Why you DON'T want to become like Canada, the dangers of socialism


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
So I typed this up in another one of my threads and I just had to place it on it's own, I typed up so much so quickly. I would be remiss if I didn't share this with my American friends and those who either know how dangerous socialism is, or, erroneously have been intoxicated by Bernie Sanders and his ilk regarding the false utopia. Furthermore this is FAR from an exhaustive list, it's all just from the top of my head, recent news and facts. All from mainstream sources and details.

Sorry for the long read, but I care! :D

We just gained 10,000 part time jobs and LOST 8600 FULL-TIME jobs the last month. And the state run CBC cheered our job growth, the rate was literally lowered by our metrics due to this "success".

The Toronto Police have more officers making $100,000+ than any government institution in Ontario save for OPG. Some are making $150,000 a year to work primarily at sporting events and construction sites.

Per the above, Toronto has the highest child poverty rate in Canada. Agencies supporting initiative to feed underprivileged children needed to cut their budgets deeply, while the Toronto Police increased their budgets to record numbers. We have City Council making more than $300,000 a year.

Our bank rate for borrowing is half of 1% and hasn't been more than 1% since 2008 due to anemic growth and labour numbers. They just held this rate yet again because they don't see any growth in our economy.

Ontario is the most indebted sub borrowing jurisdiction in the world. Over $300B currently, it was once double Californias debt with a fraction of their population or economic activity. On a per capita basis we are the worst on the planet.

Canadian citizens debt is the highest in the West. We have more household debt now than our entire GDP.

Canadian household debt is now on average 167% of earnings.

The most overpriced housing market in the world is in Vancouver. Toronto is not far behind.

All of the above points to one thing. Not a correction, not a "cycle" It points to a crash of major proportions. We have not allowed the market to be free, we have relied on debt and borrowing for nepotism and crony capitalism to thrive. Outright theft in many cases which was well publicized and known in Ontario, and the government not only didn't go to prison, they were re-elected to a majority. Multiple $1 billion boondoggles.

In one instance, "E-Health", billions of dollars spent, and it's still not up and running. One of the high ranking managers was asked to resign or be fired, she told the government "if you fire me I will sue you". That was a decade ago, she remains happily employed by the taxpayer, to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars and a nice pension awaits her.

Ahh, I could go on for much longer, especially in regards to Human Rights and liberty.

We don't have property rights in Canada, it is called "landholding" or "tenure". 99% of land in Canada is owned by the Queen, it is not permanently protected, and can theoretically be taken at any time at on a whim.

Our healthcare in Ontario is abysmal. Sometimes taking months to see your GP, definitely months to see a specialist. Numerous people have died while waiting to see a specialist, others have had, say cancer spread and become much worse during the wait for a simply MRI or CT scan and were given a death sentence by the doctor.

Recently Ontario technology CEO's had some get together to discuss why educated, hard working and ambitious graduates from Ontario are leaving for California in droves. One of the CEO's suggested that citizens should be forced to stay within Canada and denied leave after they graduate for a period of 5-10 years so that companies in Ontario can maintain an educated workforce.

As it stands now, many leave for America for freedom, much higher wages, less taxes, lower costs of living, better growth opportunities (Canada is notorious for stifling employee growth and promotions). This sentence may change as Trump is looking at altering the H1B visa.

Canadian parliament voted against having to provide budget details and expenses for MP's. The taxpayer funded government, themselves, voted to NOT provide information to taxpayers. Nothing Canadians can do about it, because that is how our system is structured. The checks and balances have to come within, they have to be bestowed to the Canadian public by the sheer benevolence of those anointed.

Some of Canada's methods to undermine American and other foreign businesses in Canada would surprise you. So much so, that CETA still isn't signed and completed with Europe due to the dispute resolution process, quite simply the EU doesn't trust Canada. It probably never will be fully ratified now as the E.U is at risk of dissolving if any of the recent election results are any indication.

THIS is the result of socialism and it just scratches the surface. We have perpetuated so many problems and rewarded dishonesty that our moral compass is drastically damaged. So much so that only in the last little while have these issues even been ALLOWED to be questioned. I will probably get a knock on the door from the police to question me about my spreading of fact...ALL of the above details are from mainstream media sources. Google them yourself.

Is that enough reading for you? Sorry, I type very fast :D

“The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.” —Winston Churchill, House of Commons, 22 October 1945
“Socialists [on the other hand] regard taxation as good in itself and as tending to level our society….Everything possible is done discourage and stigmatize the inventor. The Chancellor [of the Exchequer] speaks in slighting terms of profit earners….What a lot of contempt he put into it—”profit earners.” There was an old Gladstonian expression: ‘Let the money fructify in the pockets of the people.’ That is regarded as a monstrous device of a decadent capitalist system.”- * Harry V. Jaffa, “Requiem for Socialism and the Iron Curtain,” Remarks on Churchill’s Birthday, 30 November 1990.

You are quoting the dictator of Russia about the evils of socialism ! ! !??

They moved to a form of capitalism quite some time ago Timmy.
Do try and keep up...

His liberal Media, owned by Soros&Co, never delivers any truth about Putin and Russia.

Neither their Media delivers the truth about their own country. Sometimes I wonder if the liberals live in the same country the other Americans do.
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No Socialist Government conducting the entire life and industry of the country could afford to allow free, sharp, or violently-worded expressions of public discontent. They would have to fall back on some form of Gestapo, no doubt very humanely directed in the first instance. And this would nip opinion in the bud; it would stop criticism as it reared its head, and it would gather all the power to the supreme party and the party leaders, rising like stately pinnacles above their vast bureaucracies of Civil servants, no longer servants and no longer civil."- Sir Winston Churchill, 1945 speech
So I typed this up in another one of my threads and I just had to place it on it's own, I typed up so much so quickly. I would be remiss if I didn't share this with my American friends and those who either know how dangerous socialism is, or, erroneously have been intoxicated by Bernie Sanders and his ilk regarding the false utopia. Furthermore this is FAR from an exhaustive list, it's all just from the top of my head, recent news and facts. All from mainstream sources and details.

Sorry for the long read, but I care! :D

We just gained 10,000 part time jobs and LOST 8600 FULL-TIME jobs the last month. And the state run CBC cheered our job growth, the rate was literally lowered by our metrics due to this "success".

The Toronto Police have more officers making $100,000+ than any government institution in Ontario save for OPG. Some are making $150,000 a year to work primarily at sporting events and construction sites.

Per the above, Toronto has the highest child poverty rate in Canada. Agencies supporting initiative to feed underprivileged children needed to cut their budgets deeply, while the Toronto Police increased their budgets to record numbers. We have City Council making more than $300,000 a year.

Our bank rate for borrowing is half of 1% and hasn't been more than 1% since 2008 due to anemic growth and labour numbers. They just held this rate yet again because they don't see any growth in our economy.

Ontario is the most indebted sub borrowing jurisdiction in the world. Over $300B currently, it was once double Californias debt with a fraction of their population or economic activity. On a per capita basis we are the worst on the planet.

Canadian citizens debt is the highest in the West. We have more household debt now than our entire GDP.

Canadian household debt is now on average 167% of earnings.

The most overpriced housing market in the world is in Vancouver. Toronto is not far behind.

All of the above points to one thing. Not a correction, not a "cycle" It points to a crash of major proportions. We have not allowed the market to be free, we have relied on debt and borrowing for nepotism and crony capitalism to thrive. Outright theft in many cases which was well publicized and known in Ontario, and the government not only didn't go to prison, they were re-elected to a majority. Multiple $1 billion boondoggles.

In one instance, "E-Health", billions of dollars spent, and it's still not up and running. One of the high ranking managers was asked to resign or be fired, she told the government "if you fire me I will sue you". That was a decade ago, she remains happily employed by the taxpayer, to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars and a nice pension awaits her.

Ahh, I could go on for much longer, especially in regards to Human Rights and liberty.

We don't have property rights in Canada, it is called "landholding" or "tenure". 99% of land in Canada is owned by the Queen, it is not permanently protected, and can theoretically be taken at any time at on a whim.

Our healthcare in Ontario is abysmal. Sometimes taking months to see your GP, definitely months to see a specialist. Numerous people have died while waiting to see a specialist, others have had, say cancer spread and become much worse during the wait for a simply MRI or CT scan and were given a death sentence by the doctor.

Recently Ontario technology CEO's had some get together to discuss why educated, hard working and ambitious graduates from Ontario are leaving for California in droves. One of the CEO's suggested that citizens should be forced to stay within Canada and denied leave after they graduate for a period of 5-10 years so that companies in Ontario can maintain an educated workforce.

As it stands now, many leave for America for freedom, much higher wages, less taxes, lower costs of living, better growth opportunities (Canada is notorious for stifling employee growth and promotions). This sentence may change as Trump is looking at altering the H1B visa.

Canadian parliament voted against having to provide budget details and expenses for MP's. The taxpayer funded government, themselves, voted to NOT provide information to taxpayers. Nothing Canadians can do about it, because that is how our system is structured. The checks and balances have to come within, they have to be bestowed to the Canadian public by the sheer benevolence of those anointed.

Some of Canada's methods to undermine American and other foreign businesses in Canada would surprise you. So much so, that CETA still isn't signed and completed with Europe due to the dispute resolution process, quite simply the EU doesn't trust Canada. It probably never will be fully ratified now as the E.U is at risk of dissolving if any of the recent election results are any indication.

THIS is the result of socialism and it just scratches the surface. We have perpetuated so many problems and rewarded dishonesty that our moral compass is drastically damaged. So much so that only in the last little while have these issues even been ALLOWED to be questioned. I will probably get a knock on the door from the police to question me about my spreading of fact...ALL of the above details are from mainstream media sources. Google them yourself.

Is that enough reading for you? Sorry, I type very fast :D
Socialism is a no-go from the start... fact
Sadly Rustic, as far as I am concerned it is the slow move to Communism, whether anticipated, expected or even desired.

There are virtues to certain social nets and even society obligations to one another, that is vastly different from people making themselves wealthy via false arguments about socialism being their objective.

It's clearly theft, abuse and a National Security threat, unless someone believes that a proposed change to the way of life that the West has enjoyed for so long can be achieved in a system long proven ineffective and unnatural, both in theory and practice. One which many have sacrificed so much to fight at every corner of the globe. Furthermore, those most threatened are future generations who have no say but will be doing the heavy lifting.
Canada: Americans without guns.
I guess that is why their homicide rate is so much lower than ours.

Nope. It's because they have almost no third world denizens inhabiting their country. Illegal aliens make up most of the US's violent criminals and that group doesn't exist in Canada.
Canada: Americans without guns.
I guess that is why their homicide rate is so much lower than ours.
Progressives do most of the murdering in urban areas of the US... fact
Really? How about providing some documentation confirming that?

Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people, attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

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