Why vote for Biden again?

So, why would any Democrat vote for a Democrat, especially for Biden or Congress? I know many Democrats are much richer than Republicans now and can afford these price increases. Gasoline also doubling too! Then, there are the Democrats who vote for Democrat liberals for their legislators and governor who just gave fast food companies a reason to lay off thousands of people even maybe shutdown their stores too.

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Corporate greed knows no limits.
Cougar b, Hope you were posting those food increases prices in order to frighten people,
as apposed to being so poor you cant bare the increases.
So GRATEFULL to live in USA, so many country's are literally starving too death. and water is scarce.
YES indeed Many problems have been created buy both major party's over the last 60 years.
Sort of silly to blame only one party when presidents & high rank have changed every 4 to 8 years.
Nice try attempting direct the horrible Biden economic plans. Trying to get people to want to lower what we have here in the USA Aro the rest of the world is sick. This will weaken the leader country of the free world and make the communists to be able to take over. Such stupidity.
When you Leftists say progress you mean communism.

I've yet to see any evidence that the border bill would have done anything to reduce illegal aliens coming into the country. Funding Ukraine is simply prolonging a war that kills White people and serves to advance the Great Reset.

I don't have a party. Republicans are controlled opposition to Democrats. Apparently you didn't understand my post if you think I worship the GOP for aiding in the destruction of the US.

It was a bipartisan border bill, which means the republicans had a strong hand in the language and initiatives in the bill as well as the democrats. Both sides agreed on it. I guess if you didn't see any evidence it would have reduced immigration then that proves what I said about the GOP and their goals to do nothing but obstruct rather than get anything done in government. Thank you for reassuring me.

You don't have a party but you're a republican, possibly even a maga republican. What's the difference? You're heart and soul still belongs to the GOP lol.
Reagan was reelected with high interest, high unemployment and high prices.
He took over from the person who put the inflation and interest rates high with liberal commie policies. Destroyed the military and embarrassed the U.S. all over the world. Jimmy Carter was the worst of the worst Presidents until Biden. Reagan too over with the high rates and unemployment. It took 4 years to get those things under control and going downward. By the time he left office, we had a great economy with low inflation and interest rates compared to what he took over from Carter.
Because corrupt Trump has no bussiness being anywhere near White House.
Biden is by far more corrupt. And, the people are now realizing how corrupt the Democrats are by attempting to jail their competition. Trump is widening his lead and in swing states as well because of the corrupt AG and DA's in the wicked states and cities. What you guys are doing is just like Russia. The same Putin you claim Trump is buddies with. But, Democrats like Biden are behaving corruptly like Putin jailing and I'm sure will attempt to take Trump's life at some point. There's a DA that is trying to get the Secret Service from protecting him and his family. Corruption is the Democrats play. Biden or any other Democrat politician has no business being anywhere near the White House.

Over a virus no better than the cold cold?

Yes, it was because of the shutdown. After the shutdown, people went back to work and the employment numbers of course would go up. DUH!!!
Corporate greed knows no limits.
Corporate greed probably paid you you whole life. Bite that hand that feeds you is the Democrat motto. I'm way more concerned by the corruption in greed in Washington starting with Biden.
So, why would any Democrat vote for a Democrat, especially for Biden or Congress? I know many Democrats are much richer than Republicans now and can afford these price increases. Gasoline also doubling too! Then, there are the Democrats who vote for Democrat liberals for their legislators and governor who just gave fast food companies a reason to lay off thousands of people even maybe shutdown their stores too.

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Franco, what do you disagree with. Everyone knows these price increases have happened. And, we know what's going on in California with minimum wages. I would not be surprised if McDonalds and others will start shutting their doors putting hundreds of thousands of people out of work. So far, they have immediately raised prices between 10 and 16 percent! Can the low income ever go to those places to get a cheap hamburger again? No! Bidenese supporters are dumber than dumb.
Corporate greed probably paid you you whole life.
Unlikely. I worked public sector for a number of years. I am thinking about going back TBH. Love what I do now but its never quite enough.
Bite that hand that feeds you is the Democrat motto.
Wouldn't know, I'm not a democrat.
I'm way more concerned by the corruption in greed in Washington starting with Biden.
Thats funny. Let me when when Biden has to grant pardons to half of his campaign brain trust.

Insert your latest whinefest here:
2 impeachments and 90+ criminal charges say you are full of shit.
The impeachments were political. The underlying reasons for the Democrat controlled House were never proved. Your Democrat Mueller concluded the same. Schiff never did come forth with any proof that he claimed he had. He lied. The charges are phony as well. The corrupt DA Bragg was told not to because it’s all false. His case has fallen apart. All he has is a corrupt judge who should have recused himself for several reasons. So, who’s full of $&@#? You are.
The impeachments were political. The underlying reasons for the Democrat controlled House were never proved.

Horseshit, In the first impeachment some Republicans that voted against conviction admitted that “mountains of evidence” showed that in fact Trump did try to corruptly extort Ukraine, admitted that it was wrong, but that “voters should descide in upcoming election”. Well, voters DID decide and kicked Trump the fuck out.

In second one 10 Republicans in the House voted with Democrats to impeach Trump for him breaking his oath of office during attack on the Congress. In the Senate their excuse was that he is no longer President and it’s moot.

So in both cases at least some Republicans admitted Trump’s culpability, absolutely there was bi-partisanship on that.

What do Republicans have on Biden in their go-nowhere impeachment attempts? Nothing.
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The impeachments were political. The underlying reasons for the Democrat controlled House were never proved. Your Democrat Mueller concluded the same. Schiff never did come forth with any proof that he claimed he had. He lied. The charges are phony as well. The corrupt DA Bragg was told not to because it’s all false. His case has fallen apart. All he has is a corrupt judge who should have recused himself for several reasons. So, who’s full of $&@#? You are.
Hilariously fucked up fuckup

Your guy is dirty. Why is melania not in court to hear about his adulterous conduct.
Yes, it was because of the shutdown. After the shutdown, people went back to work and the employment numbers of course would go up. DUH!!!

Post the employment numbers then under the adulterous mogo.
The impeachments were political. The underlying reasons for the Democrat controlled House were never proved. Your Democrat Mueller concluded the same. Schiff never did come forth with any proof that he claimed he had. He lied. The charges are phony as well. The corrupt DA Bragg was told not to because it’s all false. His case has fallen apart. All he has is a corrupt judge who should have recused himself for several reasons. So, who’s full of $&@#? You are.
The acquittals were the only political (and embarrassing) aspect of the Dirty Don Shake down of Ukraine and the attempted illegal overturning of the 2020 election. The Democrats proved their allegations.
So, why would any Democrat vote for a Democrat, especially for Biden or Congress? I know many Democrats are much richer than Republicans now and can afford these price increases. Gasoline also doubling too! Then, there are the Democrats who vote for Democrat liberals for their legislators and governor who just gave fast food companies a reason to lay off thousands of people even maybe shutdown their stores too.

I’m sorry you lost your fast food job, but most of us are doing pretty well. Biden’s done a very good job under difficult circumstances.

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