Why Don't Liberals Blame Biden for the Big Jump in COVID Cases and Deaths After Biden Took Office?

Recently some liberal posted a thread that blamed Trump for the rise in COVID cases and deaths in 2020, ignoring the fact that state governors were the ones who determined their respective state's lockdown measures, and ignoring the fact that COVID cases and deaths vastly increased after every blue state, and some red states, imposed draconian lockdown measures that needlessly forced the shutdown of tens of thousands of businesses and put millions of people out of work.

If liberals blame Trump for the rise in COVID cases and deaths in 2020, why do they not blame Biden for the big hikes in COVID cases and deaths in January-February 2022?

According to Worldometer and USA Facts, In early January 2022, new COVID cases rose by nearly 800,000 per day. There were 143,000 new cases per day as of December 10, 2021, but as of January 7, new cases per day skyrocketed up to 914,000 (LINK: LINK). On January 26, 2022, new COVID deaths rose to 3,600 per day, dwarfing the 564 new deaths per day recorded on June 27, 2021 (LINK: LINK).

The largest number of new cases in one day under Trump was 311,000--on January 8, 2021 (LINK; LINK). The largest number of new cases in one day under Biden was 914,000--on January 7, 2022 (LINK; LINK). Yet, Democratic governors did not rush to wreck the economy again by reimposing their draconian 2020 lockdown measures.

You would have never known these facts if you only got your news from legacy media outlets, whereas these same outlets deluged us with almost-hourly coverage of every increase in new cases and deaths in 2020.

BTW, the states that only imposed moderate or light lockdown measures fared just about as well as, or better than, the states that imposed draconian lockdown measures.
because you guys refuse to mask or take the vaccine?. don't blame biden for your own irresponsibility. makes you sound like trump.

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