentially, if we take Ashley's statements as true, then it establishes Joe Biden as a child molester.

Isn't it funning how many times some horrible issue presents itself, the left tries to gaslight it away and use their grip on the media to distract and bury it, then several months later it turns out to be true? There is the diary issue, Biden's influence peddling, the treasure trove of false allegations against Trump, etc... This case clearly involves banana republic level abuse of power, suppression of constitutional rights, and maybe the most disturbing thing of all: verification that our president is most likely a pedo.

It has been verified that, yes, that IS Ashley Biden's diary. Remember that? Project Veritas had possession of the diary, then was wrongly accused of stealing it by the Biden Gestapo, followed by pre-dawn armed raids of the homes of a couple of the principals of PV by the corrupt Biden DOJ (a brazen and wrongful assault on the freedom of the press and the First Amendment). Well, it now turns out to be 100% Ashley Biden's diary. Do you remember what was in this diary? Essentially, if we take Ashley's statements as true, then it establishes Joe Biden as a child molester.

Isn't it funning how many times some horrible issue presents itself, the left tries to gaslight it away and use their grip on the media to distract and bury it, then several months later it turns out to be true? There is the diary issue, Biden's influence peddling, the treasure trove of false allegations against Trump, etc... This case clearly involves banana republic level abuse of power, suppression of constitutional rights, and maybe the most disturbing thing of all: verification that our president is most likely a pedo.
Reach. Reach. Keeping reaching. You might get there someday. It's all coming apart for you, isn't it?
Must be know that no one but you true believers think this is something to get excited about.
Kinda makes you people freaks..doesn't it? :)
Oh dear, more Russian disinformation dog whistling again.

Everyone knows Joe took showers with her even late at night.
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Reach. Reach. Keeping reaching. You might get there someday. It's all coming apart for you, isn't it?
Must be know that no one but you true believers think this is something to get excited about.
Kinda makes you people freaks..doesn't it? :)
You can choose to ignore the facts. I don't really care.
Reach. Reach. Keeping reaching. You might get there someday. It's all coming apart for you, isn't it?
Must be know that no one but you true believers think this is something to get excited about.
Kinda makes you people freaks..doesn't it? :)
No reach here accept for you lefties with blinders on. Just another of pedo Joe's cult.
Not only did he rape his own daughter...he raped all of his children, including forcing Hunter to rape Jill Biden...

In fact, there is video of Biden raping at least 454 different children....but the Deep State is covering up the evidence....but soon, Trump will reveal all...

Oh, ick, ick, ick, Ashley Biden, ICK

1 Aug 2023 ~~ By Beege Welborn

Can we please call a moving van and a fumigator to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and – when the poison clears – can we have the house cleaned by a religious team? Rabbi, priest, imam – whoever and whatever it takes to get a ritual cleansing for the ages done of the White House, and remove the scum that has to be clinging to the walls with every breath Joe Biden takes in that hallowed place.
You knew it was real, and I knew it was real. But in your heart of hearts, the things written in what was purported to be Ashley Biden’s diary were so depraved, so utterly revolting, SO MAKE YOUR SKIN CRAWL that you prayed there was no way they could be true.
That this was the one line the revolting old slime ball Democrats put in the Oval Office hadn’t crossed.
There are no depths this family won’t plumb.

Project Veritas, after 2 long years, has released the phone calls related to the diary, and they also – besides the “tipster” who originally found the abandoned diary in the rented beach house – have Ashley Biden on tape, asking for her belongings back. She wants ALL of the belongings she’d left in the beach house, and kindly threatens not to get the Secret Service involved if they were returned to her.

The diary is hers along with everything written in it. The contents that were explosive enough to trigger a predawn raid on James O’Keefe’s house, and two Project Veritas reporters, not to mention vacuuming up texts, emails, mountains of materials. Even after PV chose not to publish it for lack of verification, trying to return it to Ashley’s legal flack, Roberta Kaplan, and ultimately turning it over to law enforcement.
Federal agencies sure do spend an inordinate amount of time playing “clean up” for the Bidens. How does that happen?
Who are these people? Who are these “Bidens”? What makes them special? They’re certainly not likable – not one of them. What is their magical power that enables a constant, protective, pro-active federal bubble enclosing their malevolent sphere for decades of unimpeded criminal enterprise?
It was all hers
Oh, dear God.
Why PV decided to break this news now, I can’t say.
Is there legal jeopardy for them in doing so? I don’t know.
But that diary

…It sure was “crazy.” Ashley Biden suffered from sexual and drug addictions and wrote in her diary that her dad would often take showers with her. She also wrote that she would wait until late at night to take showers to avoid her dad slipping into the shower with her.​
…is Ashley Biden’s.
Those horrifying memories on paper…are Ashley Biden’s. About THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES molesting his daughter.

Read more: Ashley Biden's Shocking Diary Is Real, Confirming Creepy Joe Biden Allegations

We learned in 2021 that the Biden Dept. of Justice began investigating the issue a year prior, claiming the diary was stolen.
In November of 2021, James O’Keefe’s and two other Veritas journalists’ homes were subjected to pre-dawn FBI/Stasi raids.
Documents obtained by Project Veritas later revealed that details of the investigation were leaked to journalists at the New York Times during the raids.
When Project Veritas reached out to the Biden campaign for comment on October 16th of 2020, Ashley Biden’s attorney, Ms. Kaplan, responded by email stating, “We should send our request to the Southern District of New York.”
Shortly thereafter, the SDNY approved the first of 19 secret subpoenas, orders and warrants, which gave the Biden Department of Justice unfettered access to Project Veritas’ newsroom, sensitive email and phone data, and gag orders preventing our journalists from knowing about the seizures.
During testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, James O’Keefe stated, “.......we did nothing wrong other than the non-crime of investigating a story, as journalists do.”
Project Veritas gave the diary to law enforcement to return it to its rightful owner.
These are the actions of our 46th president, there is no doubt who and what Joseph Biden is.
In a just world he would be convicted in a court of law, in jail serving time, and being subjected to the treatment child molesters get from other convicts.
How has Joe Biden get away with all this...? The simple answer is our law enforcement agencies have been corrupted.
But that’s okay, while Trump has been indicted for the third time for expressing his First Amendment Rights after the 2020 election.
I guess the LGBT community will just add an I for incest and make it all OK.
It's already in there, the I that is...they're just pretending it stands for "Intersex" until society degenerates into such a state that being against incest is considered bigotry & anti-sexual liberation. The Wifi Password Cult is approving of any perversion you can think of.
It's already in there, the I that is...they're just pretending it stands for "Intersex" until society degenerates into such a state that being against incest is considered bigotry & anti-sexual liberation. The Wifi Password Cult is approving of any perversion you can think of.
Oh, I guess a just a little 'i' then, funny though, there are supposedly more genders than letters, how do the degenerates keep up?

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