Why do democrats want open borders? let's face facts


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2013
The Big Easy
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congressional districts are determined by population counts from the census, illegals are counted in the census. So the more illegals allowed in the country the more congressional districts are created. The dems think that the majority of illegals will vote dem because dem policies allowed them to illegally enter our country. The whole open border bullshit is being done to create more democrat congressional districts and allow democrats to control the house of representatives. That is all this has ever been about. Dems are not worried about the plight of illegals or their welfare. They are only concerned with increasing their power to dictate their socialist woke agenda to the entire country. They are willing to let american citizens be raped and murdered in order to increase their power. They must be stopped and right now voting for Trump is the only way to stop them.
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congressional districts are determined by population counts from the census, illegals are counted in the census. So the more illegals allowed in the country the more congressional districts are created. The dems think that the majority of illegals will vote dem because dem policies allowed them to illegally enter our country. The whole open border bullshit is being done to create more democrat congressional districts and allow democrats to control the house of representatives. That is all this has ever been about. Dems are not worried about the plight of illegals or their welfare. They are only concerned with increasing their power to dictate their socialist woke agenda to the entire country. They are willing to let american citizens be raped and murdered in order to increase their power. They must be stopped and right now voting for Trump is the only way to stop them.
Mass deportations under Trump will solve this problem. Start with the BLue States.
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congressional districts are determined by population counts from the census, illegals are counted in the census. So the more illegals allowed in the country the more congressional districts are created. The dems think that the majority of illegals will vote dem because dem policies allowed them to illegally enter our country. The whole open border bullshit is being done to create more democrat congressional districts and allow democrats to control the house of representatives. That is all this has ever been about. Dems are not worried about the plight of illegals or their welfare. They are only concerned with increasing their power to dictate their socialist woke agenda to the entire country. They are willing to let american citizens be raped and murdered in order to increase their power. They must be stopped and right now voting for Trump is the only way to stop them.

All of that is very true. But there is also a more sinister point behind it as well. It serves a 2nd purpose, one more evil.

Anyone that digs beyond just surface level msm headlines knows people like George soros and claus scwaub and the world economic forum are democrats biggest funders. They buy their way into politics. They can't change the laws so they change who enforced the laws. But their end goal is to end America as a completely free, independent, world super power. And they do this by destabilizing America via dividing it, filling it with crime and drugs, bankrupting it, weakening it and dilluting it with illegals.

They have made their statement and that statement is America will no longer be a world super power. This the world economic forums own statement.

They intend to ruin America so it will become part of a globalized group ruling under them.
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congressional districts are determined by population counts from the census, illegals are counted in the census. So the more illegals allowed in the country the more congressional districts are created. The dems think that the majority of illegals will vote dem because dem policies allowed them to illegally enter our country. The whole open border bullshit is being done to create more democrat congressional districts and allow democrats to control the house of representatives. That is all this has ever been about. Dems are not worried about the plight of illegals or their welfare. They are only concerned with increasing their power to dictate their socialist woke agenda to the entire country. They are willing to let american citizens be raped and murdered in order to increase their power. They must be stopped and right now voting for Trump is the only way to stop them.
“Lets face facts”...and you do nothing but post un-cited opinions.
yes, of course they have lied. But not all the time like the other MSM liars. The border is not secure, it is open and we have no idea who has come in, where they are, or how many are terrorists that want to kill YOU.
You really are lost if you follow FOX or any major news outlet with a commercial position to protect.
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congressional districts are determined by population counts from the census, illegals are counted in the census. So the more illegals allowed in the country the more congressional districts are created. The dems think that the majority of illegals will vote dem because dem policies allowed them to illegally enter our country. The whole open border bullshit is being done to create more democrat congressional districts and allow democrats to control the house of representatives. That is all this has ever been about. Dems are not worried about the plight of illegals or their welfare. They are only concerned with increasing their power to dictate their socialist woke agenda to the entire country. They are willing to let american citizens be raped and murdered in order to increase their power. They must be stopped and right now voting for Trump is the only way to stop them.
Biden two weeks ago asked you to send a border deal to his desk and Trump led congress refused...

This boarder deal was passed by Senate GOP and Border Patrol union...

Trump and Maga Mike are stopping action on the border because Trump doesn't want to give a win to Biden.

Biden asked for it and GOP Congress refused...

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