Wisconsin Dem Kimberly Zapata Found Guilty on All Counts Against Her in Voter Fraud Scheme Involving Military Ballot


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Wisconsin Dem Kimberly Zapata Found Guilty on All Counts Against Her in Voter Fraud Scheme Involving Military Ballot

20 Mar 2024 ~~ By Jim Hoft

In November 2022, Rep. Janel Brandtjen, then Chair of the Assembly on Campaigns and Elections, sent out an election fraud alert.
Rep. Brandtjen received three authentic military ballots to her home addressed to “Holly,” a woman who has never lived there.

Brantjen believed this was part of a scheme to steal votes in Wisconsin.
The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on this 2020 voter fraud scheme in several battleground states where military ballots shockingly went almost entirely to Joe Biden. We posted evidence that this occurred in Michigan, Arizona and Georgia.
More… Democrats say Zapata was trying to prove how easy it was to request fake ballots when she committed her crime. Democrats rushed in to defend her. Democrats argued that this was all a conspiracy theory. Even though it worked EXACTLY like Zapata said it would.

Oops! Democrat Neo-Marxists caught once again coking the voting books.
There are plenty of sewer-rats who need to be held accountable for the 2020 election fraud;
“Fraud” being the manipulation of the vote itself), and the 2020 election rigging​
“Rigging” being the Deep-state, Media, and Social Media collusion by way of bias, censorship, and governmental gaslighting like the 50+ State Dept. scumbags who signed off on Hunter’s laptop being “Russian disinformation”..​
Zapara's defense was a mockery.
Keep tuned for her sentencing and keep in mind she is a Democrat.
Each of the felony charges comes with a maximum sentence of six years imprisonment and a $10,000 fine.
Let's see what the Piper's payment is made by Kimberley Zapata.

Wisconsin Dem Kimberly Zapata Found Guilty on All Counts Against Her in Voter Fraud Scheme Involving Military Ballot

20 Mar 2024 ~~ By Jim Hoft

In November 2022, Rep. Janel Brandtjen, then Chair of the Assembly on Campaigns and Elections, sent out an election fraud alert.
Rep. Brandtjen received three authentic military ballots to her home addressed to “Holly,” a woman who has never lived there.

Brantjen believed this was part of a scheme to steal votes in Wisconsin.
The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on this 2020 voter fraud scheme in several battleground states where military ballots shockingly went almost entirely to Joe Biden. We posted evidence that this occurred in Michigan, Arizona and Georgia.
More… Democrats say Zapata was trying to prove how easy it was to request fake ballots when she committed her crime. Democrats rushed in to defend her. Democrats argued that this was all a conspiracy theory. Even though it worked EXACTLY like Zapata said it would.

Oops! Democrat Neo-Marxists caught once again coking the voting books.
There are plenty of sewer-rats who need to be held accountable for the 2020 election fraud;
“Fraud” being the manipulation of the vote itself), and the 2020 election rigging​
“Rigging” being the Deep-state, Media, and Social Media collusion by way of bias, censorship, and governmental gaslighting like the 50+ State Dept. scumbags who signed off on Hunter’s laptop being “Russian disinformation”..​
Zapara's defense was a mockery.
Keep tuned for her sentencing and keep in mind she is a Democrat.
Each of the felony charges comes with a maximum sentence of six years imprisonment and a $10,000 fine.
Let's see what the Piper's payment is made by Kimberley Zapata.
I love how they have been accusing each other of election fraud but when it comes to Republicans, there is no such thing as election fraud.

Wisconsin Dem Kimberly Zapata Found Guilty on All Counts Against Her in Voter Fraud Scheme Involving Military Ballot

20 Mar 2024 ~~ By Jim Hoft

In November 2022, Rep. Janel Brandtjen, then Chair of the Assembly on Campaigns and Elections, sent out an election fraud alert.
Rep. Brandtjen received three authentic military ballots to her home addressed to “Holly,” a woman who has never lived there.

Brantjen believed this was part of a scheme to steal votes in Wisconsin.
The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on this 2020 voter fraud scheme in several battleground states where military ballots shockingly went almost entirely to Joe Biden. We posted evidence that this occurred in Michigan, Arizona and Georgia.
More… Democrats say Zapata was trying to prove how easy it was to request fake ballots when she committed her crime. Democrats rushed in to defend her. Democrats argued that this was all a conspiracy theory. Even though it worked EXACTLY like Zapata said it would.

Oops! Democrat Neo-Marxists caught once again coking the voting books.
There are plenty of sewer-rats who need to be held accountable for the 2020 election fraud;
“Fraud” being the manipulation of the vote itself), and the 2020 election rigging​
“Rigging” being the Deep-state, Media, and Social Media collusion by way of bias, censorship, and governmental gaslighting like the 50+ State Dept. scumbags who signed off on Hunter’s laptop being “Russian disinformation”..​
Zapara's defense was a mockery.
Keep tuned for her sentencing and keep in mind she is a Democrat.
Each of the felony charges comes with a maximum sentence of six years imprisonment and a $10,000 fine.
Let's see what the Piper's payment is made by Kimberley Zapata.
Good to see election fraud ( when found) is identified, and the appropriate law enforcement authorities take it seriously.

Makes us wonder why this didn’t happen 30M times --that is the argument you guys have made for 3 years during your temper tantrum about non-existent voter fraud.
My mother (UK) used to get her voting forms through the post. Later in her life, they never got filled in and sent. I could have easily put an x in the relevant box and posted it without her knowing. But I didn't, but I could have done

Do you honestly believe voting fraud doesn't exist, are you gullible??
Faking Military ballots? Probably means Illegals and the non-living no longer generate enough votes to keep the democrats competitive
My mother (UK) used to get her voting forms through the post. Later in her life, they never got filled in and sent. I could have easily put an x in the relevant box and posted it without her knowing. But I didn't, but I could have done

Do you honestly believe voting fraud doesn't exist, are you gullible??
No.....just sarcastic. Anyone who still believes Biden didn't cheat is either in denial or has a terminal case of TDS.
Good to see election fraud ( when found) is identified, and the appropriate law enforcement authorities take it seriously.

Makes us wonder why this didn’t happen 30M times --that is the argument you guys have made for 3 years during your temper tantrum about non-existent voter fraud.
You or the MSM does not follow or report on what has been uncovered concerning fraud. If they did people would be demanding election integrity. The things uncovered in the swing states prove those elections never should have been certified. That is fact. Countless state laws were broken or ignored. The real truth is that Biden is illegitimate and Congress was complicit with the fraud.
You or the MSM does not follow or report on what has been uncovered concerning fraud. If they did people would be demanding election integrity. The things uncovered in the swing states prove those elections never should have been certified. That is fact. Countless state laws were broken or ignored. The real truth is that Biden is illegitimate and Congress was complicit with the fraud.
Wow, that must be frustrating that after so many years and tears shed...you’re still just a laughing stock.
Wow, that must be frustrating that after so many years and tears shed...you’re still just a laughing stock.
What you laugh at does nothing but show how truly sick you are. Life without truth is meaningless.

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