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Women can't be trusted with their own bodies

NotfooledbyW said: It is not society’s business when a woman terminates a pregnancy.

Of course it is.

Of course it is not. And the Republican Party is running away from it being society business.

Who do you have of consequence politically saying that termination of pregnancy is society’s business?

Hannity Admits It: Abortion May Destroy Trump In Election

Political reality appears for a brief moment at Fox News.
Hannity Admits It: Abortion May Destroy Trump In Election
Credit: Screengrab
By John Amato — April 4, 2024
Sean Hannity scolded Republicans at large for taking such a malignant and vicious stance on abortion, admitting his fears that unless they soften their six-week ban, they will have big problems in the upcoming 2024 election.

SEAN HANNITY: And, Robert, we know what the playbook is. They will demagogue on abortion.

Republicans, they better have a good answer, and they also need to understand where the country is.
If people were to ask me my personal views, okay, I'm pretty pro-life. If you're asking me politically where a politician needs to be, I would say the Dobbs decision of 15 weeks, that's where the country is.
And if Republican politicians don't understand that, and they run on that, they're going to get their asses kicked and they're going to lose.
Hannity is lying about Dobbs. Dobbs was not a "decision of 15 weeks." How could Florida and other red states make it SIX, then?
Roe v. Wade affirmed a woman's RIGHT TO PRIVACY through the first trimester, twelve weeks, and also a woman's right to save her life and fertility if the pregnancy was non-viable or otherwise dangerous thereafter.
It's a compromise that lasted fifty years
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I don’t. You are very dishonest.
No more “dishonest“ than you were being when you asked my how their reckless behavior “harmed me” in anyway. I never suggested I was personally harmed by their behavior. Your comment is either a “dishonest” characterization of my position or a completely ridiculous connection arrived at all on your own.

Ultimately, I have not seen you argue in favor of personal responsibility, or empowerment through education. You have just defended the practice of abortion without condition and without acknowledgement of the life being terminated.
After my second daughter was born I did not want my wife to have to make the negative consequences of getting pregnant again so I got a vasectomy.
See? That kind of personal responsibility and risk negation isn’t rocket science is it? Certainly if you can do it, then it’s not to much to expect form other people.There is no excuse for committing murder because someone is to lazy to consider the consequences of their actions.

When a man causes an unwanted pregnancy, his life does not become at risk for the mistake.

Not in all the same ways it creates risks for women but it certainly creates risks for men as well. Unplanned pregnancies can derail a man’s plans for his future, impact their financial stability and create the burden of legal liabilities and potential legal consequences.
Forcing full-term gestation on a woman for a mistake that could kill her, and not the other person involved in producing a fertilized egg is not equal justice under the law, therefore, forcing full term gestation on a woman for a mistake is wrong, immoral, unfair, sexist and unconstitutional.
This kind of woke garbage is just stupid. Once again all of our actions have consequences. The sooner you learn this the better off you will be. No one is “forcing full term gestation”. She is burdened with the consequences of her irresponsible behavior. Her own actions and choices are the only thing “forcing” this situation upon her.
And you can argue, no harm to yourself or to society whenever a woman in private resolves her mistake by termination of a pregnancy.
You tell me where you draw the line on human life having rights and deserving protection under the law.

If you can argue a point that when a private citizen has an abortion in her home or in a medical clinic in private and not on the public square I would like to see it.
This is apparently an incomplete thought…..?

Just remember, I do not want women to make negative choices that have consequences to them. It would be great if nobody ever ever ever ever made a mistake involving sex that’s not a world we live in. So my position is the fair position and adjust position and the right position and the moral position that what happens in the bedroom, including the consequences of unwanted pregnancy Are none of my business or anybody else’s business except the parties involved because they are doing no harm to anybody living on the entire planet earth right now.
No, it is clear now. You don’t believe people should take responsibility for their actions.

The part of this equation you seem to be missing is that abortion ends the life of a person. You can blubber about mistakes and privacy and personal business all you want but you are ignoring that there is completely innocent person’s life being terminated.

So some woman acts irresponsibly ignores the risk of her behavior, that doesn’t give her the right to terminate the live of another human being.

Again, you need to tell me at what point you believe human life has value and deserve rights and protection under the law.
It is not society’s business when a woman terminates a pregnancy.
Life has value.

Again, at what point to you believe human life has rights and deserves protection under the law?

Because a woman’s privacy and personal business get neutered when there is another person that she is legally responsible for.

It is wrong for society to tell a woman that she cannot terminate her pregnancy because pregnancy can incur death to her.
There are dozens of these hypothetical scenarios. And I believe there are valid considerations in these scenarios. However, rape and life threatening complications to the mother are a just tiny fraction of the reasons people get abortions.

Do you agree that the vast majority of abortions, which are for the convenience of the mother, is a bad thing? If not, then there really isn’t a reason for us to discuss common ground on the dozens of hypothetical scenario because they are essentially irrelevant to you because you support abortion regardless of those scenarios.

It is wrong for society to tell a woman that she cannot terminate her pregnancy because pregnancy can incur death to her.

It is correct and holy justified, proper moral, and true to tell a woman that she cannot kill her newborn child for the rest of its natural life. That is because once the child has been delivered and separated from the woman, the risk of death to her is over.

This should be easy to understand, but everybody here lies about what I’m saying
Including you.
And so here is the answer to when you believe life has value and deserve rights and protection under the law. Once it has been born. However, 5 minute earlier, is killing that child justifiable? Why so? What about passing through the birth canal bestows a human life with value?
You are a liar. I state unequivocally that abortion kills a living human being in utero.
Then why do you defend it? For the privacy of the woman? Because murdering a child doesn’t personally harm you?
So...dudmuck...women weren't made to make babies?
Two people killing each other is basically a normal weekday in Chicago. Abortion is the slaughter of the most marginalized, vulnerable and innocent in society.
For Whom the Bell Tolls
John Donne​
No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.
a woman’s privacy and personal business get neutered when there is another person that she is legally responsible for.

Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 231204 {post •12002}. yidnar Dec’23 Srvwgo: there is no way i can convince you that a human being is killed during an abortion .. nothing will change your support for the acts of evil called abortion . you probably dont even believe in evil. yvdnr 231204 Srvwgo12002

Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 231204 {post •12003}. NotfooledbyW Dec’23 Vrvwgo: Yes a human being in the fetal stage of life is killed when aborted. What now? nfbw Dec’23 Vrvwgo12003

Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 231204 {post •12004}. yidnar Dec’23 Srvwgo: so if the human being killed during the abortion isnt the mother then said human being is not part of the womans body .


yvndr 231204 Vrvwgo12004

In the image Saint Elmidgetron, How many conscious human beings are in that image prior to 25 weeks?
If two people across town from you kill each other, is that of no concern to you?
When any born person is killed by another it is of two major concerns to me as part of the entire concerned public.

(1) Is the killer at large and dangerous to more than the first victim

(2) If a killer is not punished according to law and order, it would create chaos and undermine all the normal functions of a society. Yes, chaos and dysfunction of a mad max world would be of the concern to me if killers were not apprehended, imprisoned or killed.

On the other hand, my next-door neighbor me going to the clinic and had an abortion yesterday I know nothing about it. I don’t see it creating any chaos in my life.
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Hypocrisy ^^
Explain that. Because 2/3 of the country are not blind to the reality I describe.

Have you for the past fifty years had concern if your neighbor had an abortion that she was coming for you or your loved ones next?

I live in the area and middle of the range where the DC Sniper chose his targets. One killing was a few miles to the east and the other was a few miles to the west. Other victims to the north and south for no reason.

Of course millions of people were concerned including me.
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Women can't be trusted with their own bodies 240405 {post •557}
Hypocrisy ^^^

When does human life begin? 211221 {post •27}. ding Dec’21 Swdhlb:
1. Is he or she alive?
2. Is he or she human?
3. Is he or she a specific person?
dvng 211221 Swdhlb00027

Women can't be trusted with their own bodies 240405 {post •559}

It is weak science to inject accusations of hypocrisy against me as your escape hatch from my attempt to keep a facts-base conversation going about the long running debate over when does the value of life begin within the scope of a secular governed nation that respects individual god-given to hunan rights as the highest order for the conscious human beings that give their consent to be governed and for whom the nation and the government is supposed to exist.

We the conscious and viable human beings of America must add two questions to Saint Ding’s godless approach to when protected human life begins saving reasonably conscious human beings who consent to be governed in a nation called America.

4. At what stage does he or she become conscience of being a separate person

5. At what stage does he or she become capable of surviving outside the womb when delivered to his or her parents with normal medical services available as assistance.

My answer is 28 weeks with normal hospital maternity assistance. 21 weeks with advanced hospital assistance costing in the neighborhood of a quarter million dollars at least snd no guarantee of a quality of life.

What is yours Saint Unkitare?

nfbw 240405 Vwcbtw00559. to nktr 240404 Swcbtw00557.
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